2007-11-08 17:07:55 UTC
In 2001, the IPCC's report used "Hockey Stick" as proof man was the problem. However, this evidence was completely debunked. A main piece of evidence which is completely disproved does not lend itself to a science that is already "solved".
In the USA, 1998 was proclaimed as the hottest year in history by NASA and James Hansen. After scientist studied the data, it was found an error existed in NASA's calculations and 1934 was the hottest year. Again, the science is not past discussion.
Another example, in Al Gore's movie, he said, "Do these graphs fit together?" He then went on to explain that the data showed CO2 drives temperature. Again, scientist studying the data discovered that CO2 lagged temp by about 800 years.
Why do people claim the science is settled, when obviously, it is not?