Global Warming is happening so why isnt anyone doing anything?
2008-06-05 19:23:50 UTC
Global Warming is happening so why isnt anyone doing anything?
32 answers:
2008-06-05 20:13:34 UTC
Global Warming is a false religon created by Liberals to control people and industry. Dont listen to the brain washing cult of Global Warming!
Hiram G
2008-06-13 10:51:24 UTC
Actually many people are doing things.

A whole Alternaive Scene has built itself around the alternative lifestyle which is more conciencus then the mainstrem.

The possibility of becoming a Vegetarian rises with your IQ.

There are many technologies out there that are delibertly overlooked.

Stan Meyers for example invented a Device that split water into Hydrogen and Oxygen using 0.5Amp Direct current.

He also invened a Device that allowed a car to run on Water.

He was killed by the "Freemasons", the CIA.

I suppose they want o burn all the Oil first but I beleive we don't have time for that.

If "Freemasons" are the Elite and they deny us our own Inventions then there is something wrong.

Oh and in China they develop a new Train that goes 10x the speed of sound and runs on Water too.

I will replace all Airoplanes!

Furthermore we have to do this.

1) Stop burning Fossile Fuels in fact Immediatly

2) All Energy will be made from Water

3) Foodproduction Everywhere in the World will be Organic

4) We overproduce Organic Food so all Food will be Free

5) A Global Ban on Weapons (starting with WMA)

6) 3 months Holiday each year

7) We use Solar powered pumps to pump Seawater into the desserts. There we let it sink and evaporate. This raises the Groundwater levels and initiates the broken Water Cicle.

8) We regrow the Forest

9) We regrow the Desserts

10) We teach everyone to be self sustainable

11) We make everyhing out of Hemp

12) We eliminate money
2008-06-05 21:43:29 UTC
Is it really? You've done all the research and came to this conclusion on your own right? It affects you personally on a daily basis?

If not, may I take a moment of your time?

Man made global warming doesn't exist, and you're getting scammed by believing in it. There is an entire industry based around this latest climate scare (there is one every 30 years or so, either warming or cooling). The global warming religion likes to use the National Academy of Science report as their bible, but this is bias and funded by special interest groups. Look carefully at the facts. For example, it states that temperatures have risen 1.4 degrees since the beginning of the 20th century. This is true. However, temps have NOT increased in the last 10 years. You'll notice that, in the 2008 report, none of the graphs contain data past 2000... sketchy, huh? It's because this defies the rising temp theory.

Even though the polar bears have now been put on the endangered species list, it is because environmentalists petitioned to change the rules. The population has actually tripled in the last 30 years. It's the reason that the governor of Alaska is now suing the federal government.

Furthermore, the ice shelfs are the among the highest seen in 30 years. Carbon dioxide follows temperature fluctuation (not the other way around) and may actually be a good thing. Mars is 95% Carbon Dioxide and there are no warming issues perceived there... the average temp is -81 degrees Farenheit. Guess how much of Earth's atmosphere is? .04%!The list goes on and on for evidence to the contrary of man made global warming, but there is no irrefutable evidence that it does exist.

And, believe it or not, George Bush is more eco friendly than Al Gore:

If it was such a dire thing, wouldn't Gore be more concerned about his carbon footprint?

No matter what environmentalists say (or how they say it), there is no evidence that man is causing global warming. They will use sleight of hand to try and get you, but don't be a sucker. For example, notice how NO commercials say anything about "global warming" anymore? The use the words "climate change" now. That's because environmentalists realize that time is becoming limited on this scare, but they can use the words "climate change" and keep us afraid that we're going to die, whether it be from warming, cooling, etc.

A link that'll get you started on your education (not funded by any special interest groups):

For your own good, the good of the nation, and yes, the planet, you should be VERY skeptical. Look carefully at the facts and the language. Environmentalists are not always keeping the green of nature in mind. There is a lot of money to be made in this hugely expanding industry.

It doesn't even matter if you believe in it or not. Without conclusive evidence, public policy (our taxes) should not be made to stop a hypothetical problem. We do not know what the future will bring; we can only adapt as necessary as time tells its story.

Case and point: A hundred years ago, scientists were doing calculations, trying to figure out ways to solve the massive horse manure problems we would face as the population grew. Policies were being pushed to spend large amounts of money to try and build cities that could take care of these problems. Then came Ford. Good thing we waited to see what would happen.

This situation is no different. I don't believe in man made GW, but I'm cool with it if you do (no pun intended). Just don't hop on that bandwagon that's trying to make our country alter its entire way of life based on refutable facts.

