Are you concerned about Global Warning. What do you think of it.?
2009-03-29 14:45:41 UTC
I am very concerned of Global Warning because it can lead to the world ending. So i am concerned about Global Warning.
Nineteen answers:
2009-03-29 19:54:42 UTC
I'm concerned about foolish and draconian measures to fight what is a non problem. Global warming is a long con foisted on us by a bunch of grifters hoping to loot us of our hard earned wealth. Around this con has grown this pagan cult that believes with religious fervor that we face apocalyptic end times. The world isn't going to end. There is nothing abnormal about our weather. If you really are concerned about the environment, and aren't some wannabe follower, then pick out a real problem and help solve it. Organize a trash pick up. Get a bunch of your friends and some garbage bags, make a day out of it and go to a park and clean up all the litter. It's a real contribution to the environment, and it separates the doers from the talkers.
2009-03-29 16:35:38 UTC
fact is co2 as the politicians, yes politicians claim causes global warming and that is not the case. the reason scientists are afraid to come public about the truth is because they have to rely on the same governments that created this lie for funding. if you try to show the real facts and prove that this man made global warming is a lie they will just cut them off. its hard enough for our scientists to get the funding they need. the truth is global warming is not a danger we have had periods all through history where it was very very cold and much much warmer than it is now. all of which has had nothing to do with co2. in the documentary the great global warming swindle scientists show the truth behind this co2 lie and the reason it started. during the medieval period climate was very warm and many tropical vegetation grew far into the northern regions. it caused a great abundance of food and was very beneficial for people at that time. shortly after that period we had a mini ice age. this is very common all through history. planets like Pluto are experiencing global warming. how would you explain that? what they dont tell you and all of us should think about is the sun. that big ball of fire. why dont they tell you about solar rays and sun spots, or the clouds which all are the reason for global warming. from 1940 to about 1980 we saw a major decline in the earths temp. this was right after the industrial revolution. if their theory is correct this couldnt of been possible. we introduced factories in such an abundance it should have caused the temp to go up according to AL Gores theory, but that was not the case at all. it went down. the problem we have now is this ideology and cult movement that has gone global. many jobs have been created from this lie and if that truth was to hit all mainstream it would cause companies to go under. if we put regulations on using fossil fuels poor countries that need to rely on those fuels will be deprived of development which will cause more death. Africa for example has a very low life expectancy because of lack of development in all areas. if we tell them they cant use oil and coal to create electricity for hospitals, steel factories etc. you hinder their development. 2 things. 1 solar energy is incapable of powering plants like coal and the cost to make it work is far greater than Africa can afford.
balloon buster
2009-03-29 22:05:53 UTC
Mark T has a pretty good analysis of the political arguments. I am a reluctant believer in it as a real and dangerous possibility. I believe because, when it became obvious that it needed investigated, I took a book I have that gave the world usage of firewood, coal, oil, and gas broken down by year. I calculated roughly the tonnage of CO2 that would have been released each year and compared it to NASA's and other scientist's measurements in the change in level of CO2 in the atmosphere. The two graphs correlated well enough that I have to consider global warming as a likely possibility.

Worse, I got to thinking of all those fossil fuels as storage batteries that have been storing energy for the last two or three billion years. Then, humans came along and short circuited the batteries over the geologically insignificant period of a couple hundred years.

I can not regard our behavior in this regard as particularly intelligent.
Everything you know is wrong
2009-03-29 16:37:07 UTC
I'm not concerned at all. Not in the slightest. It's been warmer than this before and it will get colder. The Earth does that. You see, there's this really large hot thing that gets warmer and cooler (It's called the Sun) and the Earth gets warmer and cooler along with it.

You see, MARS has Global warming as well. Do some research and prove me wrong. I used to be a die hard believer, but now I believe its a scam.
mark h
2009-03-29 18:43:11 UTC
I personally am not worried about it .

For one person to think, that they, single handledly effect the earth so much for all this to happen must have a serious ego trip.First hand, the earth has been around for billions and billions of years.It goes through seasons and cycles like everything else does.If you remember along time ago there was a ice age (how do you explain that? nobody was around, we didnt have cars then.It just happened) and many,many years later it slowly melted(agian people didnt drive cars,or have plastics) .Would you not consider that as global warming?

