Sorry, Mike, the answer is "No". And I'm not even a scientist. I started that way, but life intervened, and I wound up in a job where my "other hat" was being a translator between you techie types and the rest of humanity. I must say your question exemplifies the problems I had in doing that other hat job. I see it this way. Engineers focus on the specific job at hand, and only on that. Their goal, very commendable and supposedly exactly what we want, is to analyze a situation, solve the problems, and implement the solutions in the most efficient, effective way.
Owners, managers, ties of most sorts, tend to think of the whole business, not just about the specific problem. They bring in all sorts of "extraneous material", and agonize over irrelevant minor details while missing "the big picture" of the situation at hand. This leads to exactly the situation you discuss in your question. Every techie type I've ever met has said the same thing:"I gave them exactly what they asked for. They wanted something else." If there's an engineering/techie type here who doesn't agree, you'd likely be the first!
The problem is proper communication, and it is on both ends. Business and engineering use different types of thought. This leads to different expectations, even different meanings for words - "theory" being a fine example. What does "theory" mean to you? Further, in general, each side truly believes the other side should obviously see things their way, and so it's the other side's responsibility to change to conform to the principles of our side. Again, does anybody really disagree with this [and why, if you do?]
Your second-to-last paragraph contains the key error in your line of reasoning here. As an engineer, you see everything in terms of 1 specific problem and its solutions. This one problem may have many aspects [How do you get from East coast to West coast in the 1800's? Railroads cross all sorts of terrain and political boundaries...] but you still see it in terms of 1 problem with a desired solution. Engineers have an aim, a goal, in all their work.
Science doesn't work this way. Science is speculative. Someone who was only an engineer would have thrown that first accidental batch of Lucite away, because it was not what they were looking for, and it's inefficient to keep going off on sidetracks. True or false? Science tests many things, and does not always let preconceptions stand in the way. Einstein's explanation of Michaelson-Morley is an example that *should* be known to all, as was his explanation of the photoelectric effect [for which he got the Nobel].
If you look objectively at the history of the investigation into anthropogenic global warming, you will see over and over again that scientists were not expecting the results they got. Most scientists assumed AGW was a potential problem for the far future. I think it's apparent that privately, many were appalled at what they found. I know that when I got into serious recent study of climate changes a few years ago, as a reaction to all the denialism I saw, I became much more worried, and felt I had to do something. This is the common experience of those who are involved in the science. So it's not surprising those of us who follow the science come to feel the same way.
Climate change is obvious, and all around us. You can't make this go away by attempting to cast doubt on the motives or methods of a few scientists.
EDIT: Mike, my answer was long enough, I had to simplify where I could. There's a limit to the absolute size of these answers... I've been on both ends of that Business Requirements Analysis, and I can honestly say it does not often work as well as hoped or planned for. This has been true in my career and in my private ventures. If businessmen could project anywhere close to perfectly, each would be a multi-millionaire at least. When the guy tells you, the engineer, he wants the world, with the sun, the moon, and the stars as accessories, as his wish, what he really needs is also the asteroids, comets and Oort cloud, or nothing will work right. Businesses need to be flexible in more ways than people can anticipate. You cannot engineer the future perfectly.
As far as science and speculation, my speculation tends to fall within or near the error bars. The "other side" often tries to expand those error bars, seemingly without limit, certainly without adequate justification.