Why are ManMade Global Warming supporters so ANGRY all the time?
2009-10-07 15:44:26 UTC
Always so defensive and so hostile.... what are they hiding?

"I find it extraordinary that anybody can regard global warming (climate change) as a debate. Clearly it isn't a debate. Every time you address the Holocaust, you don't bring somebody who says it didn't happen. And we're at that stage now, we have, we have Holocaust deniers and we have climate change deniers...and to be honest, I don't see a great deal of difference." -- Bill McGuire, Last Days on Earth, History Channel (2006).

"It is irresponsible, reckless and deeply immoral to question the seriousness of the situation we are in." -- Gro Harlem Brundtland, the United Nations' Special Envoy on Climate Change.

"I'm not a lawyer, I don't know how you do it, but it seems to me that it is, indeed, a crime against humanity and nature." -- James Hansen, NASA's activist scientist and Al Gore's science adviser who thinks oil company bosses should be put on trial for challenging the Man Made Global Warming hypothesis.

"What I would challenge you to do is to put a lot of effort into trying to see whether there's a legal way of throwing our so-called leaders into jail because what they're doing is a criminal act." -- David Suzuki, a Canadian activist scientist who is critical of elected officials' response to Man Made Global Warming.

----Scientists, activists, etc.. even members of this forum behave like that.....
Eleven answers:
2009-10-07 15:56:40 UTC
Because it is a religion of hate of all that will not fall flat on their faces and worship them. But like heretics since the first liberal screamed at him for getting down from the tree and hunting in the field liberals have never tolerated those who can think for themselves and make their own decisions without a booklet to guide them. Liberal believers invented political correctness and following consensus, while conservative skeptics invented harassing them by being as politically incorrect as they possibly can.

Environmentalism as a philosophy and its offshoot AGW movement are both derived from the mind of one of the most evil persons who has ever lived, Saint Augustine of Hippo! This individual developed a concept that contaminates most if not all major western religions with his concept of original sin that says all are born sinners and it is only through specific religious acts that you can be save from being evil. But then Augustine like those who developed today’s concept of original sin the producing of co2 see the rest of the world as evil because they are. But than as I am a Scot by ancestry it is only natural that I follow the teaching of the great Celtic saint Pelagius who stood up to the evil Augustine by clearly stating what any sensible person should know, that all are born innocent and only become evil through choice as those who support the fallacy of AGW do. God gave man free choice to be evil or not to be evil and the battle continues between those who choose evil as a way of life and those who do not.

All religions that make the statement that man is naturally evil and must be saved are based on the concept of original sin invented by a criminally depraved priest known as Saint Augustine of Hippo. Liberalism with its everything humans do is evil is but the latest of these sick and depraved hate religions to infect humanity with the desire to destroy itself. The links below illustrate the growth and spread of this sickness that has infected our modern society with hate of self and hate of comfort. Earlier versions of this sickness led to self-flagellation like the killer in the DaVinci code and some of the more radical Muslim cults. This form of sick religious cult like the AGW cult says you must deny others pleasure because there are to many people for the world to support. Then they work hard to make their religious views come true by restricting advanced technology that can find ways to make it possible for more people to live here in comfort and prosperity.

Edit for content

I just love it when they call me a heretic and tell people not to listen to me. It shows me that they are having a difficult time with gaining new dummies to join their terror cult because we skeptics are teaching the young how to research and learn the truth about how the warmers have altered science for political and economic gain.
2016-04-06 16:44:22 UTC
Why link to a blog rather then the interview? "Lovelock does not miss a chance to criticise the green movement that has long paid heed to his views. "It's just the way the humans are that if there's a cause of some sort, a religion starts forming around it. It just so happens that the green religion is now taking over from the Christian religion. I don't think people have noticed that, but it's got all the sort of terms that religions use. The greens use guilt. You can't win people round by saying they are guilty for putting CO2 in the air." He displays equal disdain for those who do not accept science on climate change: "They've got their own religion. They believe that the world was right before these damn people [the greens] came along and want to go back to where we were 20 years ago. That's also silly in its own way."
2009-10-07 22:46:53 UTC
"Why are ManMade Global Warming supporters so ANGRY all the time?

Always so defensive and so hostile.... what are they hiding?:

I wouldn't say I'm angry, hostile or defensive the best I can manage is slight irritation that so many seem to no idea how science works and are far more interested in groundless conspiracy theories. I even find humor in some deniers answers, someone the other day suggested that China and India were joining in on GW to get more power over their people, that person may want to check out what China's political system is!

