Yep, We are all going to die. Everyone, it is time to start panicking. The tipping point is about to be reached. It should be clear to everyone that this tipping point truly does exist too. If you look at the atmosphere. Clearly we have a three-dimensional planar sitting on an apex. Clearly you need only look at the science and you will see that should more weight hit on the left most side of that plateau, the entire plane will fall off the apex. Just as clearly the world will be hit by this three dimensional planar causing oceans to rise, seas to start boiling. We are looking at becoming a Venus-like climate until we are blissfully swallowed by the sun, or a meteor crashes and kills us all saving us from the hell that the world will become. OK maybe not.
Maybe, Just Maybe, you have no idea what you are talking about when you say "tipping point". This is a meaningless statement, that absolutely no scientist should use without clearly definig what they mean. Likely, the earth is not unstable. It is entertaining that the Earth has been hit by many meteors and managed to come back to equilibrium, but you "scientists" talk about tipping point as if the Earth is some plate precariously sitting atop an apex. Are you trying to demonstrate the scare-mongering garbage that I ahve been talking about?
"But worse is worser than less bad is better."
Ahhh. Now I understand, everything is clear now.
Maybe if the Earth warms any more, it will be too hot for Atlas to hold up and we will find ourselves plummeting in oblivion.
Richard, Antartica is melting??? Look again.
Nope Guess again
Funny, This is coming from warmers sites trying to explain the phenomenon that you pretend isn't even happening. Always love to see the high level of honesty coming from the warmers. Also unfortunatel, because people like you try to tax me, your ignorance is my problem, so either fix it, or do not expect intelligent people who can see through all of the garbage you post to actually support your taxation schemes.
Once again you assume all positive feedbacks and no negative feedbacks. This would be fine if the data actually supported this argument. Unfortunately, the data does not, only the silly models which have been overestimating time and time again. You see, if you assume all 0.74 degree of warming over the last 100 years is caused by man, then 40% caused 0.74 degrees, meaning 100% would have to cause ~1.85 degrees of the additional 60% would cause ~1.1 degrees. This is assuming linear when the truth would actually be less than linear or less that 1.1. This does not line up with a bunch of positive feedbacks working nor your idea of insulation. If your data does not match your theories, it is not the data you change. Further, this idea of some frail earth that has a "tipping point" and can easily be knocked off to large temps swings, just does not jive with the same Earth that has been hit by many huge meteors and manages to come back to equilibrium. And if you are going to quote RR as a credible source, then perhaps you should take his advice for health care. Seriously, this a very very very weak call to authority.