Now that the IPCC has been exposed as liars and frauds, will this "global warming" nonsense finally go away?
2010-01-30 05:02:38 UTC
The chairman of the leading climate change watchdog was informed that claims about melting Himalayan glaciers were false before the Copenhagen summit, The Times has learnt.
Seven answers:
2010-01-30 06:38:06 UTC
It proves how necessary the old motto of the Royal Society is: "Nullius in Verba" - on no one's word.

All Black
2010-01-30 14:49:42 UTC
It is a Religion, based on faith in the evil of modern man's industrial civilisation.

Reducing the use of energy reduces the level of civilisation and makes the greedy Westerners artificially poor. AGW has to be true because only by great fear can the West be convinced to commit suicide. They will not let any facts dissuade them from their goal of destroying our way of life. Note that they don't really care about carbon - they want to reduce all power generation. This explains why they also oppose Nuclear and Hydro power schemes that do not emmit carbon dioxide.

This is so that only weak, ineffective power sources like wind and solar are on the table. Visit countries that do not have large scale reliable base load power stations and witness the future for us if we go down this path. Ghana is a good example of a low energy society.

"President Obama's call for new nuclear power plants has angered environmentalists" and damming rivers to produce hydroelectricity is an affront to Gaea and also unacceptable as it produces vast amounts of base load power that would allow civilisation to continue without burning fossil fuels.

Anathema to Greenies!
2016-05-26 11:46:26 UTC
I am a Christian - a student/teacher of the Manuscripts. I am non-denominational so I can't say I really fit in too well with your mainstream Christian Churches. This is mainly because whats in the Manuscripts is so much more an in-depth teaching than what they seem to grasp. Anyway, you seem to feel that your idea of a Godless existance is so sure, that suddenly any of us with the least amount of gray matter upstairs, would say "oh geez, what the hell was I thinking? Thank you so much for clearing me up on that!". But if you were to climb down from that soap box of yours for a moment, you would realize that for every single possibility you have for there to be no God, there is an equal possibility that there IS a God. The fact is that you really don't know. To say that you know for sure, would display your total arrogance to the point where even an idiot wouldn't pay you any mind. Any Scientist would tell you that lack of evidence either way leaves you right smack in the middle. You simply don't know. The very fact that you spend unspecified amounts of time trying to pull people away from their beliefs by "shaking your head, wondering about the educational system, laughing at the faithful, correcting them, dealing with their endless misspellings and logical fallacies - sometimes politely and sometimes not - reading ray comfort banana gaffs more than you can count, stating facts and ridiculing" is a statement within itself. Suggestions? You either take a medication to help you with your obvious obsessive-compulsive disorder, or else just start understanding that Christians are Christians because of something that has touched us, changed us, revealed a spiritual truth to our heart, that you cannot understand because its absent in you. Even if there were words to describe it, you wouldn't understand even the speech. It is completely foreign to you - maybe with all your working against it, you may one day come face to face with it, who knows? But as for now, you are setting yourself up as an enemy to God, and thats not a good state to be in. You don't even have the common sense to stay neutral. As for Science, I take my students on archiological digs twice a year. I have on my desk here in front of me, a mammoth tooth and the lower leg bone of a bird, approximate date is about 14,000 years old. When you hear crazy people who call themselves "creationists" running around insisting the Bible says the Earth is about 6000 years old, you have just heard a bunch of nuts talking. The Bible does not state this Earth is 6000 years old, it states quite the opposite: that this Earth is eons in age, and that there was even an entire Earth age before this one we live in now. Not a different Earth, not a new terrafirma, only the AGE changed. There is no controversy between true science and the Truth in Gods Word. none. There is no reason for any person to have to jump onto either the Science bandwagon or the religious one - the Scriptures and Science work quite well together. I applaud all the new Scientific finds and celebrate them along with the hard-working Scientists who discover them. I am very often called in by many of them to translate early Greek and Aramaic inscriptions when found. You are a very shallow, closed-minded individual. A little good 'ol fashioned truth might be just what you need. Well, either that or a good swift kick in the ***.
libertarian anarchist
2010-01-30 06:41:46 UTC
There is a lot of money at stake. Large multinational corporations have bet millions of dollars on taking advantage of GW regulations. So don't bet on GW going away quietly, especially since some of those corporations own major media outlets.

On the brighter side a recent poll showed that GW ranked 28 on a list of concerns of the American public. Unemployment was number one. Cap and trade is anti-job. Green jobs exist mainly in China. See Evergreen Solar link below for an example.
2010-01-30 06:54:20 UTC
Between the shrill, dope-smoking, hippy-types and greedy politicians and businessmen, it may be a while before the "Man-did-it" global warming cause goes away.

As other posters have suggested, the monetary and power stakes are huge...... Al Gore would have to be stripped of his Nobel prize and Oscar and a lot of scientists would have ruined careers.

It's going to take a successful legal prosecution to bring the point home.
2010-01-30 07:53:20 UTC
With the Winter Olympics, in Vancouver, British Columbia, being held in the MUD, we could use some of the rumored 'global cooling'.

Even Mother Nature is in on AlGore's AGW hoax ! I just can't figure out how he's getting the plants to bloom in January. It looks like January 21st is the new "first day of Spring''.…………
2010-01-30 05:24:53 UTC
I believe nothing from them anymore. They have certainly been discredited !! But this battle isn't even close to being over when billions of dollars are involved for the crooks to gain.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.