Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
Do I hate Mann because he desecrated one my idols? No of course not! And the suggestion is pathetic and childish.
I “hate” Mann, because he’s a crook. (There you go jyushchyshyn, you can childishly report me to Y!A again – but make sure it’s for libel this time; slander is the spoken word.)
The issue of Mann is actually a very good litmus test for honesty (or the lack thereof) in Global Warming-Land. In any other area of science, Mann would have been ostracised for what he did. But you Warmists support him. Why? Why is he so important to you?
You are never going to be able to convince intelligent and honest people unless and until you can behave in a proper scientific manner – i.e. condemning people on *both* sides for their shoddy and unscientific work – Mann included.
But you can’t bring yourself to do it, can you?
Let’s be clear about this - it’s the Global Warming equivalent of the Catholic faithful turning a blind eye to their priests fiddling with little boys.
You sit there and preach to us that “It’s all about the science”, but then continue to support someone whose “science” was so bad it bordered on the fraudulent.
Let’s look at the entire MWP story, shall we?
1) Before the whole Global Warming hysteria kicked off, it was a generally accepted fact (incorrect or otherwise) that the MWP was warmer than today.
2) Indeed, as your first link shows, even the IPCC accepted it.
3) We then get the infamous quote “We have to get rid of the MWP.”
4) As if by magic the MBH 98/99 Hockey-stick arrives. Bingo! MWP got rid of.
5) But wait! M&M (despite the many obstacles put in their way) manage to show that it was all dodgy science.
6) Far from being ostracised Mann & co are continuously supported by the Global Warming faithful.
7) More recently, in the Climategate e-mails, we hear about the infamous “Hide the decline” – the “trick” used to conceal the fact that the tree-ring proxy data is *not* a good proxy for temperature.
Now, ignoring for the moment the actual issue of whether or not the MWP was warmer than today, I defy any honest person to look at the series of events above and not be left with the feeling that they’re being “had”. While this doesn’t *prove* anything, there’s no smoke without fire, as they say.
BTW, are you aware of CO2 Science’s MWP Project?
Lastly, I see that your “evidence that humans are causing global warming” link is back. Hasn’t changed though, has it? So it’s actually *still* only evidence that mankind has pumped extra CO2 into the atmosphere. *Not* that that CO2 is actually causing any *significant* warming, or that we’re heading for any kind of catastrophe.
Um? Didn’t I point that out to you in your previous (now deleted) question? Oh well, don’t let a little thing like reality get in the way of a good fantasy.
(Oh, BTW, if you abbreviate my username to five characters, it’s “amanc” not “amana”. Also, given that my username is “aMANcalledchuda” do you think you could possibly refer to me in the masculine, not the feminine? Thank you.)
Sorry, I missed this quote in your comments: “the "Hockey Stick" is empirical”
This is some new definition of the word empirical that I know nothing about, is it?
While the data he started out with may have been empirical, once you start giving one dataset 390 times more weight than any other data set, it is no longer empirical. He must have had a reason to do that, and that reason was his own theory. Therefore his results were not theory-free, and were not, therefore, empirical. So who actually has their head up their hinny here?