Why do so many people deny Global Warming?
2018-07-04 05:13:49 UTC
There is never any consistent reason to why it is made up. It's always some kind of different scam or conspiracy. It started out as some scam to make Al Gore money then it was, "The greedy climate scientist want government grants" or "Liberals just want a excuse to increase government regulation", "It's some secret plot to implement a Communist regime" and "It's a Chinese hoax". You rarely see this talking point outside of right wing circles. The entire Republican party takes money from the fossil fuel industry, every single scientist that deny who've I looked into has is linked to ExxonMobil or kock industry's and all their arguments are cherry picking and purposely made to mislead people and the arguments they've been making have been "Climate Change is happening and humans have played a role in it but its to late to do anything about it now"
155 answers:
2018-07-07 11:04:04 UTC
The part that most intelligent people deny is the claim that Man is somehow causing it to happen. Climate on this little planet has been changing constantly since it was born. Man can neither cause nor control it.
Freedom Rocks
2018-07-06 01:09:23 UTC
They just don't care.
2018-07-05 21:10:38 UTC
Tanta stultitia mortalum est.
daniel g
2018-07-05 17:51:18 UTC
Just ignorance, but the proper term is climate change, a natural even taking place since there was a climate.

Al Gore made a fortune selling 'global warming', and now the trend is cooling, what are they going to blame that on.
2018-07-05 07:27:05 UTC
Maybe they are responsible for global warming . In this reason they deny Global Warming.
2018-07-05 01:47:59 UTC
I was born in this country and lived my entire life here but I’ve also traveled. I can tell you that Americans are some of the most stupid people in the world in general. We have that reputation. And for good reason. And now with the current fool on the hill we’re even more stupid/deranged looking to other countries.When you visit almost any other country, the people just have much more common sense and are more grounded in reality. Many Americans deny everything that is right in front of their noses and are proud of it, too. Proud to be ignorant
2018-07-04 20:11:35 UTC
Our climate has been changing over billions of years, global warming is BS!
2018-07-04 06:44:11 UTC
Because this is a corollary, the earth is not a thermostatic planet, and the climate change varies from region to region. The La Niña phenomenon corresponds to the El Niño phenomenon.
2018-07-04 05:25:26 UTC
Paid for by the fossil fuels lobby! A lucrative income stream! Not to be sniffed at!

Many don't understand science! Everything they need to get them through life is written in the bible!

Fossil fuel corporations own media to propagate climate change denial!
2018-07-04 05:22:50 UTC
I think the dumbest thing I hear consistently is that liberals changed "global warming" to "climate change" because the earth is now cooling. This is the most moronic thing far-right wingers say all the time and only demonstrates that they have not even bothered to research this topic in the slightest.

First of all, the world isn't "cooling". No scientist has concluded that at all. Whenever I ask a conservative to support this ridiculous claim, they always point to the same article published in a newspaper, like because somehow newspapers define the scientific consensus. They don't. Anyone can write a newspaper article, newspaper articles are not written by scientists, and the newspaper article was simply wrong.

"Global warming" wasn't changed to "climate change". The globe is still warming. It's just that "global warming", which refers to humans driving up the average temperature of the planet through excessive carbon emissions, has a much broader impact on the climate simply than warming it up. It also leads to the rise in extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, as well as the acidification of the oceans, sea level rise, etc.
2018-07-06 13:57:16 UTC
There's a difference between AGW and climate change. AGW says man's contamination of the environment (at least) contributes to climate change.

Yrs. ago, the naysayers wouldn't accept climate change. That's pretty much behind us now.

Pollution rose as a national priority around 50 yrs. ago. The country was united against it. We got the EPA etc. But then, pollution standards became politicized as the right wing began taking in big money f/ billionaire industrialists like the Koch Bros. who learned it's much cheaper to buy politicians w/ donations than clean up their act.

Today, the right wing has convinced their minions it would be harmful to clean up the only planet we have for no reason since they claim the pollution doesn't accelerate the climate change.
Tad Dubious
2018-07-06 12:53:08 UTC
It is just weather, dude.
Andrew Crow
2018-07-06 07:46:08 UTC
I hope they deny it because of scientific and not political or religous means. My parents deny it because they re Christians and believe only God has the power to affect the climate.
2018-07-05 19:44:34 UTC
A lack of understanding. Alaska is actually shrinking in size because the land on wich they live is permafrost and it's melting !!!
2018-07-05 18:54:12 UTC
They do not want to go through the trouble of changing things.
2018-07-05 18:30:43 UTC
Because they are Morons
2018-07-05 16:17:16 UTC
Same Reason we Atheist and agnostics do not believe in god(s) existence

the so called proof is myths not fact the priest of Religions always benefit from the fear of the masses

global warming climate change activists is a religion not a science

REAL Science never is a consensus ,, there are always more fact to find

the very question proves there is not a consensus
2018-07-05 14:19:42 UTC
Perhaps because only a short time ago the same people who are now touting "Global Warming" were making dire predictions about the coming "Ice Age". Now, they are pointing to the alleged shrinking of the polar ice caps; then, they were proposing methods of stopping the growth of the ice caps (spreading coal dust on them, etc.).
Gerry G
2018-07-05 13:58:45 UTC
Climate change is a cyclical event. That, I believe, is the reason for the denial.
2018-07-05 13:10:30 UTC
Hi ... I think it exists , but not as generally presented . I mostly believe that what is going on is a natural earthly process . Thankfully we live in a country where we can disagree .
2018-07-05 13:10:28 UTC
There is a lot of junk to the science .
2018-07-05 11:04:49 UTC
Personally I think that it should be called climate change rather than global warning, With all the BS that is going on on both sides of the debate we will never come to a consensus, If there wasn't so much money involved we would have a more rational debate about it.

Trouble is the effects of the weather will not ever be understood, having said that were are in a period of greater than average solar activity with traditionally tends to heat up the Earth. This in my mind produces the effects of weather change greater than the effects that mankind has made. Some periods it will get hotter and some it will get much colder.Some scientists have predicted that unless we lower the greenhouse gas emissions the heat will continue to rise, at the same time there are prominent scientist that say that even if we do pour trillions of dollars towards going green it will only have a minuscule effect (about 0.3% less) which in the great scheme of things is really stuff all!!! but it will affect the economy very significantly.

The scientist are all measuring effects over the a couple of hundred or so years which also in the geographical terms is useless, last Ice age was about 10000 years ago and apparently we are overdue for another one. Whilst we should be cutting down on greenhouse gasses because it is the right thing to do we shouldn't be doing it at the enormous expense that is happening as it will only have a minuscule effect. Land masses rise and fall causing drought and also flooding, weather patterns change as a result, can't stop that!

Until we have a way to control that big yellow ball up in the sky (which will never happen) we have no way to change the weather, one good volcano can throw up millions of tonnes of those greenhouse gasses and there are about 35 volcanoes erupting per year not counting the undersea ones, this number will also increase in number and probably severity as the Earth mantle contracts.