Even if you are someone who will never believe that global warming doesn't exist, think about this... it will cost 29 trillion dollars to fight this threat of sketchy (and special interest funded) "science" along with ruin our economy. Know how much it will take to feed the entire human population for the next 100 yrs? 7 trillion.

Still think we should be making public policies and spend all that money? Then do one thing for me before you call your local congressman: Name one thing that the government hasn't screwed up.

And feel free to collect the half a million dollar reward with any "proof" you find:
Tim C
2008-06-06 10:02:59 UTC
To answer your question, Asker, the reason why not many people are doing anything about it, is because a large proportion of the population don't believe it's actually happenning. The reasons for this non-belief include:

1. In order to combat any climate change, a huge shift in lifestyle would be required to significantly reduce our carbon footprint. This would make life far less comfortable for those who lead high energy-use lifestyles.

2. A lot of sensationalist misinformation on both sides of the argument is being widely published and broadcast e.g. "The Great Global Warming Swindle" and "An Inconvenient Truth".

3. The weather system is complicated and many factors are included in the argument. The term "Global Warming" confuses the issue. Fluctuation in the system are siezed upon and used to support bogus arguments.

4. Micro-variations of climate are percieved, by the general public, to have a bearing on the macro-scale e.g. unusual and irregular cold snaps which contradict the Global Warming argument.

Many of the answers prior to this bear out that many people just don't accept it.

I accept that climate change is a fact because the data supports it (contrary to the assertions that the past few years have been cooling... see here:

I am taking steps to reduce emmissions, not to help save the planet (it's too late for that) but because being greener actually saves me a hell of a lot of money, again, contrary to those that say it's a swindle designed to tax the life out of us all.
mick t
2008-06-06 00:58:55 UTC
We have now had 10 years of cooling or stable temperatures.

The graph in this article clearly shows that 1999 and 2000 were cooling years, 2001 to 2006 were stable, and 2007 another cooling year. These are direct satellite measurements made by the official organisations that monitor global temperatures, not GW sceptics or oil industry people, so they cannot just be dismissed.

This has happened despite the continued increase in CO2 emissions and indicates to me that the role of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has been substantially over estimated. It is a factor but only one in many.

Using our resources wisely and cleaning up after ourselves are good thing to do in their own right, but they won't make a scrap of difference to global temperatures.

Edited to add comment

2005 the hottest on record? You provide no reference to data that supports that claim, while I refer to data of satellite measurements from NASA to show that temperatures have dropped since 1998

The climate has been changing ever since this planet had an atmosphere, long before the existence of man. Demonstrating that the climate is changing does not prove it is caused by man.

It is ironic that only the GW sceptics believe in climate change, while the GW believers do not, and therefore assign any change in climate to man's activity.
2008-06-05 23:14:23 UTC
When Henry Ford introduced the world to his new Model T-Ford, he told us, "This car runs on ethanol, the fuel of the future".

So what happened?

We are doing anything! I've cut my car useage down to about 800 miles a year and now go everywhere by bus and tube here in London - okay, so I get a FREEDOM PASS each year paid for by my local council - maybe that's the real reason why I've left my car in the driveway back home.

You'll be amazed just how far we've gone in dealing with the threat of Global Warming and/or Climate Change.

Here's an All American electric car which can take off faster than a gas guzzling Ferrari -

The Greenest Green Fuel | Popular ScienceThis is what´s going to make gasoline obsolete? ... the company he founded, to create algae-based biodiesel that costs about the same as gasoline. ...

It's a slow process, but we are doing something about the problems associated with Global Warming/Climate Change. Everyone now more or less agrees that we've got a problem and each of us is playing our part in trying to do something about it.

It's just like my childhood in WW2 really. We recycled everything back then and even gave our pots and pans to make aircraft for the war effort.

There's even talk now of growing more of our own food at home here in our gardens. I even heard someone recently use an old war-time slogan, "Dig for Victory". Well, if you've got a sunny garden, may as well dig it up and start growing food in it. It will save money and help cut bad breath emissions from all those trucks carrying food about the place.

And, why are we buying strawberries in mid-winter, which have to be shipped across the Globe? What's wrong with a punet of English strawberries during Wimbledon fortnight?
2008-06-07 03:17:28 UTC
Who is the NWO?

Why a New World Order?

Is the Old World not good enough to live in?

Well it should better be!

By the Rate the "FREEMASONS" (No Free No Masons)destroy our Plane we run out of Oxygen in just a few years from NOW.

