Who knows the names of the 75 scientists who comprise 97% of the world's scientists who believe in Global Warming? Were they ever released?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Who knows the names of the 75 scientists who comprise 97% of the world's scientists who believe in Global Warming? Were they ever released?
Fourteen answers:
2014-12-29 08:12:59 UTC
As GC posted, "Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?"

I can't help but notice alarmists are silent on the meaning of significant. It doesn't mean the temperature is significant or harmful. It means that those saying yes just believe it is likely to be one of the significant factors. They aren't asking if they believe it is harmful or dangerous. That is the dirty little lie that comes from alarmists, particularly the self proclaimed climate scientists that should know better. Well everyone above the third grade should know better but we know that isn't going to happen.
Hey Dook
2014-12-29 12:20:54 UTC
The IPCC reports have the names of hundreds of them. See the linked pdf at Annex IV here: There are many tens of thousands more scientists who are not directly contributing to IPCC. It is the mother of all conspiracies. Al Svante Arrhenius Gore's time machine is only the tippy top of the top of the iceberg. You should have paid attention to Billy before he got vaporized. Required reading for all "true scientists." This answer will probably remain unvaporized as long as Jello is on vacation.
2014-12-27 15:57:58 UTC
Doran and Zimmerman say: "While respondents’ names are kept private, the authors noted that the survey included participants with well-documented dissenting opinions on global warming theory" The survey was sent to "10,257 Earth scientists" included in Keane and Martinez [2007]. 3,146 people completed the survey with 90% from the USA and 6% from Canada.

82% answered "Yes" to question 2 [Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing

mean global temperatures?]. So, 18% of 3,146, presumably 566, answered: No.

After they had reduced 82% of 3,146 to 77 people they ended up with the 75 they wanted to count. 75 out of 77 is 97.4% which is where the oft-quoted 97% comes from.
2014-12-29 03:42:16 UTC
I believe that the folks who cooked up the 97% consensus hoax whittled the survey results down to 75 based on their astro sign, number of birthmarks, level of hair-loss and amount of taxpayer-provided grant money received for studying/endorsing income redistribution....uh....I mean AGW.
2014-12-28 08:19:21 UTC
We have to take it on trust that they were all heavily into the specialised field of Climate Science and recently published therein.

This is Climate Science, so don't be too surprised about the dearth of raw data.
2014-12-27 10:25:06 UTC
Only 75 scientists, Sagebrush? There are tens of thousands of scientists that support the validity of the AGWT. There are some that are skeptical as to how soon and how bad things will become (Roy Spencer and Judith Curry), but not even they doubt the validity of the AGWT. They are kind of like Kano. Yeah, it's warming. But it ain't gonna be that bad anytime soon. (As in before they die of natural causes?)


"Some1: Show me that list. I can show you a list of over 31,000 who don't believe in AGW."

No, Sagebrush, no, you cannot.

Here is the short list of 917 "scientists", as you call them.

Have you ever researched any of these people to find out what they do? I counted 102 of these people that have the last name of Anderson. MDs and DVMs? I would never ask my doctor or my dog's vet what the weather will be next week. I certainly would not go to them to explain the global climate to me.

The "list" was compiled in 1997. Do all of the people on the "list" still hold to the same opinion now as they did in 1997?

Why do you always so easily believe things you have not even investigated for accuracy and yet you refuse to look at the peer reviewed evidence of the actual climatologists? Do you fear scientific evidence and crave opinions?
2014-12-30 08:45:49 UTC
they all work for GE with the goal to sell you on Nuclear Power Plants and it worked GE got 3 contracts aproved by the goverment
2014-12-28 01:11:25 UTC
Less than 0.000097% of the Earth's entire population (less than 700) is made up of "genuine" climate scientists and I doubt that many of them agree on the media hype, nor do they believe that Governments should "force" their will on people when it comes to providing a political solution. People in general don't like Governments anyways.

