Oh yearn, it's always propaganda this or conspiracy theory that with you guys and never any rational thought or evidence to back the empty claims,
What do you have here, if you actually read the story a real story on the effects of AGW on countries like the Netherlands which is to a fair degree already below sea level.
As even you admit if you read the caption it states this photo is due to local flooding not AGW so what is your propaganda, the suggestion that deniers can't read.
This is a common practice in modern media in many subjects where an actual image is not available they use something from a similar event.
All you have here is yet another example of the weak case deniers are trying to prop up by looking at minutia, while steadfastly trying to ignore the solid evidence coming from scientists. Even sillier given that apart from blogs the entire denier case is built on BS from fox news and it's sister media groups. The BS about "cooling consensus by scientists in the 70's" is built on just a couple of media stories, while the actual published scientific papers of the time tell a completely different story, but deniers try to ignore that as well.
Personally if someone is to lazy to read a simple caption then perhaps they should not be making fools of themselves by pretending they understand the issues.
Just a week ago I saw one of the uninformed (who has answered here) claim sea level was not rising at all, which is clearly not true, he, of course had nothing to back his claim, just as his comments about the Philippines seem to be by someone who's never actually been there, but that's denial for you.
Sea level is rising, that is a fact
It has in fact risen (since 2011) above the gradient seen since the early 1990's, even as deniers make absurd claims of it stopping.
Global warming relies on scientific data and scientists and if media sources are ignored that will have little effect on the science, but of course it would remove much of the the so called evidence denier's rely on, so are you you really want to make these sorts of claims.
I seem to recall a picture in a denier blog, of a house claimed to be Gores new sea side home, with no text under it, to correct any false impression, in fact some deniers still try to use that image, even though it proved to be fake long ago, but then of course I've never seen any denier admit to that either, deniers don't do that they just move on to the next lie and after a period of time try to recycle the older lies, which to me demonstrates they have no real interest in science or truth or facts.
A point frankly you just keep reinforcing with this sort of pointless nonsense.