2012-05-29 08:24:38 UTC
Ok, here's a numbered list of everything I can think of that at least some people believe about AGW:
1. The planet is warming, and has been for the past ~ century
2. The planet has not been warming unusually over the past ~ century, any warming we have seen is simply us coming out of the last ice age
3. The warming in 1. is primarily due to human influence, primarily human emissions of CO2 (and to a lesser extent methane and N2O)
4. The warming in 1. is entirely, or at least primarily, due to natural factors
5. The warming in 1. is likely to, on average, be harmful for humans and natural systems
6. The warming in 1. is likely to, on average, be beneficial for humans and natural systems
7. The planet has both warmed and cooled significantly in the past
8. Present warming is historically unusual
9. The planet is likely to continue to warm, probably at even faster rates if we do not take action to curb human greenhouse gas emissions
10. AGW is a hoax, a conspiracy, or otherwise blatantly false
11. AGW is going to make the planet unlivable, cause the extinction of the human race, utterly destroy civilization, or the like, at least if we don't take action at some point.
12. The problems in 11. are likely to happen within the next 2-3 decades
13. The problems in 11. will only happen if AGW remains unchecked for the next century or so.
14. AGW is real, but has stopped.
15. Taking action against AGW can be done in a way that does not cause economic collapse
16. Taking action against AGW will invariably destroy the economy and/or send us back to pre-1900s tech.
17. AGW is real, but trivial, most temperature variation is due to natural causes and there is not a significant anthropogenic long-term warming trend
18. Ocean acidification is real and, on average, harmful
19. Ocean acidification is not real
20. Ocean acidification is, on average, harmless
I think that pretty much covers it. If there's any major viewpoints/ideas I missed, feel free to add them as additional numbers.
So. What would it take to get you to believe some or all of the things from this list that you don't currently believe? That is, what evidence or sequence of events, if it was observed, would lead you to conclude that, in fact, you were previously wrong and that thing was correct? (if there are some things that would require something like a Matrix-style reality-is-not-real revelation or the like for you to believe, feel free to either skip them, or just list them as "not going to happen" or the like...)
For example, I, personally, would believe 14 if temperatures (and other indicators of warming) remained stable or dropped, on average, for at least 30 years. I also might believe it, at least tentatively, if they dropped significantly, without obvious explanation (aerosols, reduced CO2, etc.) for at least 15 years.