This probably isn't the answer you're looking for, but it's related. What I can't figure out is, asides from not being able to come to a 'conclusion', why is it that people are so focused on debating whether the planet is warming as a direct result of our activities, and not realizing that action will result in a win-win situation.
We are wrong about global warming and act = we end up with a cleaner environment, healthier planet
We are wrong and don't act = no dramatic consequences, Earth stays in same shape (which in itself isn't something to be excited about). However we're still in trouble if its the inevitable natural cycle.
We are right about global warming, and act = we avoid environmental, social, political, economical crisis, ensure a healthier plane
We are wrong and act = we spend a lot of money, and end up with a healthier planet anyway, since cleaning our activities will surely decrease air and water pollution, and be better for the planet in general.
To me, there is an obvious solution, regardless of how much people want to debate. There ARE changes happening on the planet, whether you believe or not (personally, I believe the planet is warming and it is a lot due to human activity).
It's just a matter of how much people are willing to change and swallow their pride or stubborness, which ever it is.
Happy New Year :)