Obama, Biden and Gore met today (12/9/08) to discuss global warming. Is Global Warming real now?
2008-12-09 18:38:05 UTC

Mr. Obama told reporters: “All three of us are in agreement that the time for delay is over, the time for denial is over.”

“We all believe what the scientists have been telling us for years now, that this is a matter of urgency and national security, and it has to be dealt with in a serious way. That is what I intend my administration to do,” he said.

Obama added that efforts to halt catastrophic climate change and efforts to revitalize the faltering economy can go hand-in-hand. CNN quoted the president-elect:

“We have the opportunity now to create jobs all across this country, to re-power America, to redesign how we use energy, to think about how we are increasing efficiency, to make our economy stronger, make us more safe, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and make us competitive for decades to come, even as we are saving the planet,” Obama said.


Given the direction this new administration is determined to follow it begs the question:

Is anthropogenic global warming real now?
Seventeen answers:
2008-12-10 06:14:52 UTC
The idea of "green jobs" is a fallacy - Obama would simply remove capital from the private sector, where that capital would have been invested, thereby creating/maintaining private sector jobs, to fund his public sector jobs. Net, no new jobs are created. It's like taking water from one end of the pool and dumping it into the other.

If you want to debate the climate science of it, go ahead.

The economics of it are well-settled.
2008-12-10 06:42:29 UTC
Just makes it easier to see that it is a big money operation designed to move total control of the economy into accordance with the concepts Karl Marx outlined in his book Das Kapitol.

There is no such thing as human caused global warming or climate change because humans just do not have the technology to make even minor local alterations to weather, let alone climate. They need to do some real studying because the AGW concept comes from a very poor understanding of how the world and its climate functions. Even during the little ice age there were 3 warm spikes timed 200 years apart at 1400, 1600 and 1800AD. Wait just a minute 200 years apart, then the 2000 warming was right on schedule as part of the normal cycle, not out of sequence or unusual at all and it is also normal to dip into cooling after the spike. So we had cool minimums at 1300, 1500, 1700 and 1850 so we probably will soon be heading into a cool period. So here are some educational materials on climate and geology from major instructors showing how these misunderstandings came to be.

There is nothing you or anyone else can do unless you can figure out what causes the sun to vary its output and how to control that effect remotely. The major point skeptics make is there is no evidence trail to even generate a working hypotheses for AGW or GCC concepts as advertised. Yes the climate average is slightly warmer now than it was in the 1800s when we were coming out of a unusual cold spell known as the Dalton solar minimum. In fact there were 4 solar minimums in just a few hundred years that created the climate minimum known as the little ice age.
2008-12-10 06:16:26 UTC
Chicken Little Al Gore needs to quit worrying about the sky falling. WE cannot afford to do all the things they want to do. We have a falling economy that needs to be saved. Some of the emission requirements the EPA has placed on auto makers have caused problems. We cannot afford drastic changes right now. Gore WANTS a carbon tax. Right now we cannot afford any further taxes. Government is getting bigger. The best thing we can do is keep Gore far away from government as we can. The economy should be first priority. Worrying about things that are speculation is not an option at this time.
2008-12-09 19:30:52 UTC
The existence of global climate change does not depend upon the meeting of top politicians, since the problem is scientific in nature - but yes, the problem is real. The earth's climate system is extremely complex, but there are some irrefutable facts about climate change. (Climate change is the preferred nomenclature over global warming, since the earth will not uniformly warm.) These are the facts. The concentration of CO2 (and other greenhouse gases, or GHGs) has increased substantially since 1750 (the approximate start of the industrial revolution). Using samples from ice cores, scientists can measure the atmospheric concentration of GHGs over the last 650,000 years. For simplicity's sake, I'll focus on CO2, the most common GHG. The level of CO2 varies naturally, anywhere from 180 to 300 parts per million (ppm), and is currently at 390 ppm. While the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere moves in natural cycles, it has increased by more than 50% (from 250 to 390 ppm) since 1750, a change that normally takes tens of thousands of years. It is also factual that CO2 traps heat (known as positive radiative forcing) and that many human activities (burning fossil fuels, cutting down trees, etc.) release CO2 into the atmosphere. Although there is annual variation in the amount of CO2 and other GHGs released into the atmosphere, and uncertainty in measuring this data (as there is in almost every measurement system), we are already starting to see the effects of climate change. Global average temperature over the last 150 years is approximately 1 degree C higher, sea level over the last 175 years is approximately 200mm higher, and snow cover is approximately 4m km2 less, to name a few common indicators of climate change, and it is likely that these indicators (and others) will continue to worsen. It is important to realize that there are no certainties in climate change - predicting the future of a complex climate system is near impossible, and some scientists do disagree over what climate change means for the future. However, the scientific basis (GHGs have been increasing far more rapidly than at any measurable time in the earth's history, and that GHGs trap heat in a greenhouse effect) is sound.
jeff m
2008-12-10 16:13:49 UTC
These three politicians discussing a power grab proves nothing, except for the gullibility of voters. We'll all be poorer, because of their plans. Except for the new bureaucrats created to decide who gets to use energy.
Pizza The Hut
2008-12-09 20:39:58 UTC
What better way to control the masses than through the righteous act of saving our planet from eminent destruction. Eventually they'll be able pass any piece of legislation as long as they skew it to look as though its helping to prevent global climate change. Fear those that say its undeniable the we humans are causing climate change because the truth is we don't know that we have any effect for sure. But any lie told over and over enough will come to be believed as true as Hitler has stated.
2008-12-09 21:07:47 UTC
Does three people meeting change the greenhouse gas properties of Water Vapour, Carbon Dioxide and Methane?