It is a very simple calculation!

We cut Trees ==> we decrease OXYGEN production

We burn Fossile Fuel ==> We INCREASE Oxygen demand.

At some stagen it will be like Venus, a RUNNAWAY GREENHOUSE EFFECT.

We MUST STOP it before it is to late.

So Who and Why NWO?

Forget what you think you know because it is all a lie.

Thousands of years misseducation, Lies and Tyranny from the Churches and Slavery from the Aristocrazy.

Who are they, where do they come from?

Well we have to go back and forh in Time.

14.400 Years ago when in our evolution something happened, a sharp rise and 21 December 2012 when the same thing happens again.

I am speaking of the alignement of our solarsystem to the center of the "Multiverse".

By then we will see a wandering planet who Zacharia Stitchin calls "Nibiru".

This Planet has a 3.600 year Rotation Cycle around the Sun.

3.600 = 60x60 (Seconds in an Hour) 360 Degrees 360 Days

That is No Coincidence!

Take a good look at OUR HISTORY.

I is an History of WAR.



When you are a "FREEMASON" then most them stop at the third degree, unaware that there exist higher degrees up to the 33rd Degree in two different Paths:


At the 33rd Degree Ritual they are asked: "Do you beleive in Jesus?".

If they answer :YES they hear ==> "Your Journey comes to an end, You completed the circle".

If they answer :NO they hear ==> "There is a Higher Path waiting for you. Are you willing to step above?"

This higher path is called: "THE ORDER OF THE ILLUMINATI"

Contrary to what people think it means, here is a detailed explanation.



And you ONLY get in this club if you have BLUE BLOOD in your Veins.

Get it? Blue Blood, NOT RED!

Whatever it is really blue doesn't matter but it is an indicator of BIG Difference between US and THEM!


They do everything to make our live miserable and WE PAY FOR IT!

So where does this "BLUE BLOOD" come from?

It is ALIEN ORIGIN, that's for sure!

But how and from which planet?

To understand this you must understand that life exists as energy alone.

Why is that?


And it comes from the one place all energy comes from, from the Sun.

All life is a manifestation of this energy in one form and another.



If one looks closely at Sunspots one finds that it has an outer "SHELL" of energy and an inside.

It is exacly like an egg in characteristics.

Furthermore it "TAKES ENERGY IN" that is indicated by the cooler temperatures that make a Sunspot appear darker then it's surroundings.

Again we have the characteristics of an Egg that takes the warmth of the sun or the mother to grow.

Sunspots have a 12 Year cicle from No to High Acivity.

This is their incubation Time.

From Fertilization to Birth.

Our Incubation Time is 9 months, others come in all different ranges.

This Twelve Year Cicle is manifested in Astrology and in the Chinese Zodiac.

It is on how much influence they have over us.



Now connect the Dots between the ORDER OF THE ILLUMINATI and the SUN.

LUCIFER ==> Latin: "The Light Bearer" another Word for the Sun.








We use only 20% of our menal capacity because we only use one of our senses,

the eyes ==> Hence the "All seeing eye".

Furthermore everything we do is mathematical.

Language is a mathematical concept, so is money, time, everything.


They learn the easy way, the way to use people, "GOYIM"

They learn simpler and learn more because they are richer because they live of us.


2008-06-05 20:11:08 UTC
Man Made Global warming is a lie. It is used by the social elite to screw more and more money out of the common man, ie you and i, what with petrol prices over one pound 50 a litre in the UK, airlines increasing their fuel surcharges, regardless of the fact air fuel is exempt from fuel duty.

In the 1970s they were making dire predictions of a Global Ice age by the year 2000.

The thing is CO2 is essential for life on Earth, and has little or no effect on the overall climate. Climate change is a natural process, and what they don't want you to know is there is no change in the temperature of the Earth's troposphere which would be the first part of the atmosphere to heat up if greenhouse gasses were to blame for rising temperatures.

Another fact they are hiding from you is the images of ice shelves breaking off are perfectly normal. you only seem to see it in summer don't you, the permafrost in Siberia has melted in the past, and the Greenland ice shelves have melted away before.

Global warming is a lie and the sooner we wake up to the lie instead of blindly listening to scientists who are paid a hell of a lot of money to do this so called research and look into the myth of global warming ourselves the better off we will all be.

