I recommend you research the matter.
So for my money, I researched the concept. There was the prospect of debate in the public sector. So I investigated it, (and I recommend you do too), but to MY satisfaction, the argument that the planet's climate is being adversely affected by human industrial and commercial use is no longer in doubt.
I'm an analyst and like to see data, and those who've advocated that global warming has/is occurring, have provided quite alot of good, high-quality data, which supports their idea.
And when you analyse the converse condition, (what do the detractors say), about the only argument which bears even the slightest weight scientifically, is the idea of solar variability as in input to global warming.
Of course Dr. Sallie Baliunas and Willie Soong, (the leading proponents of this competing theory), have not been able to demonstrate a correlation between solar output and Earth temperature, but at least their ideas had the basic structure of good science, even if their counterarguments are so far not evidenced in any data and remain unproven.
So at the end of the day , there is the idea of CO2 warming the Earth and basically nothing else - at least nothing that has any serious body of scientific research behind it.
When you consider there are basically two rhetorical arguments that you see here.
1. Global warming is a scam / crackpot idea that certainly isn't happening and was dreamed up by a dark alliance between some combination of Communists, Al Quaeda, Treehuggers.com, Hippies, Liberals, Atheists, Greens, Socialists, Eco-NAZI's, Actual NAZI's, Jews, Catholics, The LGBT community, Hollywood, New Agers and of course lead by Al Gore, Carl Sagan, Jim Hansen, the Pope & of course the Queen.
2. Maybe it's real but "they" simply don't give a sh*t - so long as their lifestyle isn't impeded it's not a problem.
Neither proposition seems productive of suffers from an over-abundance of data to support their argument. Which allows you to dismiss alot of the hype on Y!A and elsewhere.
Secondly - if you are genuinely concerned, remember there's stuff worth worrying about - stuff you and I can do, about GW, and there's quite alot of stuff that you and I can't do much about.
What can you do, quite a bit actually - here's a list - although it's not comprehensive , of some things I chose to do.
1. Live simply - don't buy stuff you don't need, less stuff means less waste on your account in the supply chain. Conservation goes hand in hand with this idea, and with the economy circling the bowl it just makes good sense these days. So reusable bags, using less plastic etc.
2. If you have to drive , get a smaller car. As your budget allows get a hybrid or some other very efficient vehicle, especially if your work demands alot of travel (as mine does).
But - it's not religion - if you have 5 kids, pets, the need to haul tools or work on a farm and need to get from A to B, an SUV or light-duty truck makes all the sense in the world. If you commute 40 miles - each way - alone - every weekday .... not so much.
3. Buy stuff that lasts a long time, and replace stuff only when it needs fixing not whenever it falls out of fashion.
4. Recycle - arguably this should allow us to re-use quite alot of the paper, metal and plastics and such in our supply chain. Make sure when you get rid of bigger stuff (computers, TV's etc) that it's going someplace where it will get re-used / e-cycled.
5. I tried for many years and have been a near vegetarian for a couple of years, (this is a huge benefit) since veggies take 1/10th the energy and consumables to produce as does an equivalent amount of meat. That said, I still fall off the wagon occasionally and have a chicken taco or hamburger or something. But mostly, I'm eating much less meat and more veggies than I did before.
6. VOTE - Elect politicians who don't blow smoke up the collective tailpipe about what they will do, vote for what you believe in, and hold politicians accountable. They are supposed to work for us, but it's UP to us to make sure they actually do. Vote them out , if they aren't doing the job.
7. View things tactically - Once I got myself educated , a whole host of items became clear - about how we can choose to live a whole lot smarter than we currently do. The recent run-up in fuel prices was a good example where thinking ahead actually made that problem much less painful for me personally.
8. RELAX - There are a whole host of things, that we can't do too much about - so when you're considering things to get worried about , that's how you have to divide your problems.
"Don't Panic" - Douglas Adams, Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy.
Just remember George Carlin's admonishment about getting too worked up.
"There is nothing wrong with the planet...not really. The planet is fine. The PEOPLE are f*cked, but the planet will be just fine....Been here four and a half billion years. The Earth will be just fine. It's survived, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunami, comets and asteroid impacts, ice-ages, solar flares, and it will survive us." (paraphrased)