â Was there any data that could only be found at the CRU?
No, the CRU doesn’t produce original data per-se, the data it uses come from other sources such as the UK’s Met Office, NASA, British Antarctic Survey, various militaries, airports, the NOAA, European Space Agency, universities etc
â Many people talk about the CRU destroying/hiding data,
The data that were destroyed were duplicate copies. With advances in computing, data were transferred onto hard-drives and the old magnetic computer tapes were destroyed. Paper duplicates were also destroyed. The claim that original data were destroyed is nonsense, the original data alleged to have been destroyed are safe and well in the Met Office Archives with copies held by numerous organisations.
â keeping it out of the hands of deniers, thus depriving them of an opportunity to refute the CRU's conclusions
There is some truth to this. The CRU have responded very slowly to some requests for information. UK laws provide for anyone to request data and information, this provision is established under the Freedom of Information Act (FIA).
The CRU receives many requests under the FIA and most are dealt with promptly. There are some skeptics and deniers who abuse the system and inundate the CRU with requests for all manner of obscure and abstract bits of information.
Stephen McIntyre for example sends an average of two requests per day. As a consequence requests from certain people were given a low priority and several extraneous and infantile requests were ignored.
â Did the CRU produce any original data,
Like any organisation the CRU produces it’s own data, these are shared with climate research organisations around the world. Much of it is publicly available online, the Met Office (of which the CRU is a part) is currently making millions of files and documents available online but with over 350 years worth of records this is a long process.
â or did they get all of it from other sources
The data that were alleged to have been destroyed relate to the global temperature record, in this respect the data come from other sources.
â sources that any climate scientist or organization would have access to the same data as the CRU?
As a climate scientist myself I have access to the CRU data, we also maintain a global temperature record and have complete copies of the data that were allegedly destroyed.