I'm afraid that your supposition is not accurate. The discussion has always been about us vs. them.
I'm not sure how long you've been at this, but I surely remember back to the late sixties.
From the very beginning of the modern environmental movement, when Rachel Carson began a campaign to expose what unrestrained business interests were doing to the environment, there was an immediate backlash.
And how could there not be? Environmentalists implicate our very way of life as the source of the problem.
Due to historical circumstances, environmentalism became associated with counter-culturalism.
Of course, it's a natural fit between the two - but the association was amplified and the issue was framed in such a way as to polarize it completely - so you would have straight red-blooded patriotic god-fearing free market true Americans on one side and dope smoking hippy weirdo communist American hating atheists on the other.
Just look at the nonsense that gets posted on this site.
I personally believe there was, and is to this day, a deliberate campaign by reactionary forces to paint environmentalists as extremists bent on destroying the American way of life. And the diatribe continues from the right to this very day.
The negative message is “Stop Killing the Earth”!
The positive opposite is “We need to work together to fix some problems and prevent a possibly catastrophic outcome”.
But nobody wants to deal with hypotheticals.
Nobody wants to be told they are wrong.
Especially not that our pretty much our entire way of doing things has gone horribly off track and nothing short of a societal revolution is going to fix it.
I would think:
Look! Look at the world! Look at what we have done! Please Stop!
We can have our cake and eat it too if we would just be smart about it.
Would be enough…
But apparently it’s not, or is the wrong approach.
Because when you start talking about the real issues like population control, real limits on development, real preservation that makes large areas of land and sea off limits, real reforms to energy production and use, real reforms that change land use and encourage local economies...
…the majority of the people have no idea what you are talking about, and when they begin to get it they get a feeling like someone kicked them in the chest, and they default to labeling you an crazed environmental wacko… Because bless them, they just can't deal with it. The problem is too big.
I believe the situation is much worse than even the average “environmentalist” believes, and the Joe Six Pack has not the first clue what we are up against.
Education is the answer, but it’s getting late even for that.
Vote and organize for progressive leaders who can sway the vast middle of the populace.