It falls under the "You can fool some of the people, all of the time" portion of the quote.
It is funny that you act as if the email are forged, when the scientists themselves have admitted to writing the emails. An AGWer trying to pass off blatant lies as the truth. I wish I could say that this was new for you folks.
And as for general perception as you say. Only 37% of people believe that GW is caused by man. That's far from a majority. Your views on what Joe the plumber thinks is a little biased, obviously.
I love your new "its no big deal" attitude.
We do not have the "smoking gun" linking man to GW.
Dana "its no big deal"
Scientists are deleting information protected by FOI.
Dana - "its no big deal"
Scientists are stopping publication of research that disagrees with their findings.
Dana - "its no big deal"
Polar bear population has been increasing, while AWGers said it was going down
Dana - "its no big deal"
Hurricanes and tornadoes have failed to increase as predicted.
Dana - "its no big deal"
The sea has only been rising at .002 meter/year.
Dana - "its no big deal"
Scientists do not feel obligated to give out their data.
Dana - "its no big deal"
Dana, you are almost right, it is the AGW scare that is no big deal, just a big farce.