Does three people meeting change the way the sun's magnetic field and solar wind behave?

Does three people meeting change the way the oceans absorb and release both heat and CO2?

Three people meeting do not change the Earth's temperature or climate.

Three people met. Someone secured continued funding support, someone secured voter support and the other guy doesn't count.
2008-12-10 04:34:16 UTC
NO! There is NO credible science that supports "Man-did-it" Global Warming...... or Cooling.

The Earth warms and Cools in cycles.... this has been going on for Millions of years..... with and without Man.

And by the way...... we are currently beginning a Cooling cycle.
2008-12-09 18:49:46 UTC
Are you suggesting that AGW is real becaue Obama says so? That doesn't make any sense. He's not a scientist. Neither is Biden or Gore. All liberals say they believe in global warming because they can't stand people driving cars and putting their AC on 68 in the summer and doing whatever they want to do. They think everyone should have to live in near poverty and ride bikes everywhere. There's a civil war coming.
Ben O
2008-12-09 21:04:47 UTC
The business opportunities are real. The opportunity to corrupt science is real and the opportunity to secure political funding is real. The science of CO2 causing global warming is fake.

You think these people are altruistically discussing how to help the world? They want to help themselves.
2008-12-09 19:07:50 UTC
I hate to break it to you but i have more confidence in the intelligence of Obama than you do. He is obviously feeding a line to the ignorant masses or as Lenin called them, the useful idiots that just let things happen if they sound good. BO is not likely stupid enough to swallow the BS he is feeding you. That was the nicest thing I have said about Obama but I really don't think he is stupid. He is just the same sort of lying used car salesman we have come to expect from the lowest that politics have ever sunk to in this country.
2008-12-09 19:06:25 UTC
yeah- global warming is definitely NOW!!!! where i live, its currently about 85 degrees in november and december. (i live in southern california. although so. CA is known 4 being warm, this is ridicluous!!! its usually like 70 around this time!!!!!)
2008-12-09 18:44:08 UTC
No, people are coincided enough to think we can control our climate. Our climate changes based on the earth's elliptical orbit around the sun that changes over thousand of years.
2008-12-09 20:47:28 UTC
No, it's been real for about a century. But this is the first time the United States is going to have a government aware of the problem and willing to take major steps to address it.
2008-12-09 18:43:05 UTC
Yes, scientist have already proved it, and is you still dont know, or dont realize, more and more eco groups are getting founded and established bcuz everyone except the heck-care and self centered younger generations who dont bother about anyone. They are just not afraid to die.
2008-12-09 19:05:49 UTC
no its not real, but its convienant.
2008-12-09 18:42:48 UTC
Their meeting doesn't change anything except that now there is a confederacy of dunces.

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