good question. YOu could have asked it in a more fair and less leading way, but it's a decent question.
I cannot speak for all "Skeptics". but that is absolutely NOT the reason I do not believe. in fact, i deal with data and scientific fact every day. All of my work decisions are based on just that. also, in my personal life, I like to gather data to make decisions before I just fly off and make a decision on something because "it sounds good". i am a very emotionless decision maker on most things. I am a lifelong student, crave knowledge and constantly seek it, and with good data, i can be persuaded to see the "Other side". which is exactly why I am a Global Warming "Skeptic".
I have seen the data on both sides. I have heard the arguments on both sides. I have sought answers on both sides. and the convincing data (From meteorologists that I know, to atmosperic scientists that I know, to geologists that I know) lies on the side of non-AGW.
Some of my skepticism is born out of my knowledge of the impossibility to predict future events. but most of it comes from common sense, and the ability to sift through the data. if you really are a scientist, Bob, then you know darn well that you can make the statistics show anything you like. its a VERY easy trick to manipulate data, one that the AGW crowd often likes to associate with the anti-AGW crowd. One thing we do agree on- look at the data. but look at all of it, not just the cherry picked data.
for example, in the famous IPCC report, the very agency used to prop up AGW, the IPCC states that the global average surface temp increased by 0.6 deg. C (1.1 deg. F) in the 20th century. that stat alone oculd sound alarming. what is also in there, but seldom mentioned, is that over HALF of that warming (roughly 0.35 Deg. C, or 0.63 deg. F) occurred in the 1st 45 years of the century...PRIOR to the mass use of fossil fuels...
As one who runs computer models, i agree with the scientist who tell the media that "model results SHOULD be viewed with great skepticism"...and yet, they are not, but rather taken as gospel.
finally, when i hear a Harvard Astrophysist say that "$25 BILLION in government funding has been spent since 1990 to research global warming. If scientists and researchers were coming out releasing reports that GW had little to do with man, and mostly do with just how the planet works, ther wouldn't be as much money to study it.", that also makes me a little leary of the people doing the research.
I know this answer is long, but it documents exactly why it has NOTHING to with not being used to using scientific reasearch to formulate my opinions, but rather how i DO use such information to formulate my opinions. i know some people argue this topic form an emotional standpoint, but I am not one of them. "The data" gives me no reason to believe that AGW is any more real than Santa Claus...