For those who want to be more depressed, here is a link for some more info regarding volcanoes for which mankind is not responsible for or can control:

So what can mankind do ..... stuff all really. Go green if possible because it is the right thing to do but don't destroy economies in the process which will produce very little benefit. This is just my 2 cents worth and you may agree or disagree with me, that is fine but just think about what is actually going on first. We should be more concerned about the level of pollution mankind is producing instead.
2018-07-05 07:16:25 UTC
The only thing I say about it is because around the left states don’t get that much rain and the right side does
2018-07-05 03:47:33 UTC
I believe the reason for the denial is the amount of politicization this issue has gone through. The politics around it can really gum up the actual issues on hand and cause unnecessary division. Believing in climate change should not be made into a right wing or left wing issue (most things shouldn't). It is something that should be considered by all people regardless of political or religious affiliations. The media also helps to cause division on this issue due to sensationalism and finger pointing and all that fun stuff.

I honestly don't know what to believe. I believe polution is an issue, but as for global warming due to humans? Idk.

It is very hard to know what to believe these days.
2018-07-04 22:24:58 UTC
They believe anything Fox News tells them to believe
2018-07-04 18:14:53 UTC
Its the lack of evidence ,and no prediction came true ,NYC is not underwater
Awesome Bill
2018-07-04 15:23:13 UTC
Well, for me, it's impossible to say what "global warming" actually is. It could mean the impact of humans or volcanic, axial or solar in nature. On one hand, I cannot deny the fact that ocean levels are getting higher as glaciers are receding. Nor can I deny how we humans have desecrated the planet in our pursuit of technological advancement.

On the other, it's really hard to say for certain if this trend toward global warming is long-term or something the planet can regulate with chilling trends.

I suppose people want to deny it for several reasons. It could be due to the fact that people are profiting from the global warming initiatives, some people may not understand how nature works, while some others may be religious to the point of denying that humanity can have that much of an effect on the planet.
2018-07-04 11:51:12 UTC
Their biggest argument is something like "climate has always been changing" or "there has always been co2 in the atmosphere." The rate of which the co2 has been going into the atmosphere has been increasing at a very fast pace resulting in some of the hottest days on record. That is global warming. There is obviously more money to be made on the unregulate/ pro oil side of the argument.
2018-07-04 06:27:34 UTC
It's easier to go about one's business raking in money and not taking the time/effort to sort plastic from metal, etc. than it is to save the planet and ensure that our grandkids have some kind of habitable planet to live on.
2018-07-04 05:18:30 UTC
Ignorance, then they lie and say it is fake. They don't bother to do the research.
2018-07-08 07:13:27 UTC
Because they don’t want to believe that it is actually happening
This is
2018-07-07 20:21:33 UTC
Because they are Trump supporters
2018-07-06 14:50:19 UTC
Look at it this way............planet Earth is billions of years old - it goes through changes daily and will continue to do so.

Therefore, Global Warming is PART of Earth's daily changes.
2018-07-06 10:10:07 UTC
Because they follow Donald Trump and he believes that global warming doesn't exist
2018-07-06 07:19:01 UTC
Onlkyh stupid people would deny global warming.
2018-07-06 04:46:03 UTC
They may be blind to see it.
2018-07-05 23:58:30 UTC
The promoters of global warming are only going off the last few hundred years of data, and the earth has been warming in that time. I don't think anyone deny's this. Problem is earth's history goes back a lot further and it can be proved that there have been spells of cooling and warming, and at times when there was no heavy industry or any cars or aerosols etc.
2018-07-05 19:08:06 UTC
People deny it's man-made.

Just like the ice ages, no one denies they happened but did the ice ages occur because of fossil fuel regulation??

Liberals are insane.
Philip H
2018-07-05 18:25:03 UTC
Global Warming is a Fact. The details are many and most of those details are debatable.

This forum is not a good place to dispute the facts and how they can be applied to such a complex set of factors.
2018-07-05 15:50:21 UTC
I am not certain of the answer. It is difficult to comprehend why people would reject something that is so thoroughly researched by many branches of science and extremely well-supported by evidence. I suspect there may be two reasons. The first reason is the one why governments such as the US federal government reject it. I think that may have a lot to do with money. The big industries that need to make significant changes to enable global climate change to be tackled do not want to make the required changes. It is not because they cannot because I think they employ some very talented people who could find solutions. They do not want to make changes because they do not want to spend the money. Of course, they do spend money by lobbying legislators and presidents but that is cheaper than the costs of the research and development required to solve this very pressing problem. I also suspect there may be some reluctance because by making changes there is the implication those industries are to blame for the problem. Certainly what we do need is a no blame culture if we are going to tackle this major issue.

The second main denial of global climate change is amongst the general public. This seems to me to be at its strongest in the USA. There is a problem in the USA of anti-intellectualism. It seems perverse that probably the richest and one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world should have such a large population who reject the findings of scientific research. The irony is they are selective in this. They are happy to keep drinks cold in a refrigerator, not overheat in an air-conditioned house, get from A-to-B in their cars, communicate via their smartphones, take antibiotics when they are ill, etc. They are happy in these and many other instances to accept the fruits of scientific endeavour.

I think the problem, again especially in the USA, is because religion also gets involved particularly it would seem right-wing evangelicals. I am not certain what is going on there. It could be their right-wing politics because it is primarily on the right of the political spectrum that global climate change is denied. Perhaps it is their general objection to science.

It is quite bizarre because unless we do something about it our children and grandchildren will certainly have to accept global climate change. They will have no choice because they will be presented with its very direct effects.
2018-07-05 12:56:21 UTC
many stupid people
2018-07-04 21:15:41 UTC
Because they read ideologically-slanted "news" rather than looking at the facts. Global warming is happening, and the conservative response should be to adopt market-based methods to reduce its effects, NOT to deny it.
2018-07-04 15:18:12 UTC
they say its fake....i think most of them are uneducated.
2018-07-04 08:14:42 UTC
Why do fat people blame their metabolism ,or argue that fat is good .

People tend to want to choose the easy option -- and then look for excuses to support it
2018-07-04 06:13:05 UTC
How about....falsifying documentation to make it look like there was warming when there wasn't? Would that convince you? It happened. How about them absolutely LYING about the 97% consensus, which isn't actually a consensus, but we'll use their term. OR the "models' that are "running hot" and can't (admittedly) be representative of the entire atmosphere. Or the fact that Al Gore made a SCHIT-TON of money selling carbon offsets...that, if you don't know, don't actually lessen carbon emissions. They just make someone a LOT of money.

Any of that strike a skeptical tone?
2018-07-04 06:08:12 UTC
They love 110 degree summers and the smell of burning coal.
2018-07-04 05:17:54 UTC
The globe has warmed and cooled since the birth of the planet and has been warming since the end of the last ice age ( + or - 15,000 years )

The majority of that time , long before the industrial revolution .
2018-07-04 05:17:06 UTC
same way when I heard about the boogeyman I call BS when I hear it
2018-07-04 05:15:23 UTC
Liberals can't decide if it's climate change, Global warming or global cooling.
2018-07-04 05:14:36 UTC
short answer conservatism & greed
2018-07-09 16:13:59 UTC
OK so we won the war on Global Warming .. YOU WIN...

this year they LOWERED the chance of Hurricanes hitting the USA because the GLOBE has actually cooled down ..