Members of the IPCC are bullied and cajouled into putting their names to bogus research, and many have threatened legal action to have their names removed from the questionable research.

thank you
2008-06-05 20:01:39 UTC
Lots of people are doing lots of things. A friend of mine recently got a job building a new solar cell factory. The state of Texas is building thousands of electricity generating windmills, surpassing California as the state getting the most electricity from wind. Billions of dollars are being spent and millions of people employed to make solar cells cheaper, make cars and airplanes more fuel efficient, develop cheaper alternative fuels and countless other ways to reduce the carbon output of modern civilization. You just aren't paying attention to the right stories, that's all.
Maxi Robespierre
2008-06-05 19:37:49 UTC
But we are.In the UK for instance we have about 600 MPs who (including expenses and allowances) get over a million pounds a year each to sort out these things. £600 million of Taxpayers money every year!. I'm sure if I'm paid that much to deal with these things I will do a fine job. Till then count me out. The planet can go up in a puff of gas for all I care
James C
2008-06-05 20:51:18 UTC
Why does Nature cause forest fires that are too large to put out Who owns the earth and who just lives here for a blink of an eye Help your fellow man and leave the rest of problem for the Big Guy to solve, it is his workshop.
2008-06-06 06:05:53 UTC
Because there is no evidence to show that global warming is real. And lots to show that it isn't. That is, unless you agree with 'junk science', which cannot be debated.

Get serious...until/unless someone comes out and shows that the threat is real, (not that it might happen and might be real 50 or whatever years from now) I just laugh at it as the most illogical idea I've ever heard. Unfortunately, it's also the most costly which is no laughing matter.
2016-12-31 16:34:01 UTC
Glaciers constantly soften slowly with the aid of fact they are entering into warmer waters, they have constantly finished that. you probable study or heard approximately polar bears disappearing with the aid of fact of melting ice, in certainty there is greater ice and the bears are thriving. you moreover mght probable heard that Greenland is getting warmer, that is not any longer, the North Pole is melting, that is not any longer. That guy's SUV's are inflicting international Warming, they are no longer. that maximum scientists have faith in international Warming, they do no longer. i'd desire to flow on and on, we are dealing with a organic cycle, the temperature has basically long gone up one degree in the previous 20 years.
2008-06-05 19:31:57 UTC
How do you know Global Warming is really happening what is your evidence?

Really like what? And why do you believe its caused by a 0.6 C or 1 F increase in temperature. Do you realize that scientists started keeping track of the global average temperature right after the little ice age. So how do you know the planet isn't just reregulating itself after being really cold for an extended period of time?

There is also a pattern to all of this, since for the first Forty years of my life Winters had gradually gotten milder now they are starting to go back to the Winters I remember in my youth. This also coincides with the sun's sun spot cycles and a few other things you should research that will explain how our climates work a lot better then this flawed theory.
Astarel Rose
2008-06-05 19:47:50 UTC
The UK is doing a lot for global warming but this is a tiny country, big countries like the USA, China, Russia, India are not these are the ones that are creating the most pollution and have made false claims that global warming is not happening, stupid I know when there is so much proof, a lot of people prefer to ignore the problem thinking it will go away and a silly notion at that.

The problem is that things will get a lot worse and those that think that you can keep putting pollution in the air cut down all the trees and basically mess up the planet and use all resources and that they are not going to effect us then they are stupid as it is taught in science 'cause and effect' and if you think by taking and doing is not going to effect the future of mankind then you are truly stupid.

Do small things turn the water off while brushing your teeth, recycle as much as you can, use low energy light bulbs and turning off your TV help. Also get rid of diesel, drive less, at the end of the day the planet will stay but man will die and your children will feel the real effect and their children. It will get hotter and colder and your food will die out due to this so keep providing food for the family for soon they'll hardly be much left. Why do you think things are more expensive as they are running out. Open your eyes to the truth as hiding is not going to help.
2008-06-05 21:02:36 UTC
OK, first I don't need to tell you to ignore the sceptics or that you have to provide evidence. Readers of this section will find numerous links and citations from research. I have personally provided the link the the Bush Administrations report of last week many times. -- I like that one because I want people to understand this is not a partisan issue and it's not Al Gore's issue. The President is fully on board with the understanding that mankind is causing climate change.