Regardless of what "Bill McGuire" said 3 years ago, certainly 9 times out of ten on this site it is deniers themselves that, bring up, and try to make, the connection to the Holocaust, as does this very question by dragging up a 3 year old statement from vulcanologist that few have probably even heard of.

Any perceived hostility can easily be explained not by "what are they hiding" but by the fact that long standing research supports the theory of GW and the evidence coming from deniers is, to be honest total rubbish some are still spouting the "it's the Sun theory" 30 years into a hard data record that proves it is not. When I reference 'denier' I don't think of the Holocaust at all, I think of the Marx Bros, it seems like a comedy act that can't even get the punch line right, with so many theories that either, simple don't work or actually contradict each other.
2009-10-07 19:26:13 UTC
Deniers keep trotting out unthoughtful positions, and questions that have long been answered. The real problem is the urgency. There is this selfish desire to leave the problem to our children or grandchildren to fix a worse problem in the year 2050. We are trying to make changes to avoid the worst changes which won't be seen until then if we do nothing. If a debate could be made that was based on good science it would not generate your perceived hostility, but there is no good science that explains the warming other than AGW. There is nobody who actually does climate research who does not believe that CO2 in increasing global temperatures. (There are Spencer and Christie who do research and believe warming will be less than others are saying, but they have been unconvincing and do believe that man is causing warming.) Try to find an institution that does research in climate or oceanography that does not believe climate change is real and urgent; you will not find one. The problem is upon us and our children will feel it. We don't want to leave the burden of huge costs to them, when the fixes are cheaper the sooner we act.
2009-10-08 04:15:24 UTC
Because for their theories to work they have had to rewrite the past temperatures dating back to the last major ice age. They also tend to deny that the Earth can still cycle between smaller temperature maximums and minimums giving way to warming periods and little ice ages.

Most AGW backers are just like other left wing groups where they denounce and call names to anyone that doesn't agree with them.

Finally, almost none of the climate scientists share their information so that others can reproduce the results that they got with the same data. They use "peer" reviewed articles which is better than nothing, but in the end only means that you found others who agree with your position.
2009-10-07 21:07:08 UTC
Gerard, name one person who accused you of denying the Holocaust, or grow up and stop lying.

This is why we get angry. Deniers lie. They don't have a scientific leg to stand on so they lie, engage in ad hominem attacks, strawman arguments, psychological projection (like this question), etc.

Their entire goal is to prevent us from taking action to avoid catastrophic climate change. They're not even lying for a noble goal - they're lying to essentially doom the future of our society, not to mention the other species on the planet.

I mean seriously, what good do you think you're doing answering here? You haven't researched the subject, so you're not informing people. All you're doing is misinforming them, and that ticks us off.
2009-10-08 05:27:39 UTC
They are little children who cant handle being told they are WRONG! Every time they speak someone points out a huge hole in their argument, so they go back to their mom's basement, play some more D&D and scheme up there next theorie. Then after not showering for a week they present their next theorie only to be proven wrong again. It must be frustrating to be that clueless. And the fact that not a one of them has ever gotten laid in their lives!
2009-10-07 15:59:39 UTC
Speaking personally, I get angry with people that lie or promulgate misinformation about anything, and for some reason (lack of scientific background, probably) the great majority of people on Yahoo Answers that speak out against global warming are lying, or trying to misrepresent things. If they would give real scientific arguments against it, I would not be angry with them, but just take a look at the deniers that have the most "best" answers in this forum, they're a bunch of liars and scientific incompetents that pretend they know something about science.

I don't get angry against people like John Christy, Roger Pielke, William Gray, etc., that is, people that have doubts about AGW but don't try to lie about the science.

EDIT: I'm with Dana, where'd you come up with this garbage about people saying you denied the Holocaust? If you can come up with one person that said that I'd be surprised. If you want to complain about such things, why don't you get on James E. for continually misusing the word "pogrom?"

ANOTHER EDIT: That's your example? He didn't accuse you of being a Holocaust denier, and if that's the only instance you should admit that you just made it up.
2009-10-07 16:09:02 UTC
They don't have much of a sense of humor either do they? They think the world is ending and it is the fault of corporations and polluters. To be fair, if you believed that, you might be in a foul mood as well. Don't get me wrong, if it wasn't AGW, it would be something else. They can be quite a foul bunch of people, maybe not always, but often. For example, I have gotten exremely tired of those who deminish the holocaust by comparing those scum who doubt it to those who doubt significant or harmful AGW.
Jack Hammer
2009-10-07 19:47:03 UTC
I went to this site and i think i found the answer to question so check it out!
2009-10-07 15:58:44 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.