OK you WIN .. Quit rubbing it in.. We get it..
2018-07-08 13:16:29 UTC
Because they have this misconception that Global Warming means the climate is solely getting warmer so when it snows in winter, or is cold in general, they dismiss Global Warming. Global Warming means more extreme weather, hotter summer and colder winters, and unpredictable weather.
2018-07-07 16:24:23 UTC
Because the truth is too horrifying for them to accept, they're just burying their heads in the sand.
2018-07-06 22:06:17 UTC
They all are don't aware what is global warming..
2018-07-06 15:13:52 UTC
Yikes- this one’s tough to answer. They don’t want to think that the climate is changing so rapidly- either due to guilt or ignorance. People who deny this change have led them to their beliefs, otherwise.
2018-07-06 06:27:45 UTC
Global Warming is a natural process that would occur without mankind's influence. According to the vast majority of highly educated scientists who specialize in climate and melting poles, mankind's influence has been accelerating Global Warming. Scientists have been wrong about their timing (they thought that we might have thousands of years to do something). Currently, most of these scientists believe that we have past the point of no return.////////////// Judith Woolworth Donahue, on the other hand, says that we are not beyond the point of no return. She pointed out that Volcanic eruptions, like Pinatubo's eruption proved, if sufficiently large, could cool the earth. She advocates mimicking a volcano. It isn't just a matter of ash, nor is it a matter of chemicals in the stratosphere, it is a matter of sufficient quantities of both ash and the right chemicals in the stratosphere. She advocates sending up the chemicals and ash by rocket. Perhaps an ion gun could move sufficient quantities? The chemicals, once in place, will distribute themselves. President W. Bush denied Global Warming (as did his mouthpiece, Canadian Rush Limbaugh). W. Bush had his lawyers rewrite the nation's environmental report so it denied that hurricane Katrina was intensified by mankind's influence, though the official report, clearly said that it was. Melting poles, melting glaciers, the hollowing out of the snow of Greenland (water flows under the ice), are all indicating the dire Global Warming situation. W. Bush was an oil man (and so was his father and Cheney). Profit and greed were their motives.
2018-07-05 23:33:00 UTC
Because they can't stand the truth
2018-07-05 21:22:24 UTC
Do corporations contribute to massive consumption? Yes. Does it affect the earth temperature. No.

This world is run on $$. Green is a marketing tool.
2018-07-05 18:49:46 UTC
They are ignorant. While it is true that Humans arent actually doing a whole lot, Global Warming is occurring, but its happening naturally. We saw global climate change throughout history. The Ice Age was global cooling. Before that was the hot, humid life of the jurassic, cretacious, etc periods. So maybe, sometimes, when people say, "Global Warming is not real!" they mean human lead global warming
2018-07-05 13:12:24 UTC
Probably making money off the of the business which create pollution.
2018-07-05 12:02:58 UTC
Its a money making SCAM!!!!!!!!!!! Just remember how cold it gets in the winter!!
2018-07-05 09:41:24 UTC
They are not feeling the heat - but they must be living under a rock, if such.
2018-07-05 04:30:48 UTC
PERHAPS they have not seen the Glaciers DISAPPEARING! CAN'T EVER FIX STUPIDITY!😎😱😎😩🌞
2018-07-05 00:15:38 UTC
Some people deny it for short term profit (Drumpf, corporate puppets, etc.),

some deny it because they just plain feel like this is not their problem, they do not feel like reading up or listening up on their facts (i.e.: ignorance),

some deny it because god told them to,

and sallest percentile is just contrarian - taking a piss out of the situation and or trolling.
2018-07-04 20:53:58 UTC
The climate does change, but not because my lawnmower runs on gasoline.

The climate will always change.

If the fruitcakes whining about "climate change" EVER had even ONE of their nonsensical predictions come true, it would be different.

Al Gore's multimillion dollar mansion is in a place HE predicted would be "under water soon because of global warming" - if that's the case, WHY did he buy it? Does he want an underwater mansion?

Libtards can talk themselves into anything.

Actually, it's perfectly legal to cause all the global warming you want - Al Gore will be VERY happy to SELL you the license to do so.


"Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'? -- A $30,000 Utility Bill"

' "If this were any other person with $30,000-a-year in utility bills, I wouldn't care," says the Center's 27-year-old president, Drew Johnson. "But he tells other people how to live and he's not following his own rules." '


Intelligent person 1992: "Hello, what's going on?"

Libtard 1992: "Global warming! Florida will be under WATER by 1998*! We will LOSE New York City by 2001*! Other coastal cities will be GONE by 2003*! Both polar ice caps will be completely GONE by 2004*!"

Intelligent person 2010: "What's going on with global warming now?"

Libtard 2016: "It's climate change! Climate change! An climatic disaster is imminent*!"

Intelligent person 2018: "How much of that happened?"

Libtard 2018: "Uh, uh, er, uh er, uh,- The Pause!* Yes! The Pause!!!!!"

* Individual predictions taken directly from the pages of the NYT.

2018-07-04 20:46:21 UTC
The internet is largely to blame. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a wonderful medium for communication and a valuable source of information, but in giving everyone a voice it has led to the fallacy that everyone's opinion is equally valid. And that just isn't true.

If I'm looking for someone to perform root canal on me I'm not going to a random stranger who holds strong opinions on how it should be done based on what feels right to him. But that's what we find with climate change denier, rather than go to the source to see what the facts say they go instead to lunatic fringe websites like WUWT where people will tell them exactly what they want to hear.

If you ever want to see anything truly funny read the comments section at WUWT when they run a science story on something other than global warming and you'll see that they're the biggest bunch of science denying, antivaxxer, flat earthers ever. And yet we're supposed to believe that on climatology they're educated and knowledgeable.
2018-07-04 19:48:37 UTC
I don't believe people don't believe. Its a matter of what to do.. Basically people should realize if the population keeps growing so does waste. So do not tell me to do something I have to pay for that others get away with. Like XXXXXXXX TAXES.
2018-07-04 19:19:24 UTC
Sorry you missed the fact ... Since trump took office there has Been no

Stories on fake global warming or climate change. The lies ended with

Obama and Hillary. Kick them all out and climate change will disappear

Because it doesn't exist. Except in your brain washed head. Get a seat

Next to The peanut character who believes in the great pumpkin or the

Idiots how think Hillary is qualified to be president. All these are delusions.
2018-07-04 09:38:42 UTC
Because they realise that to do anything about it at all, it will influence their lives to a great extent, and they are very reluctant to have their lives upset to this extent. What they really mean is that it would be inconvenient, and that they would prefer to be bloody selfish, at least for their foreseeable future.

