ofcourse we should be behaving better to our Environment
the people who deny Mans negative effects do so because they dont want either blame or the need to change their bad habits
Then there are those who dont need the bad news because to sccept or admit it means changing their industries ,which will cut heavily into their profits
Then there are those who feel the God is in charge and knows what he is doing
Nevertheless Go to the jungles of Oaxaca,the ex forrests of Africa ,see the desertification in Mexico,the dust storms in northern China .
compare todays situation with what the place used to look like .
And understand how People have totaly changed their Environment and subsequently their climate.
Add all of this together,from all over the globe, and calculate the results .
maybe we cannot save the world from global warming ,but we still need our Environment to survive whilst we are still here .
Everybody is so desperate to absolve humanity from blame ,and this is not possible
Global warming is one thing ,and for many people it seems to be the knight on a white horse that says
dont worry it is not your fault you can do nothing about it ,
keep on trucking ,poluting, deforesting, desertifying,keep killing the animals ,keep burning the woods
Man is responsible for much climate change it cannot be whitewashed by Global warming
In a jungle in Oaxaca I discussed with the Natives the mountain before us ,Mostly deforrested ,scarred by landslides and dotted with madly steep corn patches (which only produced for 3 years ),and devoid of clouds.
They all agreed that the days were hotter ,there was less rain ,And the river was dry part of the year.
When they were boys ,the river was bigger and ran all year around,the mountain was always covered in clouds with daily rains .And the days were more bearable .
Their actions in the desperate plight to feed their enormous families of avarage 12 kids per family ,often much more ,had destroyed their home ground with indisputable climate changes.
They had changed their climate.This happens all over Mexico
In Africa I have seen lush wooded lands change into dessert within a few years by large invading comunities ,who devoured the trees for building and firewood ending up in a dessert with out water
and with a hot sun under which no new plantation was possible.The people had changed their climate,this happens all over Africa.
In Northern china two mayor dessert are merging and 900 vilages are buried under the dust ,thousands of refugee farmers who had changed their climate ,by intensive agressive agriculture are fleeing for their lives,
This happens all over the world .it happened in the 20ties in the USA has everybody forgotton that ,was this not a climate change ?
Granted the climatic changes are local ,but effects neighboring areas ,there is less rainfall, rivers dry up ,
Collectively because there is so much of it all over the world ,the global precipitation is affected and so is the climate .
And who did it ???
the people are changing the climate
Like Ghengas Kahn changed the climate when he burned all the forests and filled the wells with sand ,Like the Phoenicians changed the climate of lebanon to build the trading fleet .Like the Spanish climate was changed by using their forest to build the Armada ,
So are we today changing the climate by massive deforestation,agressive corporate farming (using chemicals),overgrazing ,overpumping deep subteranean waters ,ignorence and impartiality
Global warming.carbon emisions ,polution ,sunspots ,solar flares,hairsprays , Al Gore, and skeptics are the rasberries on top
and read up what America is planning with the insane master plan for Ethanol production