What are the models developed to explain global warming?
2011-08-12 02:40:11 UTC
I am supposed to do a presentation on them but I do not really understand what they mean by model.
Would you mind making a list of the models names, with a brief explanation?
What I have found (and am not sure if its on topic)(please tell me if it is or not) is the Energy Balance Model, which I explained with the Stefan Boltzmann equation. Then I started doing general circulation model (GCM) because wikipedia told me it had something to do with global warming, but I did not see the relation, for me it just explains how the winds work.

This is exactly what I was told to do:

- research the various models developed to explain global warming
- give brief explanations of the models
- briefly detail any available evidence supporting the models
Eight answers:
2011-08-12 05:18:14 UTC
A model is a way to explain how something works simply. For example, the water cycle is an example of a model that explains in simple terms, how water moves through our environment. In reality it is much more complex, but the model makes it simple and easy to understand. Basically, your project is to explain the several different ways that people think global warming could be happening.

You should be searching for the ways that people think global warming might be happening, not just things with the word "model" in it that are related to global warming. What you have mentioned so far is somewhat off-topic.

The point of school isn't just to learn to information, it's to learn the methods by which you can go into the world and look for things that you don't know, and figure them out yourself. That skill is more important than any specific information you will learn in school. Now that I've explained what the question is and what the word model means, you should do the rest yourself.
Jeffrey Cole
2011-08-14 22:58:42 UTC
Would you like modeling to show Global Warming/Climate Change is a myth and illusion by misrepresenting facts by Mr. Gore?

Almost all modeling to show Global Warming is real, are incorrect, because they don't include many of the real variability's that counter any influence of CO2 influence.

Water vapor is 95% of greenhouse effect.

CO2 is only 0.28%

All other gasses are 4.72% greenhouse effect.

By The Way - Renewable energies have serious flaws as well. England has paid their wind farms to shut down, and Germany is having real problems because they are not reliable and are very unpredictable. But that's another topic.

Wikipedia has many flaws with their publications. Be careful what you read on the Internet - a bunch of it is bogus.

The Heartland Institute (think-tank)

Heritage Foundation (think-tank)
2011-08-12 11:06:23 UTC
Models are mathematical equations. General Circulation Models are mathematical equations based on the laws of physics that explains how air masses move an create weather. These equations are programmed into computers and are complicated enough your pc can't do it. It takes supercomputers.

The entire globe is divided into "grid cells (like graph paper). The cells run horizontal (across the surface of the globe) and vertically (from the ground up to space). Each individual cell is a location on or above the earth. Weather is estimated for the center point of each cell. The weather in each cell is simulated for the entire globe at once for a certain specified time period (1/2 hr intervals was common). The weather in each cell can move to the next cell l in the next period , but this is determined by equations.

The analytical time frame for the analysis is typically not more than 100 years - they simulate 100 years in the future, estimating weather for every cell at every 1/2 hour for the 100 year simulation period. The weatehr estimates are not accurate, but represent weather that is reasonable for conditions in a cell at that point in time. The statistical average of the weather in these cells is used to determine climate. These numbers are much more accurate than estimates of weather, because the weather measure (temperature and precipitation for example) can be over or underestimated. The averages are correct. The average of weather measures are the measures of climate.

Factors that go into the model include the amount of incoming solar radiation, the concentration of CO2, average number of volcanic eruptions (and all the stuff they spew), orbital changes, solar cycles. Some are linked to ocean and ecological models (equations) that adjust the weather of ocean and ecological influences This is how scientists relate changes in CO2, Solar radiation and such to climate change.

This is very old (20 years ago) and from memory, but I think it is reasonably accurate
2011-08-12 19:02:59 UTC
Bubba provides a very good overview of a standard general circulation model. There are an almost limitless number of variations as the models themselves can be tweaked to focus in on specific aspects, to include or exclude any number of variables, to assign different weightings, interactions, feedbacks, probabilities etc.

In essence you can think of a model as being a computer simulation. Information is fed into it about lots of different factors that affect the climate and the model is then run. The result is a forecast of what the future climate could be like.

One of the problems you’re going to face in explaining GCM’s is that, whilst he concept is simple, the workings are phenomenally complicated, that’s why they need some of the world’s most powerful computers to run them. Some of the links below provide summaries and if you experiment with the NCAR model (one you can download and use yourself) it may help put things into perspective.

The same links should also address the points you were told to answer. But to provide a satisfactory answer that meets the specified criteria you’re going to have to learn something about the models – and that’s not going to be all that easy.

To get you started, a typical model will factors in many variables. The way the variables act and react can be changed, so too can the way the influence each other and the way they interact together. A basic climate model will include the following:

• The land↔atmosphere interaction

• The soil↔biosphere interaction

• The atmosphere↔biosphere interaction

• The ice↔ocean interaction

• The atmpsphere↔ice interaction

• Cryospherics: Glaciers, ice sheets, ice shelves, sea-ice, snow, permafrost, frozen ground etc

• Land surfaces: Vegetation, geomorphology, ecosystems, land use, land use change, albedo, volcanoes

• Oceanics: Biogeochemistry, thermohaline and other circulations, sea-levels

• Hydrology: Evapouration, transpiration, precipitation, cloud cover

• Weather: Wind stresses, wind dynamics, thermodynamics

• Oscillations in the oceans and atmosphere. Very long term models will take planetary oscillations into account.

• Radiation: Terrestrial and solar, changes to both

• Boundary transitions

• Changes in solar activity

• Changes in human activity

More info…

The NCAR Single-column Community Climate Model

Climate Models: An Assessment of Strengths and Limitations

The JASON’s climate model of the world (the first real climate model)

IPCC Model Outputs

Climate Models and Their Evaluation
2011-08-14 16:41:20 UTC
According to "Inconvenience Truth" the planet only had until 2008 to stop global warming.

Now it is TOO LATE.

99% of the people in the world are going to die before the year 2019 from floods, hurricanes, droughts, blizzards, tsunamis and starvation.

Only the very rich people like Al Gore in their underground mansions will survive the coming climate apocalypse.
2016-10-16 04:07:08 UTC
genuinely, merely approximately 12 circumstances bigger. particular, heard that one too throughout the Ordovician, photograph voltaic output advance into lots under cutting-edge levels. hence, CO2 levels in basic terms mandatory to fall under 3000 aspects in line with million for glaciation to be achievable. the latest CO2 data calculated from sediment cores coach that CO2 levels fell sharply throughout the late Ordovician with the aid of intense rock weathering removing CO2 from the air. hence the CO2 checklist throughout the late Ordovician is totally consistent with the theory that CO2 is a strong driver of climate. try returned.
James Dunn
2011-08-12 09:39:56 UTC
just say some guy in jamaca owns a green house and the worlds gonna explode. only hippies belive in global warning
2011-08-12 02:55:35 UTC
so do i , i think that better apply and test once.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.