When their descendants are choking their guts up, and crawling about in a sea of contaminated $hit, it will be far too late to have a change of mind.
2018-07-04 05:31:16 UTC
I used to bang my head against the wall about this. But then I realized how simple it is. As you have no doubt noticed with the Trump Cult, Republican voters are prisoners of whatever their party tells them to believe. Republican politicians are highly lobbied by the oil industry, they love oil industry money and the oil industry loves Republicans. So Republicans continue to deny what is financially threatening to them, and the oil industry buys the 2% of scientists that deny it.
2018-07-16 00:54:18 UTC
Because they are busy with science maybe. Ever thought.
2018-07-08 06:07:58 UTC
They are not interest to know anything about the global warming.
2018-07-08 00:52:12 UTC
The companies that do the damage to the environment brib politicans to lie to people.
2018-07-07 15:36:32 UTC
To make a buck
2018-07-06 06:53:56 UTC
They have been brainwashed by Fox "news'.
2018-07-06 06:07:06 UTC
Cause they don’t think for themselves
2018-07-06 03:26:35 UTC
They are listened to politicians and media propaganda that are anti-environment. It is a direct rate that the more donations a politician receives from oil corporations, the more frequently they lie and deny climate change. Follow the money.
Alderman Keno
2018-07-05 07:11:47 UTC
I already have a religion.
Coop 366
2018-07-05 03:25:04 UTC
It is stupid to deny Global Warming; the real question is whither mankind is speeding it up or whither it is natural!
2018-07-05 02:37:16 UTC
Only the sun
2018-07-04 23:56:25 UTC
Have a read at this article about our Scorching Earth which was in today's paper.
2018-07-04 22:49:50 UTC
Many people do not want to see global warming as it stops them feeling guilty with the way they are polluting and using up the world resources. I saw a TV program years ago where a wasteful couple were sent to a low impact on the environment group who lived on a small acreage living in a way that cut the pollution and wastage normal society was producing. Their homes were largely built from reclaimed materials and although not glamorous homes were comfortable and practical. After a week there the couple were asked had the experience changed their beliefs on wasting such huge amounts of resources. The guys answer was he enjoyed his V8 engined pick up truck and car too much and felt he would continue in his normal wasteful and polluting ways until as he put it the wheels fall off and it is impossible to live like that anymore. As far as he was concerned he did not care that he was destroying the earth with his unnecessary extravagance and polluting.

I am sure most people think the same way and by denying Global warming believe they can carry on as if nothing is going wrong in the world. Most people are too greedy and short sighted to worry about the future generations. All they worry about is having a comfortable living with things they don t really need and modern cities cut them off from the realities of pollution and land degradation. They look around at their neighbourhood and see it is clean and all is well and don t see beyond that outside the city native animals are disappearing, rivers are no longer safe for recreational activities, rainfall patterns are declining making it harder to grow food. Many city people no longer understand their food comes from the rural areas and think supermarkets manufacture it all from nothing. They no longer realise an animal had to die to have that steak for dinner or a MacDonald s meal, or land has to be cleared of trees to grow crops for their food.

Country people have noticed global warming as creeks don t run as often or growing periods for crops are getting shorter making it more difficult for growing them. I would say many city people don't realise the impact global warming will cause them. They don t understand that rising sea levels will cause their children and grand children huge problems as large cities next to the sea will disappear under the waves with many homes being destroyed.

In other words many people prefer to stick their head in the sand in denial than face reality and have to change their lifestyle.
2018-07-04 21:32:26 UTC
Most people do not actually deny climate change but still get called "sceptics" or "denialists". The proof of man's role is weak at best, which is why many people have trouble buying the argument, and there is an awful lot of religion-like fervor to the AGW crowd that makes many people respond negatively (if you have to be so cultish about it, using blanket statements as if they are true and beyond any possible doubt, many people have a logical rejection mechanism out of habit).

Why do many people question the various claims about man-caused global warming, the need to fix "something" to make it stop, and even whether the claims of horrible calamity are valid? Primarily because the claims are excessive and not actually supported by reality. The burden of proof lies on the person making a claim of extraordinary circumstances, yet the proof is not actually there. Correlation is not proof of causation (warming coincides with atmospheric CO2 content but that proves nothing of itself), and climate change is something that is basic to reality on this planet so the very existence of climate change is to be expected whether man is here or not, and the only "Proof" that anyone has at all points to climate model predictions that are poor representations of actual reality, at best.

So, I imagine that people doubt AGW (not climate change, or even global warming since circa 1800, but man-caused warming) because there is no real reason to accept it. It is a nice idea and it might even be true, but I would like some substantiation rather than speculation, myself.
2018-07-04 20:32:58 UTC
Look.........Trump is president.........doesn't that TELL YOU, that the imbeciles are winning these days?

Stupidity continues to grow in leaps and bounds.

The difference between stupidity and Genius, is that Genius has it's limits.
2018-07-04 19:37:37 UTC
Global Warming is a scam. It’s fake socialist propaganda. My proof? Keep living on this earth.
2018-07-04 15:30:30 UTC
because they are dumb
2018-07-04 14:13:40 UTC
Stay away from anyone who calls you stupid or "not that bright". Anyone is capable of being intelligent.
2018-07-04 12:52:48 UTC
It cannot be denied that the biggest proponents of global cooling where they started in the 80s to global warming and now to play it safe global climate change have the biggest so called feet prints than anyone . From private planes to air conditioned mansions with heated pools not to mention their large bank accounts they do alright for themselves in these last days of living things. Its like they really don't believe in it either. We all have to make a living somehow I suppose .
a la Rimbaud
2018-07-04 05:58:14 UTC
Republicans used to acknowledge global warming as a real/serious threat. Republicans denying global warming really started in the late '00s, largely to oppose Obama/the Democratic Party... and sure, with money from the fossil fuel industry (it's ironic when conservatives try to claim it's some liberal racketeering scheme, considering their own view is informed by billions of dollars from - and for the benefit of - the oil industry).

It also comes from a misunderstanding of Earth's climate (and changes in climate), and ignorance of the scope of the research (being able to measure human emissions and compare that with sediment core samples to get a precise measure of human impact). But I think that's more on the part of voters/average people, not politicians (most of them are probably well aware of the science, but the checks from the oil industry outweigh that).

So, I guess it's a matter of political motivation (an issue used to leverage opposition) combined with greed/being bought off - at least for conservative politicians, then their voters just bought into it, and it's snowballed out of control. And hey, 3% of scientists either reject it or are on the fence (please don't look at their funding, though... heh), so obviously it's a hoax!
2018-07-04 05:17:18 UTC
I won't deny, it was pretty hot today
2018-07-07 17:11:28 UTC
They do not imagine about that matter.
miyuki & kyojin
2018-07-07 14:10:48 UTC
It more political than scientific. It is dogma not to be questioned, dogmas are part of religion, not science. It change name several times like Genesis creation myths-Creationism-Creation Science-Intelligent Design, that alone make logical people suspicious. Al Gore make millions off it. He is unprincipled scammer. Logical people suspicious of anything he say. Is mainly American liberals who preach it and are enraged when anyone question it, just like religious fanatics.
2018-07-07 03:50:39 UTC
Cause it is fake. I don't have to be a scientists to figure that out. Does the climate change? Of course! It changes literally every single day. But notice how it used to be called "global warming" then people changed it to "climate change" cause it started getting cooler NOT warmer?

Like for real its a fake issue, the climate is unpredictable but it is not a threat right now.
2018-07-06 15:26:22 UTC
Either they are poorly educated on the science or fearful that accepting the reality of climate change would substantially dent their economic well-being in some way.

