I guess it depends on your reason for buying things. Economically it might be cheaper to produce things in eg China, but environmentally it's not necessarily better.
- To reduce wasting energy in transport buy local food. If you can't resist bananas, buy organic African ones and not those from Ecuador, they have less way to travel. If the more energy efficient fridge comes from, say Germany instead Sweden, and you are in Sweden, it might be more environmentally friendly to buy the German fridge. It depends on what you buy.
- Buy second hand, that reduces the amount of resources and energy needed.
- Buy only what you need, do you really need a third tv or a new mobile because the last year model is "old"? Everything you buy has to be "build" and transported. If you don't buy it, it doesn't. And the old stuff needs to go somewhere too, sell it, other people might be able to use it, donate it, put it into recycle. It's no good in the landfill!
- Buy fair-trade and organic as much as you can, that's more ethical and environmentally friendly.
- Be more aware of your impact. Where do things come from, what are they made of, can it be recycled, do I need it in the first place, do the people producing it get fair pay?
Of course everything you buy or do has an impact, but there are ways to reduce that impact,that's the goal :-) And the money you save by not buying the new tv you can spend on art, sport, concerts, a beer with friends, pizza with friends, a new tree in the garden, piano lessons......
About the famine: as far as I remember, Meadows was saying that famine will struck the developing countries first because of the social and environmentally impact of lots of people with no money concentrated in one area. They will run out of clean drinking water eventually, and the amount of good soil is getting less in those areas as well. It does not necessarily mean that there will be famine in Sweden or Europe, but we will definitely feel some consequences.
To the lack of imagination: yes we create new technologies, but if you can't afford the fancy new technology it's worth nothing for you! There will be social and environmental problems because of our consumption especially in developing countries but also world-wide and we should try to keep them as small as possible.