The science will eventually find an equilibrium as it pertains to the information people believe is true.
2014-12-28 15:15:15 UTC
It seems that there are way more than 75 of them. Now what they believe is that human activities (all of them) effect the global climate making it warmer.
2014-12-29 07:31:21 UTC
graphicconception has it exactly right. The Doran survey was a laughable propaganda attempt and it didn't take long for most people to figure that out. That's why to date two more attempts have been made to prop-up that ridiculous claim of a 97% consensus.

The June 2010 PNAS document was the next attempt:

Here are the details of the obvious guile employed by that attempt:

Then the Alarmists' latest attempt is the biggest laugh of all. Perhaps the most debunked paper in the history of science: The John Cook et al 'study'

John Cook, by the way is an off-the-scale Alarmist, I think he is the founder of the Alarmist propaganda site --- the site where even it's name is a lie.

Here is a 2014 study by a Purdue University scholar that I think gets a little closer to the truth:


Climate Realist seems to think that Patrick Michaels and John Christy are man-made Global Warming TRUE BELIEVERS --- That's funny they both indicate just the opposite in this video.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

2014-12-27 00:11:22 UTC
I believe that the Doran survey kept their names confidential. Although, if I am wrong about that, I would be curious about the names of the two scientists who don't, given that Patrick Michaels and John Christy denied being those two scientists. Nevertheless, I think we can guess at least some of the 75 names.

James Hansen

Michael Mann

Gavin Schmidt

Andrew Dessler

Andrew Weaver

Patrick Michaels

John Christy
2014-12-28 00:43:30 UTC
Wenju Cai, Susan K. Avery, Margaret Leinen, Kenneth Lee, Xiaopei Lin & Martin Visbeck

Jim W. Hall, Frans Berkhout & Rowan Douglas

Roger M. Cooke

Robert C. Schmidt

Ulf Riebesell & Jean-Pierre Gattuso

Xiang Yu & Alex Y. Lo

Anna Petherick

Alastair Brown Bronwyn Wake Monica Contestabile

John P. Dunne

David S. Stevenson

Thomas Tanner, David Lewis, David Wrathall, Robin Bronen, Nick Cradock-Henry, Saleemul Huq, Chris Lawless, Raphael Nawrotzki, Vivek Prasad, Md. Ashiqur Rahman, Ryan Alaniz, Katherine King, Karen McNamara, Md. Nadiruzzaman, Sarah Henly-Shepard & Frank Thomalla

Deborah Lawrence & Karen Vandecar

Peer J. Nowack, N. Luke Abraham, Amanda C. Maycock, Peter Braesicke, Jonathan M. Gregory, Manoj M. Joshi, Annette Osprey & John A. Pyle

Nikolaos Christidis, Gareth S. Jones & Peter A. Stott

A. A. Leeson, A. Shepherd, K. Briggs, I. Howat, X. Fettweis, M. Morlighem & E. Rignot

Jinyun Tang & William J. Riley

Frank Seebacher, Craig R. White & Craig E. Franklin

Ake L. Nauta, Monique M. P. D. Heijmans, Daan Blok, Juul Limpens, Bo Elberling, Angela Gallagher, Bingxi Li, Roman E. Petrov, Trofim C. Maximov, Jacobus van Huissteden & Frank Berendse

Ake L. Nauta, Monique M. P. D. Heijmans, Daan Blok, Juul Limpens, Bo Elberling, Angela Gallagher, Bingxi Li, Roman E. Petrov, Trofim C. Maximov, Jacobus van Huissteden & Frank Berendse

Philip W. Boyd, Sinikka T. Lennartz, David M. Glover & Scott C. Doney

That's more than 75 from just this month's edition of just one science journal.
2014-12-27 19:11:47 UTC
Silly question, there are tens of thousands of scientists (at least) that believe in global warming.

I used to work in a building with at least 75 scientists that believed in global warming.

Do you guys deny EVERYTHING? You might have more credibility if you actually conceded the things that are obviously true.
2014-12-26 23:55:51 UTC
No they were never released, as far as I know,

I am getting fed up with this concensus thingy, it is not science, opinions have nothing to do with facts and evidence.

Public concensus in the US is that UFO's are real.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.