Knowing that "manmade global warming" is based on falsified data, how can anyone believe in it anymore?
2009-11-30 10:08:13 UTC
This ClimateGate deal is HUGE. It changes everything. It is akin to finding out that cigarettes cure cancer, or that McDonald's makes you thin.

I don't know how anyone self-respecting person can continue another day with this manmade global warming garbage.
Nineteen answers:
2009-11-30 10:20:15 UTC
You seem to be confused. Even the conservative Washington Times has admitted that ClimateGate is no big deal.

Because taking a few sentences out of context doesn't change the science. Atmospheric CO2 is still increasing, the planet is still warming, ice is still melting, sea levels are still rising, etc.
Weise Ente
2009-11-30 15:48:20 UTC
Knowing that "evolution" is based on falsified data, how can anyone believe in it anymore?

This Haeckel thing is HUGE. It changes everything. It is akin to finding out that cigarettes cure cancer, or that McDonald's makes you thin.

I don't know how anyone self-respecting person can continue another day with this evolution garbage.

2009-11-30 11:10:46 UTC
It falls under the "You can fool some of the people, all of the time" portion of the quote.


It is funny that you act as if the email are forged, when the scientists themselves have admitted to writing the emails. An AGWer trying to pass off blatant lies as the truth. I wish I could say that this was new for you folks.

And as for general perception as you say. Only 37% of people believe that GW is caused by man. That's far from a majority. Your views on what Joe the plumber thinks is a little biased, obviously.


I love your new "its no big deal" attitude.

We do not have the "smoking gun" linking man to GW.

Dana "its no big deal"

Scientists are deleting information protected by FOI.

Dana - "its no big deal"

Scientists are stopping publication of research that disagrees with their findings.

Dana - "its no big deal"

Polar bear population has been increasing, while AWGers said it was going down

Dana - "its no big deal"

Hurricanes and tornadoes have failed to increase as predicted.

Dana - "its no big deal"

The sea has only been rising at .002 meter/year.

Dana - "its no big deal"

Scientists do not feel obligated to give out their data.

Dana - "its no big deal"

Dana, you are almost right, it is the AGW scare that is no big deal, just a big farce.
2016-10-03 15:32:54 UTC
in accordance with what I unquestionably have discovered as a layman, i think that recent international temperature information taken at length factors is extremely below one hundred% precise, yet is satisfactorily precise to grant us a clean indication of the traits. i do no longer think of that information has been falsified; i think this is crucially important that examine proceed and is sophisticated and that we undertake smart measures to mitigate means impact(s) mankind has on the climate. i don't have sufficient history interior the sciences or the supplies to examine international temperature information taken from ice cores, etc, yet my understanding is that the innovations this is being assembled is giving a particularly consistent photograph of international temperatures and stipulations interior the distant previous. in spite of the actuality that I unquestionably have a nodding familiarity with how climate data are accrued and anaIyzed, i may be attracted to getting to understand extra approximately how that innovations is derived from the data stumbled on.
2009-12-02 07:47:45 UTC
Being in denial is a wonderful thing because you get to ignore the facts.

People just would rather fight to be right than realize they made a mistake.

Admitting you are wrong sometimes is not an option.

Some people would rather be seen as passionate as they fight a wrong point than to be flat out wrong.

Human behavior is a funny thing.
2009-12-03 09:02:26 UTC
We should impose a world wide ban of Coke - pepsi - 7up and all those type drinks because Co2 in the soft drink industry is destroying the atmosphere
2009-11-30 11:23:14 UTC
The truth is they are very much like the Germans who supported the Nazis.

One scholar writes:


Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels was the master of the “big lie” tactic in which a lie, no matter how outrageous, is repeated often enough that it will eventually be accepted as truth. Goebbels explained:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”


They love the "Big Lie" -- just as the Nazis and Germans in Nazi Germany loved the lies of Joseph Goebbels.
Shock and Awe
2009-11-30 13:57:53 UTC
I hope everyone remembers this was found on the internet and we need to see the faces along with the data before everyone jumps on this bandwagon of who lied and didn't. The claims themselves could another "Balloon Boy" or "War of Worlds" hoax to start shyt up.
2009-11-30 10:15:08 UTC
I'm not sure about the cigarettes and McDonald's thing, but I agree with you on the global warming nonsense. It's just a way to bring in money, because people are gullible enough to believe anything you tell them. Many scientists have been proving that global warming is not happening, but all those results and data are being swept under the rug. And we mustn't forget that Al Gore started this BS, and he barely passed the science classes he took in college. He did horribly in science, and now he thinks he has the right to get us all hyped up about Global Warming? He doesn't know a thing!

In short, yep. It's ridiculous.
2009-11-30 10:12:09 UTC
Drink Tennessee Tuxedo Al Gore Kool Aid
2009-11-30 10:26:15 UTC
There's no way now of knowing what climate data used by the alarmists is real and what isn't. CRU is the major source of information for the IPCC, so their data is suspect also.

If they want to continue with their charade then all their information needs to be re-evaluated by independent, non-biased scientists. It's becoming pretty clear what the results will be.
2009-11-30 10:32:30 UTC
In the real world virtually no-one is remotely bothered about Climategate. The general public perception is that a bunch of skeptics have forged some emails.

You claim it's HUGE, that's just wishful thinking. Try walking down the street and asking real people what they think about it. Most will have heard of it, most won't be at all interested in it. We have a bunch of builders refurbishing our offices at the moment - good bunch of guys, all of them are regular Joe's, none of them give a monkeys about what the skeptics are doing or saying.

The skeptics are once again acting like a child at Christmas, Real excited and got a shiny new toy to play with but soon it will be broken and discarded in a corner.
2009-11-30 14:20:51 UTC
If it so proven to be false, where is your proof? Who proved it? Or is that what Rush said?
2009-11-30 10:36:06 UTC
A lot of people look out their door and see the changes. High school kids in my town tell me the weather is warmer since they were "kids".
2009-11-30 10:11:37 UTC
Climate change is a natural occurrence. Dinosaurs didn't have hummers to cause the Ice Age. Vikings didn't have hummers to melt the ice and put us in to our current climate heating.
2009-11-30 10:19:07 UTC
Anthropogenic aerosols are causing global warming... Now it may not be the whole contributor to global warming but it certainly is the primary cause... People who say otherwise are just like the people who say 9/11 was caused by the government...
Tom S
2009-11-30 11:18:28 UTC
You read it on the internet, it must be true!
2009-11-30 10:13:30 UTC
It's not based on falsfied data--no one has presented any proof of that. There are trillions of bytes of REAL data supporting it. Go back to reading your blogs and watching Fox News.
Rufus Jenkins
2009-11-30 10:17:37 UTC
You obviously don't. Many do, however still believe in science. Have fun with your denial!

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