To answer your question, we must understand the size of the issue. President Bush has taken the postition that Kyoto type restrictions without China and India agreeing would severely hurt the US economy without stoping climate change. Even though the US is now the #1 emitter of greenhouse gases, China and India will #1 and #2 in a few years. So, while I don't agree with his lack of leadership (he's really not been a world leader in any area), and while I don't trust him as much as I want to trust our President, his insistance on using the marketplace to incent technological solutions is valid. If any one county were to suddenly reduce emission, the country would hurt economically. The world must solve this problem together and must use emerging technology to do it. In the US, the solution will likely build the social cost of environmental damange into cost decisions of companies that emit greenhouse gases. This plan makes emmitting unprofitable, whereas it is currently profitable. This will take time but will (hopefully) make grand differences. Personally, I want a fix sooner and I weight the environment heavily when deciding how to vote. Other educated voters may decide other issues are more important. But we will get there. I do though find it distressing that this board has so many people who won't look at the reseach but stick to a believe that no change is happening. (It must have been frustrating for Columbus.)
Miss P
2008-06-07 19:44:54 UTC
Because they all turned into yetis through the power of global warming.
2008-06-06 05:30:14 UTC
i think we should ban all cars in the city. lets face it you lot don't need cars, think of all my tax being use for your public transport. i live in the countryside and we get three buses a day two if we are lucky on a Sunday.

global warming is an excuse for the government to make money to feather there nest with. so show me what they have done so far.

two world wars had nothing to do with don't you think, then there was all those nuclear bomb test for nearly 30 years rockets bursting the bubble that is suppose to protect us/satellites floating around the earth of course this has nothing to do with global warming in your outlook on things does it.
2008-06-06 01:54:58 UTC
why isn't any1 doing anything about it? wha'? i started my own non profit organization to collect aerosol cans so we can spray them into the atmosphere i mean its freakin cold here i live in a igloo

bring on global warming!!
2008-06-05 23:24:24 UTC
globe warming is not happeining i'ts called runing out of rescorce which was bound to happen. but no one wanted to think of it 5 years ago now with gas high heating high meatels high every one wants to cry. me i can't wait till gas runs out. i'm building a wind turbine big enough to power 3 houses if gm is true i know how to hunt i know how to fish i know how to grow so i will survive
kevin s
2008-06-05 20:38:18 UTC
We are having the longest cool spell I can remember.

Global warming is over. The trend is turning back to cooling .

There is nothing we could do any way.
Richard M
2008-06-05 21:28:03 UTC
Because I DO NOT CARE! Don't stuff me with your nonsense like, Think about the children, polar bears, blech! Disgusting!
yee >:]
2008-06-05 19:33:16 UTC
well... when yu think about it, its more like it's inconvenient for people to do something about it. It also costs money. Everything costs money these days. To do something about global warming such as buying a hybrid, or changing your lightbulbs is inconvenient for people and very expensive to use organic materials. To weigh it all out, putting food on the table for your family versus better planet for the future generations, most people would choose putting food on the table for your family.
2008-06-06 10:31:28 UTC
read this

also watch 'life after people' on 4OD

and the great global warming swindle
2008-06-06 04:08:43 UTC
Yeah people in the UK could do more as well!
Still Learning
2008-06-05 22:35:39 UTC
Because we are afraid of Polar bears and if they die, then we can be free from their tyranny!
2008-06-05 19:36:34 UTC
Most of Europe is. For example Germany is subsidizing wind power, and building tons of it.

The principal laggards are the US, China, and India. The US Senate is considering an important law right now, but it probably won't pass until Bush leaves office.
Jason W
2008-06-05 19:42:44 UTC
Each of us is responsible to do thier part. What my part was to create What are you doing?
2008-06-05 19:32:33 UTC
steps are in place by kuoto agreement that all countries will reduce their carbon footprint by 20% by 2015 it will take time as developed and developing countries use a lot of resources such as cars, electronic devices etc.. these all produce carbon dioxide either directly or indirectly (eg electric produces carbon dioxide because of power stations burning fossil fuels), energy efficiency is improving and renewable energy sources are being researched and implemented

it will take time for the effects to be noticable and i think more should be done

although we haven't helped in matters i believe that global warming is a trend that the earth has followed for millenia we know this from core samples that show that the earth has cooled (ice ages) and heated many times over thousands of years
2008-06-05 20:36:30 UTC
another biggot .

and btw its know , not no . go back to school and talk to me in 10 years
Frito Bandito
2008-06-05 19:30:02 UTC
Why do you think no one is doing anything? Is it because you aren't doing anything, you think no one else is as well?
Yvonne D
2008-06-05 19:31:06 UTC
Because they are stupid and they are burying their heads in the sand!

Idiots! *frowns!*

edit: judging by the thumbs down I assume that when I say 'idiots' you think I'm talking about you. Well I AM. How dare you be so stupid and arrogant as to deny that this is happening? Its fools like you that caused this problem in the first place. shame on you.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.