Climate is always changing, what is fake is the segment of the population trying to blame it on man.
But I don't see how picking the most stupid arguements would get you a decent grade. After all, every subject has its lousy supporters, and many of the stupid arguements are usually not supported by facts, science or data. Thus making it easy pickings to discredit.
Speaking of discrediting. Its a wonder how all the supposed great scientists that declared global warming and climate change is happening have been shown to be frauds, liars or inaccurate in stating the truth. But the global warming believers that were so willing to believe the theory are now ignoring those very same scientists when they tell them that their data was manipulated, the 'hockey stick graph' was a fake and that there hasn't been any warming since 1995.
This show's more how fickle and stubborn the human race is rather than any proof of a theory. And the global warming people had it easy, all they had to do was prove or make it look like the data proved that the planet was warming up. Just who is arrogant enough to think they can plug in a few factors and think they know EXACTLY what the climate should be doing, and of these failed scientists, who can claim they know exaxtly how the climate is different from normal and what portion if any that man is responsible for ?
Climate change is simply the fall back potion for enviromentalists to take so that if there's an increase or a decrease in temps or change in weather or unexplained phenominon...oh..then it just has to be climate change, it just has to be abnormal and it just has to be mans fault.
Until scientists can actually come up with a theory that not only makes sense but is provable, you won't get more than a small percentage of people to support the panic.
I could go through all the data that proves GW is a hoax, but why bother, the climate change whacko's believe what they believe without proof, and most are to irrational to discuss any real factors in a reasonable belief.
Have climate change advocates been able to explain yet why the ozone "hole" was the largest during a 1956 expedition ? That was before the use of CFC's, yet we banned them because that's what the egg heads told us to do. Real scientists at the time theorized the hole was due to the extreme cold weather of the region.
And how about that ice age the planet had, that was before man's interference, and it went away without mans help too. Proving that the planet has had natural swings from hot to cold and back again without man's help. yet arrogantly people think that the tainted 130 years of temp data we have is supposed to be what is "normal" for the planet.
We won't even go into the discussion about how 90% of the temp stations do not meet the governments set standards, how they are housing electrionics which adds to heat and painted with latex paint rather than white wash which adds 1/2 a degree to the temperature.
But, do go on with shooting down the low hanging fruit for an easy grade.