Those are the only two reasons.
2018-07-06 13:47:31 UTC
Because they are stupid
2018-07-06 05:50:22 UTC
I do not deny that climate change exists. I merely think that the so-called science behind it is weak to non-existent. The models used for the predictions stopped working years ago and were off by 4+ degrees C with predictions that were in the fractional degree range. The correlations reported for these changes are less than 50%, which in any reputable scientific field would be grounds to start looking for other causes because it means your input data and your computations are not strongly linked.

Before you go ballistic on me, I still want to get rid of excessive atmospheric pollution - for health reasons. And if it happens to benefit climate stability, to me that would be a lucky bonus. But I won't hold my breath on that side effect.
2018-07-05 20:59:47 UTC
= Firstly it is perfectly true that about 98% of scientists agree that world climate is changing, and indeed most also maintain world climate has always been changing throughout the history of this planet. But what increasing numbers are sceptical about and some use the word "scam" about is whether the theories of the UN International Panel on Climate Change (UNIPCC) contending unless mankind cuts back drastically on CO2 emissions then all life on earth is doomed is really true. That is the issue we need to review here with an open mind.

In fact today some of those who used to argue very passionately that global warming was the major threat facing mankind have now replaced the words "global warming" with the words "climate change" specifically it seems because there has been a verifiable levelling out in the rising in global temperatures, and also some scientists today are maintaining (rightly or wrongly) that the trend is now towards global cooling rather than global warming.


But nobody really knows for sure. Everything is just speculation and theorising using apparently flawed computer models to try to predict trends. I used to believe global warming was a serious issue that needed to be addressed just like some of those answering this question do. But although I am still not certain, I am finding myself increasingly drawn to the view that it could indeed well be a scam, but I am keeping an open mind on the question as everybody should.

I am afraid however it is simply not true that "the science is settled" as stated by certain politicians like President Obama and Al, Gore. One thing that is emphatically apparent is that the science is definitely not settled as there is increasing skepticism among a considerable section of the most eminent scientists all over the world regarding the original theories put forward by Al Gore in his movie "an inconvenient truth" in collaboration with the UN International Panel on Climate Change (UNIPCC). Since that movie was made and widely believed by huge numbers of scared people some things claimed to be happening by Al Gore have been found to be incorrect.

Increasing numbers of expert scientists are among those who have changed their mind from supporting Al Gore's and the UNIPCC theories to being highly sceptical of them. These include Dr Mike Hulme, a prominent climate scientist and UN-IPCC insider. Dr Benjamin Santer, author of the 2007 IPCC report chapter on the detection of greenhouse warming - Dr Richard Lindzen (Atmospheric Scientist) Former Professor at Massasuchetts Institute of Technology UNIPCC and lead Author, Dr John Christy - Professor and Director of the Earth System Science Centre at the University of Alabama, Doctor Yury Izrael, past UN IPCC Vice President and Director of Global Climate and Ecology Institute, member, and others of the highest eminence whose names were attributed to supporting papers claimed to support the UNIPCC theories have demanded their names be removed from that as they simply can not support the UNIPCC's latest reports any more.

Nor is this view apparently a minority opinion among the world's learned scientists a study organised by Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine signed by about 9,000 Scientists who have PhDs and about 31,000 scientists altogether contends "There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth." .

Supporters of the UNIPCC theories in recent year have been increasingly basing their contention that global warming is real on statistics from NASA which appear to show two of the warmest years ever recorded have been in this century. But an investigation by probably the world's top weather forecasting expert John Coleman (founder of the Weather Channel) provides very strong evidence challenging that in a TV documentary on KUSI TV in which what he exposes what he calls "systematic and purposeful deceit in statistical evidence of alleged global warming" to have been perpetrated by NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Sciences and NOAA's National Climate Data Center following similar falsification and intent to deceive world opinion being exposed by hackers into the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia. If you want to watch this to analyse the evidence please Google "John Coleman global warming hoax KUSI" as his exposures can be watched in full on YouTube to further answer the question expertly in very great detail.

One other very important piece of evidence suggesting the UNIPCC are wrong in their belief that the 20th century and 21st century are warmer than ever known before in world history concerns the "Medieval Warm period" (1000-1200 AD) when Planet Earth was in fact provably much warmer than now. Although supporters of the UNIPCC have tried to deny that it was warmer than now, very many hundreds of scientists have written peer reviewed papers proving it was in fact much warmer than today in northern latitudes with irrefutable evidence of the Vikings farming in a green Greenland in that epoch (a part of the world that is today covered in very thick ice)! Since then there have of course been various ice ages as well as inter glacial periods before humanity first arrived on Earth. It is hardly necessary for me to point out that the referred to medieval warming period was well before the industrial revolution in world history so it can not possibly be attributed to CO2 emissions nor human activity. Also there is very strong evidence that the dinosaurs became extinct as a result of huge changes in world climate 64 million years ago, and very many years before man ever existed.

I think you have asked a very good question and this is an issue everybody should keep an open mind about. Nobody really knows the truth, and there are widely different beliefs, prejudices and vested interests involved in both science and political circles. But true science should always be about questioning the evidence and being sceptical not accepting things blindly deemed politically correct by politicians with little or no scientific background.

BTW its getting colder not warmer in the Antarctica.

Newly analyzed Nasa satellite data from east Antarctica shows Earth has set a new record for coldest temperature ever recorded: -94.7C (-135.8F). It happened in August 2010 when it hit -94.7C (-135.8F). Then on 31 July of last year, it came close again: -92.9C (-135.3F). Is that proof of global cooling? The discrepancy between the global temperature and the land-based readings is down to the changes in measuring techniques that have biased oceanic readings much higher.

The engine air-intake temperature sensor readings on ships are now incorporated into the global readings - a desperate move, as these are inaccurate sensors only intended to supply the engine's fuelling management with intake density readings.

No honest 'scientist' would accept such rubbish data from cheap, uncalibrated, sensors which are either reading the temperature inside a hot engine room - or air that has just drifted down the length of a baking steel deck.The inclusion of such unreliable data can only be for one purpose - to skew the overall temp reading higher, as such sensors can only report above-ambient temperatures - never below.
2018-07-05 18:54:37 UTC
They deny it because they want to keep polluting to keep certain jobs going often in the energy field but don't want to pay a price for it of pretend pollution does not harm and it is not just climate change but pollution of the oceans, our fresh water supply and the air we breathe as well as the land. Much of this pollution ends up in our body or in the bodies of the vegetables and animals we eat and it is not good for our bodies causing many illnesses including cancers.
2018-07-05 17:14:15 UTC
The climate always changes.
2018-07-05 16:49:33 UTC
2018-07-05 14:33:24 UTC
I think the question is why do you confuse man-made vs natural global warming. It is the same strategy as the left always saying immigrants instead of illegal immigrants.

There is not doubt that we have been in a warming trend. The climate always changes and moves warmer of colder, wetter or drier and man is not going to beat mother nature. Those that deny man made global warming are probably also very anti-pollution whenever possible because global warming is also a political topic that has most on the left automatically accepting everything they are told and people on the right possibly being to dismissive of some of the advantages of green energy.

I am a Tea Party conservative who people on the left hate the most. I compost and grow as many of my vegetables as possible in the summer and my green house in spring/fall. I have solar panels. I recycle and reuse. Everything I have except automobiles is electric as my state is a high percentage of nuclear generated power and I badly want a Tesla.

