Sadly there is a mixture of political groups and agendas at work.
There are both natural processes and human activity that contribute to Global Warming.
We are still coming out of the last ice age. We are very fortunate that we are in the Global Warming phase of the natural cycle.
About 10,000 years ago much of the North American continent including much of the Northern United States was under an ice sheet over 1 mile thick.
Fortunately the environment warmed and melted the ice sheet.
Human activity does make a contribution to the amount of Global Warming, however the amount of the contribution is in dispute.
There are several political groups and several agendas involved in the alarmist predictions.
One group is the Utopian Socialists who hate Capitalism and our competitive society. They believe that it is necessary to wreck the United States economy so that they will be able to install their brand of socialism in the United States.
The way they see it, the alarmism over Global Warming is a useful too to get the regulations put in place that will restrict the economy and cause it to fail.
An example of the people involved in this group are the goofy people who sit in redwood trees for months to prevent them from being cut down for lumber.
Once the economy fails they belive they will be able to impose their concept of Utopian Socialism on the United States.
Another group sees it as a source of political power. If you have the power to regulate an industry you also have the power to grant special favors to selected campaign contributors. They see it as a simple trade
of campaign contributions in exchange for political favors to selectively relax the regulations for favored political contributors..
An example of a politician from this group is Nancy Pelosi. The Pelosi family has become a political power house over several generations using this technique.
A third group sees this as a secure way to make money without having to deal with the complexities, risks and difficulties of a competitive market economy.
An example of a politician from this group is Al Gore, who just set up a company to sell phony carbon credits to rich liberals.
The purpose of the carbon credits is to permit the rich liberals to continue to live in their enormous mansions that use ten times the amount of energy that a family of 4 uses and fly their private jets which use over 1,000 times the amount of fossil fuel as the most wasteful SUV without feeling guilty over their wasteful energy and fossil fuel use.
Al Gore will make several hundred millions of dollars from this venture.
Each of these groups selects only the scientific data that supports their pre conceived positions and dismisses the rest as somehow suspect or not competent.
Then they engage in time wasting propaganda campaigns that accomplish little other than to cement their base and annoy their opponents.
It is a shame that these political groups are dominating the debate. If you can have a serious discussion without all of these political extremists inserting their propaganda, you can have a very pleasant and very enlightening discussion.