Evidence-based Reality
2010-12-05 20:10:53 UTC
Mike Zovath, a promoter of the proposed Noah's Ark theme park in Kentucky, said: “I don’t believe in global warming.....but I do believe we’ve got to be good stewards of everything God’s given us.”
Apparently his God didn't give us the atmosphere, so its fate can be safely ignored. Or maybe just the parts of the atmosphere that are lower than Mt. Ararat?
Also note their constant use of the word "believe," as if one must choose to believe in something or it's not real. Good science doesn't require any belief system, just the weight of evidence. You don't need to believe that ice melts, for instance. It just does.
I wonder how many Creationists have chosen not to believe in fossil fuel smog when it's right in front of their eyes? CO2 pollution has the argumentative disadvantage of being invisible.
A troublesome thing about the Creationism/AGW-denial connection is that Creationists have been denying another huge tenet of science for over 150 years. It's likely that many will remain like brick walls for decades to come.