We conservatives are mostly rural and you will see us acting responsible to protect the nature that we live in.

Liberals are mostly city dwellers and follow what their talking heads tell them because they have not seen a farm in years and maybe feel good they can maintain a fern by the window.

Conservatives walk the walk and Liberals talk the talk. Why don't you do something too instead of telling others to do something about pollution.

Also note that Global Warming has been filled with false facts and direct lies. Some were mistakes like Al Gore's inconvenient truth where he pretended he knew what he was talking about but some has been manipulated data which has been exposed. You cannot say we should just ignore that.
Andy F
2018-07-05 13:57:46 UTC
A mix of different reasons.

One is that big fossil fuel companies -- who ARE aware of global warming-- have been lying to the public about the problem since the 1970s, and have spent huge amounts of money on "denialist" propaganda.

A second reason is "cognitive dissonance" coming from human pride. Most of us, once we've said something or believed something out of ignorance, feel deeply ashamed to change our minds about it, especially in public. We don't want to admit that we were wrong.

And so some people who spoke out publicly against GW in the past are refusing to change their statements now, and may pretend to themselves to still be thinking it's a hoax.

A third reason, as Naomi Oreskes writes in her book "Merchants of Doubt," is that some highly placed scientists who were refugees from Eastern Europe, refugees from the Nazis and the Communists, are deeply committed to a libertarian fear of "big government," ALL big government.

A few of these guys are convinced that global climate change aka "Global Warming" can't be fixed without big government programs, and keep denying that any problem exists for political and economic reasons-- not scientific ones. Some of these same guys also defended the tobacco companies for years against scientific critics pointing out that tobacco can cause cancer.

A fourth reason for people denying anthropogenic climate change -- "Global Warming" -- is that this has been a slow-moving crisis, and a complicated one to understand. And human brains that evolved long ago to handle immediate problems -- like where to kill an animal to provide dinner for the tribe, or how to defend against tigers or human headhunters -- just aren't wired to handle gradually developing, complex threats very well.

A fifth reason that so many people still want to deny the problem is because climate science is complicated, and the scientific community's understanding of it has been slow to develop, and some of the technology we use to measure it now didn't exist 50 or 100 years ago.

This means that only a few decades ago, there were legitimate reasons for some scientists to have doubts about global warming & its causes. Not everybody in denial about GW was a liar. But the research has gotten more developed since then, and now there's very little doubt.

See Spencer S. Weart, "The Discovery of Global Warming," for details.

-- retired environmental journalist / first learned about "global warming" in the 1960s from my ecology professors, and have followed the issue ever since.
2018-07-05 11:20:52 UTC
Because it is not true. It's a fallacy devised so that Americans can be taxed more. Why else would they change it from "Global Warming" which implies the earth is getting warmer and warmer, to "Climate Change" which implies the temperature of the earth can go either way, hot or cold? It's because they know they can only fool people for so long with one terminology.
2018-07-05 08:30:47 UTC
Most people think about global warming's negative impact, but there are benefits to those who see and can seize the opportunities ahead.

As glaciers recede, currently inaccessible mineral resources will become available for extraction. Lands due to become submerged can be stripped of natural resources to supply industry with the necessary material to fuel an unprecedented construction boom as entire communities are forced to relocate. New housing will create demand for new furniture and other consumer goods. New factories brings new jobs. Aging infrastructure will be abandoned in favor of new infrastructure, eliminating costly maintenance of outdated roads, bridges, etc. Old farmland will be replaced by new land that was previously unsuitable for agriculture becomes available.

The poor will not fare so well. They will seek refuge as their homes are lost, but will be left to fend for their themselves as they are turned away due to overwhelming numbers, race and religious reasons.
2018-07-05 00:25:00 UTC
Even the 'Global Warming!!!" crowd is calling it "Climate Change!!!" now. Guess what. The climate has always changed. What hubris it is to think we can define the ideal climate and stop the forces of nature from changing.

In the meantime, "follow the money" is a check on things that's still serving pretty well.
2018-07-04 20:41:36 UTC
They can’t accept facts and reality.
Girl in the Dark
2018-07-04 19:37:35 UTC
People either do for one of two or both reasons. They are trained not to, or they are being paid to say they don't.
Easily the dumbest, ever
2018-07-04 19:13:03 UTC
Why do libshits have to lie and make up the data to support this theory?
Subtil Renard
2018-07-04 16:02:01 UTC
Global warming can be drastically reduced by reducing the world's total population.

Global warming is directly correlated with the world's industrial output; but this can be drastically reduced if there are fewer people on the earth.
2018-07-04 12:29:01 UTC
they are scientifically illiterate

and foolish enough to believe; for the first time in hundreds of years since the birth of Modern Science

that there's a huge, world-wide conspiracy in the scientific community and that over 90% of scientists are being paid to lie.
2018-07-07 14:17:43 UTC
because they don't feel an instant effect
2018-07-06 18:43:13 UTC
They are led by people out to make a profit in the short run, who believe that they still have time to do so. Just convince enough followers that the world is flat and there is no Global Warming, and they can turn over many millions or billions of dollars and still stop in time.
2018-07-06 13:24:32 UTC
They're poorly educated.
2018-07-06 12:31:01 UTC
Unable to think beyond
2018-07-06 11:36:01 UTC
Many people deny global warming because Global warming is damaging the Earth's climate as well as the physical environment. One of the most visible effects of global warming can be seen in the Arctic as glaciers, permafrost and sea ice are melting rapidly. Global warming is harming the environment in several ways including:

1. Desertification

2. Increased melting of snow and ice

3. Sea level rise

4. Stronger hurricanes and cyclones

Desertification - Increasing temperatures around the world are making arid and semi-arid areas even more dry than before. Current research is also showing that the water cycle is changing and rainfall patterns are shifting to make areas that are already dry even drier. This is causing water shortages and an intense amount of distress to the over 2.5 million people in dry regions which are degrading into desert.This process is called desertification.

Increased melting of snow and ice - Around the world, snow and ice is melting at a much faster pace than in the past. This has been seen in the Alps, Himalayas, Andes, Rockies, Alaska and Africa but is particularly true at the Earth's poles.

Perennial ice cover in the Arctic is melting at the rate of 11.5% per decade and the thickness of the Arctic ice has decreased by 48% since the 1960s.19 During the past 30 years, more than a million square miles of sea ice has vanished, an area equivalent to the size of Norway, Denmark and Sweden combined.20 The continent of Antarctica has been losing more than 100 cubic kilometers (24 cubic miles) of ice per year since 2002.21 Since 2010, the Antarctic ice melt rate has doubled.

Sea level rise - The Earth's sea level has risen by 21 cm (8 inches) since 1880.23 The rate of rise is accelerating and is now at a pace that has not been seen for at least 5000 years.24 Global warming has caused this by affecting the oceans in two ways: warmer average temperatures cause ocean waters to expand (thermal expansion) and the accelerated melting of ice and glaciers increase the amount of water in the oceans.

