Because it is a religion of hate of all that will not fall flat on their faces and worship them. But like heretics since the first liberal screamed at him for getting down from the tree and hunting in the field liberals have never tolerated those who can think for themselves and make their own decisions without a booklet to guide them. Liberal believers invented political correctness and following consensus, while conservative skeptics invented harassing them by being as politically incorrect as they possibly can.
Environmentalism as a philosophy and its offshoot AGW movement are both derived from the mind of one of the most evil persons who has ever lived, Saint Augustine of Hippo! This individual developed a concept that contaminates most if not all major western religions with his concept of original sin that says all are born sinners and it is only through specific religious acts that you can be save from being evil. But then Augustine like those who developed today’s concept of original sin the producing of co2 see the rest of the world as evil because they are. But than as I am a Scot by ancestry it is only natural that I follow the teaching of the great Celtic saint Pelagius who stood up to the evil Augustine by clearly stating what any sensible person should know, that all are born innocent and only become evil through choice as those who support the fallacy of AGW do. God gave man free choice to be evil or not to be evil and the battle continues between those who choose evil as a way of life and those who do not.
All religions that make the statement that man is naturally evil and must be saved are based on the concept of original sin invented by a criminally depraved priest known as Saint Augustine of Hippo. Liberalism with its everything humans do is evil is but the latest of these sick and depraved hate religions to infect humanity with the desire to destroy itself. The links below illustrate the growth and spread of this sickness that has infected our modern society with hate of self and hate of comfort. Earlier versions of this sickness led to self-flagellation like the killer in the DaVinci code and some of the more radical Muslim cults. This form of sick religious cult like the AGW cult says you must deny others pleasure because there are to many people for the world to support. Then they work hard to make their religious views come true by restricting advanced technology that can find ways to make it possible for more people to live here in comfort and prosperity.
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I just love it when they call me a heretic and tell people not to listen to me. It shows me that they are having a difficult time with gaining new dummies to join their terror cult because we skeptics are teaching the young how to research and learn the truth about how the warmers have altered science for political and economic gain.