Shouldnt people panic now, since we are not still in a ice age?What about the theory of the continental drift?The fact is, people fear and panic most, about things that they cannot explain or know.such as ghosts,the future,religion, the afterlife, global cooling and now global warming.We record things in patterns, for the most part, in months ,quarters and years, and base facts off of that.However you cannot capture enough data and place it on a chart in the short time maybe 20-30 years maybe more,compaired to the 4.5 billions years the earths been around.

Now me personally would like to see the data, with all the hybrid cars and low emission vechicles that are out now, because "we" believe it's all these cars just spewing out toxics into our atmosphere, then, should we not see a decline since we are "doing" so much now to help our environment.Now In general,i am not saying you personally, if you are so concerned about your personal impact on the environment and naming cars, as a main source , then you should not drive, you should not breathe, because we emmitt co2 and mise well die because we also create methane gas which is worse than co2.Shouldn't you start wearing masks now with a respirator to filter our bodily polutants.I know im getting a little silly but thats how i find this whole tread of global warming.

I'm all for preserving things such as lakes,rivers, woods ect.If you like recycling then great,good for you,But i think its wrong for politicians and others to create a scare that generates tons of money ,as well as infringe on the peoples and companys rights by useless laws, forcing them to comply.Such as specialized tail pipe emmissions, all the added taxes on smoking cigarretes and limiting to where you can smoke and forcing business to be smoke free.I dont even smoke and that makes me angry.All is is ,is just useless gov't regulations, and using global warming as an excuse to allow them the leeway.Also George Carlin did say it best when he summed up global warming.Which ill leave it below..Just my two cents, enjoy
Mark T
2009-03-29 17:05:35 UTC
I recommend you research the matter.

So for my money, I researched the concept. There was the prospect of debate in the public sector. So I investigated it, (and I recommend you do too), but to MY satisfaction, the argument that the planet's climate is being adversely affected by human industrial and commercial use is no longer in doubt.

I'm an analyst and like to see data, and those who've advocated that global warming has/is occurring, have provided quite alot of good, high-quality data, which supports their idea.

And when you analyse the converse condition, (what do the detractors say), about the only argument which bears even the slightest weight scientifically, is the idea of solar variability as in input to global warming.

Of course Dr. Sallie Baliunas and Willie Soong, (the leading proponents of this competing theory), have not been able to demonstrate a correlation between solar output and Earth temperature, but at least their ideas had the basic structure of good science, even if their counterarguments are so far not evidenced in any data and remain unproven.

So at the end of the day , there is the idea of CO2 warming the Earth and basically nothing else - at least nothing that has any serious body of scientific research behind it.

When you consider there are basically two rhetorical arguments that you see here.

1. Global warming is a scam / crackpot idea that certainly isn't happening and was dreamed up by a dark alliance between some combination of Communists, Al Quaeda,, Hippies, Liberals, Atheists, Greens, Socialists, Eco-NAZI's, Actual NAZI's, Jews, Catholics, The LGBT community, Hollywood, New Agers and of course lead by Al Gore, Carl Sagan, Jim Hansen, the Pope & of course the Queen.

2. Maybe it's real but "they" simply don't give a sh*t - so long as their lifestyle isn't impeded it's not a problem.

Neither proposition seems productive of suffers from an over-abundance of data to support their argument. Which allows you to dismiss alot of the hype on Y!A and elsewhere.

Secondly - if you are genuinely concerned, remember there's stuff worth worrying about - stuff you and I can do, about GW, and there's quite alot of stuff that you and I can't do much about.

What can you do, quite a bit actually - here's a list - although it's not comprehensive , of some things I chose to do.

1. Live simply - don't buy stuff you don't need, less stuff means less waste on your account in the supply chain. Conservation goes hand in hand with this idea, and with the economy circling the bowl it just makes good sense these days. So reusable bags, using less plastic etc.

2. If you have to drive , get a smaller car. As your budget allows get a hybrid or some other very efficient vehicle, especially if your work demands alot of travel (as mine does).

But - it's not religion - if you have 5 kids, pets, the need to haul tools or work on a farm and need to get from A to B, an SUV or light-duty truck makes all the sense in the world. If you commute 40 miles - each way - alone - every weekday .... not so much.

