I also have always been interested in science, I have worked in a group that studies the Antarctic atmosphere, since the late 1980's and have seen first hand the science on this develop.
I really have to shake my head at some of the nonsense I see deniers put up as theories or science?, when it is quite clearly not science.
"ignorance and expecting an ice age" This is also a point many deniers still seem to try and use, I guess it should be said that even with the scientists who thought we where headed for an ice age back in the 70's this was not something that was expected to happen in out life times even if it had been happening, it would have taken thousands of years, as the ice core record shows it takes about 3 times longer to go back into an ice age as it takes to come out of one and it took ~12,000 years to come out of the last one.
I guess you could say that the next ice age would be a good counter to AGW except it is an average drop of ~8c taking 30,000 years or so, we have raised average global temp by ~1c in just 100 years with the expectation of at the very least 2c (more likely 3c) by the end of the century, that is 25% of the effect of an ice age countered in just 200 years, at that sort of rate, we will counter the full effect of a future glacial period long before it actually could happen, we have already countered the effect of the LIA if another of equal strength where to happen again.
The timing of this can be seen in the ice core data, a sharp rise as the start to an inter-glacial
followed by a much slower decline back to a glacial period
I certainly keep an open mind as I know science can and has made a few mistakes, but frankly the rubbish I see deniers post, offers little that could be called real evidence, and constantly changing insults and slurs about Gore or his marriage or rants about communists or scientists or greens or alternative energy, tell me more about deniers obvious political leans than about real science.
While I see deniers constantly patting themselves on the back for their latest pointless post, as someone who works in the science community, their effect there is pretty much zero, scientists have always had a long term approach to things as that is required in science, which is an ongoing growing process, scientists know that within a decade there is going to be building and obvious evidence that AGW is happening. In say ten years from now the ice loss in the Arctic is going to leave no doubt for the general public that it is shrinking and it's highly likly 1998 will have dropped at least 2-3 places in the listing of warmest years, so it will be interesting to see if deniers can still use 98's as the starting point for cooling if it is 5-6th warmest year, of course at a rate of ~0.1c per decade, the decade after that will see most years routinely pass 98' and it will disappear completely.
As deniers seem to like news sources rather than science ones they may want to try and deny this
kano claims to have been convinced by "I heard about CO2 lagging temperature"
which is surprising as the so called lag is easily explained by a Milankovitch trigger, to the end of a glacial cycle which in turn causes a little warming and the release of CO2 which increases the warming,
But then deniers are well known for their selective hearing