Stronger hurricanes and cyclones - Tropical cyclone activity has seen an obvious upswing trend since the early 1970s.25 Interestingly, this matches directly with an observed rise in the oceans' temperature over the same period of time. Since then, the Power Dissipation Index which measures the destructive power of tropical cyclones has increased in the Pacific by 35% and in the Atlantic it has nearly doubled.26 Global warming also increases the frequency of strong cyclones. Every 1 degree C increase in sea surface temperature results in a 31% increase in the global frequency of category 4 and 5 storms.
Variable 46
2018-07-06 05:59:13 UTC
There are multiple reasons:

1) "The Sky is Falling" syndrome. In my life we have been warned repeatedly about Big Catastrophe's coming unless we Do Something. To wit, the Earth is cooling, we're all going to die from nuclear waste, we'll be out of oil by the year 1999, acid rain, PCB's, hole in the ozone, killer bees (yep, seriously, killer bees), pandemics from exotic diseases, etc., etc., etc. Maybe it's more like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." People have just stopped paying much attention to the warnings.

2) The U.S. is bad, bad, bad. The countries doing the most damage to the environment and contributing most to global warming are Russia, China, Brazil, Indonesia and basically all of Africa. Yet it is the U.S. -- which has historically led the way in environmental protection -- that gets lambasted all the time for global warming, and is expected to Pay The Way. A lot of Americans are tired of being the world's whipping boy while everyone else gets a bye.

3) People who reasonably question climate change are ridiculed, called unintelligent and given derogatory names like "denier." There ARE in fact some reasonable scientific doubts about global warming, it's cause and ultimate effect. There still is some room for some debate. Calling the opposing side "deniers" does NOT stimulate that debate nor does it bring anyone over to your merely hardens people into their positions.

4) People who are promoting global warming as an agenda have done just an absolutely terrible job of it. They are NOT interested in moving forward on the issue, but rather in "winning the argument." And their idea of "winning the argument" is to browbeat the opposition into submission. Suppose YOU wanted to making an appeal to a largely Conservative population about a cause that is going to cost everyone a lot of money...would YOU do it by ramming a bunch of uber-liberal politicians (Al Gore is an example) or Hollywood celebrities down their throats? How dumb is that?

5) The hypocrisy of the aforementioned crusaders. Rich Hollywood celebrities opulently jet-setting 1st Class around the world are hardly examples of virtue on this topic. They fall into a "do as I say and not as I do" category that repels many of the people whom they are telling to "do as I say."

6) Basic scientific illiteracy, on both sides of the debate. We have a cold winter and those resisting the idea of global warming say "See?" while being ridiculed by the global warming proponents for being so simplistic. Yet if we have a warm summer, the global warming proponents are just as quick to say "See?" while looking just as stupid to those who resist the idea of global warming.

7) As a population we don't like the idea of giving up things. Automobiles used to be much more powerful (it was common to see cars pulling trailers, for example). Toilets used to be far more efficient. Indoor lights used to be brighter. We could burn fires in our fireplaces whenever we wanted. Fishing seasons were longer. Etc. We've basically taken a step back from the 1960s in many ways as part of preserving the environment, and people are just getting tired of it.

8) Lack of scientific credibility. I've seen lots of petitions signed by "scientists" that were anti-global warming. Looking at their credentials, I found that most of them are NOT specialists in weather or climate related fields. In other words, beyond a basic understanding of scientific methodology, they're no more competent to offer an "expert" opinion on the topic that anyone else. This strains the credibility of statements like "99% of the world's scientists agree..." when it comes to global warming.

Hope this helps your understanding of this situation, and that it is not just a matter of people being beguiled by some Big Energy conspiracy.
luis l
2018-07-06 05:51:08 UTC
The future is our's

We can destroy the masters of this mess?
2018-07-06 05:13:21 UTC
The only practical reduction of human caused carbon emissions is through a serious reduction in population. And coincidentally the same people that fret over human caused global warming also believe in killing as many unborn babies as possible, except for their own of course.
2018-07-05 22:17:52 UTC
A really good question, and I truthfully can't imagine the reasons, when it is so very clear and demonstrated that global warming is a fact and that we seem hell bent to destroy the planet. Sad
2018-07-05 20:49:36 UTC
Fossil fuel companies funneled money to conservative think tanks with the sole intent of spreading distrust on the validity of climate science. That is a proven fact.

Shell, Exxon, etc. admitted it in court filings. That FACT doesn't matter though.

The ploy worked. Each time it snows outside the uneducated and willfully ignorant will say that it disproves global climate change.
2018-07-05 17:32:27 UTC
That catechism holds that concern about global warming rises as people are ... the climate is a product of enemy propaganda, lack of education, or some sort of ... military planners and the like can no more deny the state of the climate.
2018-07-05 15:16:43 UTC
People are stupid.

Actually, the real reason people deny it is that if you accept it to be true the only way to do something about it is to change your lifestyle and, in effect, make some sacrifice you might otherwise be unwilling to make.

And of course certain industries have plenty to gain by denying global warming...
The Football God
2018-07-05 13:39:24 UTC
I don’t question global warming.its happening. My doubt is I don’t trust the people raising funds and how they are spent. This is not as man made as they’d like you to believe. The Earth is shifting and we are heading into the age of Aquarius. Not just a catchy tune from the 60’s. Read about it.
2018-07-05 13:11:49 UTC
Because it is a liberal scam.
2018-07-05 06:24:21 UTC
they dont like science
2018-07-05 01:27:19 UTC
Maybe their not educated about it.
2018-07-04 19:29:51 UTC
Climate change is not real and Global warming is not real either.
2018-07-04 11:43:46 UTC
It is so dumb how so many people say global warming isn't a thing. IT IS HAPPENING IN FRONT OF THEIR EYES. such idiots tisk tisk tisk
2018-07-04 06:26:57 UTC
Because they are either greedy or stupid, the reasons why anybody is a conservative.
2018-07-04 06:22:41 UTC
Tell me about your parents...
2018-07-11 14:58:30 UTC
Science is the search for truth and fact. There is scientific evidence to prove that it does exist and that it is caused by humans. So anyone who deny’s its existence or says humans aren’t the cause have either been influenced from false sources or choose to deny science.
2018-07-10 22:14:47 UTC
Remember Ernest Hemingway's The Snows of Kilimanjaro? The glaciers have disappeared within the last 100 years. Glacier National Park's glaciers will be gone in 10 years. Over half have already disappeared. Do some research people there are photographs over 100 years old that document this. They weren't Photoshopped. I am 64 years old. I have lived in Texas all my life and I can remember winters were distinctly colder until about 1975. We have heat waves that last all the way until October. Climate change is real and it will affect all of us especially our grandchildren. Everyone, conservative and liberal will be affected for the worse. May our grandchildren forgive us.
2018-07-07 05:10:55 UTC
In Mother Russia Global Warming deny you.
2018-07-06 08:48:11 UTC
Because people don't want to change their habits and take responsibility for the environment, they want to continue driving their cars everywhere, showering more than necessary, not have to recycle and eat a lot of meat
Russian Troll
2018-07-06 01:45:35 UTC
Calling it global warming is incorrect. It is global climate change. It has been going on since the planet earth was created. You do not need to go any further than the mountains or a cut in a hill where a road passes through to see there has been a consistent change in the earths environment. Fear is being created in the Media to control you and your behavior. Most of this control is driven by profit. Look beyond the surface of the claim and follow the agenda.
2018-07-06 01:26:52 UTC
Basically, they're not scientists and haven't read any science articles about the subject. They just listen to deniers who also haven't done any research. So, the ignorance gets passed around. Additionally, they're so unobservant they haven't made the connection between our increasingly dangerous weather and global warming. Lastly, Trump has been suppressing our scientists who want to keep us educated and updated about it. This all boils down to him trying to help big business save money on controlling their filthy pollution. I'm sure that you all heard about what Trump's yes-man, Scott Pruit, did before he quit the EPA.
great knight
2018-07-06 01:06:39 UTC
Here is wisdom:

"While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."- Genesis chapter 8 verses 22.

