Not until it is too late.
The media is more concerned with ratings and advertising revenue than it is professional journalism, and the most loyal viewers are conservative political activists (including followers of the anti-AGW political agenda). The media will not bite the hand that feeds it.
beinghere2002 --
It is a common practice that government employees not use their affiliation to further their personal political agendas.
The article you reference:
makes it clear that climate scientists (or experts in any field) are not being “muzzled” “
>”Under the "guiding principles" of the new policy, it says Environment Canada employees and "subject matter" experts "shall discuss only their own job within their personal areas of experience or expertise"
The only people being “muzzled” are non-experts who try and peddle their political beliefs as expert opinion at the government’s expense.
beinghere2002 --
Sorry, I may have misinterpreted your reply due to temporary insanity brought about when a partner company failed to get a proposal in on time,and I certainly oppose such restrictions, just as I am offended that Congress has claimed total authority over all of some scientists' emails past, present, and future.
And there are conflcting forces at work here. In the US, if you work at a publicly funded institution it has always been the case that any tax-paying citizen has the right to email, phone, or drop by and ask you a question about your work.
It also is usually the case that your employment contract typically includes a clause that gives the employing institution ownership of your intellectual "property" and anything that it generates or produces.
I remember when I was in engineering grad school and some of the stat classes overlapped with the required curriculum of the MBA program. The MBA and other business grad students were so stupid and dragged the grading curve down so low that it meant automatic 'A's for everyone else.
Now they control the admisistration of our places of work, and so I guess they get the last laugh after all - though they are still stupid as Hell.