3. Buy stuff that lasts a long time, and replace stuff only when it needs fixing not whenever it falls out of fashion.

4. Recycle - arguably this should allow us to re-use quite alot of the paper, metal and plastics and such in our supply chain. Make sure when you get rid of bigger stuff (computers, TV's etc) that it's going someplace where it will get re-used / e-cycled.

5. I tried for many years and have been a near vegetarian for a couple of years, (this is a huge benefit) since veggies take 1/10th the energy and consumables to produce as does an equivalent amount of meat. That said, I still fall off the wagon occasionally and have a chicken taco or hamburger or something. But mostly, I'm eating much less meat and more veggies than I did before.

6. VOTE - Elect politicians who don't blow smoke up the collective tailpipe about what they will do, vote for what you believe in, and hold politicians accountable. They are supposed to work for us, but it's UP to us to make sure they actually do. Vote them out , if they aren't doing the job.

7. View things tactically - Once I got myself educated , a whole host of items became clear - about how we can choose to live a whole lot smarter than we currently do. The recent run-up in fuel prices was a good example where thinking ahead actually made that problem much less painful for me personally.

8. RELAX - There are a whole host of things, that we can't do too much about - so when you're considering things to get worried about , that's how you have to divide your problems.

"Don't Panic" - Douglas Adams, Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Just remember George Carlin's admonishment about getting too worked up.

"There is nothing wrong with the planet...not really. The planet is fine. The PEOPLE are f*cked, but the planet will be just fine....Been here four and a half billion years. The Earth will be just fine. It's survived, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunami, comets and asteroid impacts, ice-ages, solar flares, and it will survive us." (paraphrased)
2009-03-29 17:09:12 UTC
No. Man... where do I start with this one? Perhaps a little history lesson... I'll let you in on a little secret... The earth has had warming AND cooling trends throughout is very long life span. That means it has warmed up and cooled down several times over that span. You can certainly worry about it, but you are wasting the short time you have on this planet doing so.
2009-03-29 17:00:29 UTC
Well, I'm more concerned about the pollution caused by the burning of fossil fuels. Also, since oil will run out some day, I think finding an alternative is what's best (i.e. fuel cell technology)
2009-03-29 15:30:13 UTC
I'm not concerned about any harm to the climate. It is nothing but a way for politicians to get into your pocket and worse. That does worry me because those behind this are very destructive to people's lives and prosperity.
2009-03-29 15:12:44 UTC
Global warming means we will need less fuel to keep warm, ie we will have warmer winters. ( A nice contradiction in terms, methinks) This should reduce co2 emissions and lead to colder winters, in which we will have to use co2 emitting fuels to keep warm. There's a hole in my bucket. With what shall I fix it?
2009-03-29 15:16:30 UTC
I am really concerned about global warming. I think that something needs to be done to preserve our natural resources. People need to start recycling and stop littering. We need to save the planet!!
2009-03-29 16:23:35 UTC
When the sun comes up and the day gets warmer does the world end?

Please put this nonsense out of your head, the real fight is against the lie of agw and all the harm and suffering it will cause to everyone.
2009-03-30 07:36:36 UTC
Well don't be concerned, it's all a big lie, based on corrupt and discredited computer models and no real science!
2009-03-29 14:59:37 UTC
I can resolve the problem of global warming but bobody believe me.

So why you ask the question?

if you want to know how to do it i can explain you.
2009-03-29 16:01:53 UTC
I'm concerned about it because it will cause global disruption and possibly billions of people will die.
2009-03-29 15:55:05 UTC
I'm not concerned about it because I know I will be dead long before I have to deal with any consequences.
Global warming is BS
2009-03-29 14:50:57 UTC
I'm not concerned, it's a natural process it's happened for billions of years, it cannot affect mankind in the slightest.

Infact will all the proof debunking GW I'm surprised anyone still believes in it.

It's just another liberal scam.

EDIT: WTF is global warning?
2009-03-29 15:26:10 UTC
No. What did we do to create the Ice Ages and what did we do to reverse them??? Absolutely nothing. Excuse me while I get into my big SUV and drive around for nothing.
Lorna B
2009-03-29 15:45:10 UTC

I prefer a warmer climate. I welcome man made Global Warming.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.