All of reality shows this verse to be true. 6000 years of observation vs 80 years FAILED predictions of global warming. Which is better science??

This verse is true AS WE SPEAK!

Believe in Jesus Christ and you shall have everlasting life! Jesus loves you! Get a king james bible and believe.

Read Matthew.

Read 1 John chapter 4.

Read 2 Peter chapter 3.

Read Acts chapter 4.

Read Ephesians chapter 5.
2018-07-05 18:10:59 UTC
because they try to make money on it by taxing you
2018-07-05 17:53:15 UTC
you can not deny that people are effected by climate change.

for example, the human population in africa; the reason being that it is expected to have a population crisis this century.

according to the united nations, the current population of africa is about 1-billion+ people in 29-nations. it is certain that climate change will affect africa, and secondly it is also noted that the population of africa will increase to 4-billion by the end of this century. the 21st century officially began January 1st 2001 and will end December 31st 2100.

with the current problems facing the africa population, climate change and the huge population will start a mass exodus out-of-africa which has not been seen for over {1} 60,000-years.

not only will this huge population over-balance any Malthusian Catastrophe projections for the civilization in africa, it will overbalance the middle east, and the Mediterranean countries, who are already feeling the strain of african escapist migrations.

with most of northern europe already stained buy the escape-migrations from syria, iraq, and afganistan, such a huge migration wave from africa is like tsunami of people, which will destroy the organized governments in the middle east and europe, plus flood the pacific ocean escape routes with drowning, starving, refugees.

this is causing a human rights crises which will only increase exponentially in the future; thus, any person with humane feelings can only anticipate it .

ignoring Malthusian Catastrophe projections and climate change predictions, this is being blamed on white people, and is being called a white genocide conspiracy.
2018-07-05 14:38:16 UTC
Because earth is a million years old.
2018-07-05 13:00:10 UTC
Most people who are deniers only deny that humans are responsible, not that it isn't happening.

The worlds been getting warmer in the last several tens of thousands of years. The last iceage ended 10,000 years ago, this is why a lot of the iceage N. American & N. Eurasian megafauna went extinct. Woolly mammoths, Woolly rhino, saber tooth cats, etc etc all went extinct when the iceage ended, and the world has continued to warm up ever since.

What deniers don't evaluate is that there has been a sharp increase in the rate of global warming in the last several decades.
2018-07-05 00:33:29 UTC
I have never heard anyone deny global warming per se. What is being denied is that it is being caused by human activities.

Current global cooling and warming variations fall way, way, within what the earth naturally experiences in periodic cycles.
2018-07-04 22:38:41 UTC
2018-07-04 19:50:14 UTC
Fact is we are all ignorant to what is important. We live our day to day lives just taking advantage of what we have here and now not realising that tomorrow people and things that we rely on are gone. That’s only when we really have true appreciation.
2018-07-04 19:12:14 UTC
It's more political than scientific, and the name ahs been changed several times. Global Warming is passe. It became Global Climate Variation and then Climate Change. Some swindlers are making millions from it. It has become a dogma, and that's more religious than scientific. True Science ahs no dogmas.
2018-07-04 18:15:57 UTC
Pollution causes COOLING, not warming. Look up 1816: The Year Without Summer.
Jackson Micheal
2018-07-04 12:46:58 UTC
Global warming over the years has had much controversy, making a lot of us believe that anything these proposed scientists are just lying. It started with acid rain, then we went to climate change, then we went to polar ice caps and it seems we disposed of the previous ones in order to keep up with this other btllshit. Know that we may produce pollution but unless you wanna go back to living in Europe without sanitation or electricity you're going to have to stop whining about it. Now to answer what you've said.

Here's the reason it's made up. If the population lives in fear, it makes people not ask questions, allowing government to push certain things without push back. It's like 9/11, they used that to take away more peoples rights in airports because people became in fear of them bad bad Muslim terrorists!
2018-07-04 06:15:01 UTC
Willful ignorance.

Only one major political party in the world denies climate change, and it's in charge of the most important political body in the world. In fact, about the only place left on Earth where lawmakers openly and avidly deny the science of climate change is the U.S. Congress.

At the Republican National Convention, the party faithful approved their official platform. It reads like a denier’s Christmas wish list, with nearly every point receiving the full-throated support of the party nominee, Donald Trump: Build the Keystone XL pipeline, cancel the Clean Power Plan, neuter the EPA and ban it from regulating carbon dioxide, outlaw a carbon tax, stop all fracking regulations. The broader the consensus outside Washington that climate change is real and man-made, the more elaborate Republicans get in refuting its existence.

Republicans also voted for Trump.

Practically every nation on Earth grasps the severity of the problem.
2018-07-04 05:25:01 UTC
Because they've seen through the political spin posing as science behind it.

Even the guy who started the whole thing now admits he screwed-up and got it wrong.
2018-07-04 05:16:12 UTC
They are dumb and ignorant believers of Republican Party propaganda. These same dumbshits are also likely to believe Trump's claim that the media is the enemy of the people. They are positive proof of what a wise Republican said a long time ago, that you can fool some of the people all of the time.
2018-07-08 16:17:27 UTC
Many people deny global warming because they have never been suffered the worst effect of it. They would convince of global warming effects when they would become victim of it e.g Canadians nowadays.
2018-07-05 12:53:15 UTC
i dont think many people deny it, i just think people question the speed because climate models can be not totally accurate in predicting the rate.
2018-07-05 06:44:53 UTC
Some people just arnt educated enough on the topic
2018-07-04 08:36:28 UTC
Probably because they don't feel it and Winter still comes every year. Do they use heaters in the winter? Then they should know we can warm the air. Heat likes to go up, which is why heaters aren't outdoors. Greenhouse gases, such as water vapor or carbon dioxide prevent the heat from escaping the atmosphere. The atmosphere is global "ocean" of gases (air) around the Earth's surface. Turning on your heater only warms a small amount of air compared to the amount of air in the atmosphere. It will take millions of years to warm the entire planet. Global warming is meteorology. Meteorology is a branch of science. I first learned about global warming in science class, NOT politics. There are a lot of science deniers out there. And weathermen are meteorologists. Do they listen to the weatherman to find out what the weather will be like tomorrow? The weatherman might not say we will be living in an oven tomorrow, but what kind of meteorologist would not accept global warming?
Liberals sequester from fact
2018-07-04 05:32:12 UTC
It's actually kind of chilly here in S.C.

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