The more you read? What is you read? Is it what someone else has already decided for you? Or is it your own research using original data that you analyse yourself?
No justifiable position for disputing those 3,000 'scientists'? Have you examined every justifiable position then? Somehow I doubt it.
You say that BOTH floods AND droughts are a result of global warming? How can you account for that then - how can BOTH flood/drought be GW?
You know they even said tsunamis are caused by GW? Do you believe that too? If so then how do CO2 emissions affect the submarine subduction of the Earth's crust that makes tsunamis happen?
Do you know those 3,000 'scientists'? Have you checked their credentials? Many so-called experts are nothing of the kind, many are government lackies, and all are specially chosen and funded to ensure they support the line that the UN/EU wish us to believe.
Do you know that even Hitler found scientists to support his ideas? Any government or organisation can find any amount of 'experts' they need to support whatever line they wish us to believe, and by the same token can utterly squash, silence, and ridicule anything that contradicts their line.
You wonder why intelligent well-read people on here dispute the CO2 agenda? It's because we've got the brains and initiative to look into it all a bit further than most others who think "Well it's from the government/EU/UN and it's got lots of scientists agreeing with it, oooooh, it MUST be right!"
And that's as far as they go with it - they don't stop to wonder if any of it REALLY IS VALID - they don't try to look into the issues themselves.
Time will tell. When Gore and his buddies have had a really great rich life on CO2 profiteering and are dead from old age let's just see if their CO2 agenda made one jot of difference - I'll place my bets now that it doesn't.
And YES I DO KNOW THE EARTH IS GETTING HOTTER - but I don't subscribe to the CO2 agenda, because it's a "Convenient LIE".