In your own comments following the question, and in the answers there appears to be a lot of conflation of two issues: the science in Al Gore's movie and the political opinions voiced in his film. As far as I can see the judge has only firmly ruled on one of these issues - the political issue, yet the article does seem to be low on facts. For instance, what part of Al Gore's movie is politically partisan? Vague accusations like this are not very useful. Accepting the science as correct, is it that controversial to argue that we probably need to take action to mitigate the effects of global warming? Is the alternative to Al Gore's position a simple "do nothing", or is it more subtle? Is there some policy aimed at reducing CO2 emissions that his critics would advocate, perhaps, Chuda, you'd be happier to just let the market fix the problem? These are genuine questions that need to be answered.
What are the other mainstream alternatives to Al Gore's political solutions? ie. what are the other policy suggestions from those accepting AGW which should be shown to children?
Aside from CEI's non-scientific opinion does any credible criticism of the science in AIT exist? I can think of two points where he could be criticised for not making things clearer, but on the whole he got the science right. If you look at the IPCC's fourth report it paints an equally compelling case to take action to mitigate the problems:
I genuinely feel that we should be showing children documentaries made by scientists, perhaps then we could remove the asserted "bias".
It would be nice to see some answers to some of my questions, but nevermind. RE: final para. I think that we should have a movie made by scientists which tells the science like it is, just like the IPCC report I linked to. I think by doing this any of this politically motivated criticism could then be washed away. The problem is that the science is unequivocally telling us that our actions are going to make the world a less pleasant place to live in. The political question is whether to act or not (and how), but given the picture painted by the IPCC, and it's supporting science, you'd have to be a odd kind of political operator to look that in the face, ignore it and arrive at the conclusion that we should take no action. You will never escape the political link between the science in the journals, in the IPCC reports and their political implications simply because the message in the science is clear, continued emission of CO2 will lead to higher temperatures and the associated problems. My point, a movie made by scientists about the science is not going to help your position or your denialist friends at CEI, it will only serve to crystallise in the minds of the public the fact that we are facing a problem.
Oh, another point, in my final paragraph I inserted the word "asserted", hoping that this would show that this wasn't my opinion. You, and Dimmock, are the ones asserting that there is a bias and inaccuracies.
You've picked up on a very good point with regard to sea level rise, and this was one of my points with regard to scientific problems. Al Gore is quite explicit in stating that 20 feet of sea level rise would result from the melting of Greenland. What he didn't mention how long this would take i.e. 100s if not a thousand years. The IPCC's estimates are based on scenarios for the next 100 years only. You can't compare the two, but you can legitimately state that Al Gore should have clarified that Greenland isn't going to melt in the next 100 years. I've been examining melt data of ice sheets recently and apparently thins are melting faster than the IPCC anticipated due to unforseen ice sheet dynamics.
To put Al Gore's point regarding Greenland in a wider context, yes, Greenland will melt if we take no action to curb our emissions and we will see 20 feet of sea level rise, but this may take hundreds of years. This doesn't make it any less of a problem in my eyes. OK, we are not looking at a catastrophe (do you agree that 20 feet of sea level rise in 100 years would a catastrophe? It doesn't look like a picnic), but we are looking at significant problems and issues that future generations will have to deal with (if we take no action).
RE: polar bears. Your source is apparently selective and ignores the fact that half o the polar bear populations (of the exisintg 13) are in fact declining. Half are doing fine. But drowned polar bears are appearing for the first time on record in amongst the declining population groups.
RE: 20 feet of sea level rise. Your central thesis rests on an estimate of current sea level rise obtained from who knows where. 20 ft = 6100 mm.
If you look at the satellite altimetry measurements of sea level rise:
you can see that the actual rate of increase is 3.1 mm per year (since 1993). Which places your estimate for the timescale of change at a factor of ten too high. In fact if you look at the wiki sea level page you can see that it discusses the IPCC's estimates in detail which can also be viewed in here:
The range of possible sea level rise includes an upper limit which goes up to 770 mm per century. This upper limit is easily fast enough to achieve 20 ft of sea level rise within 1000 years. I see this as being an issue of concern, so why was Al Gore wong to point it out. The IPCC even talks about what would happen to sea level if Greenland melts, one rule for Al Gore and one for scientists?
And may I highlight this extract from page 361. "Until recently (including IPCC, 2001), it was assumed that velocities of these outlet glaciers and ice streams cannot change rapidly, and impacts of climate change were estimated primarily as changes in snowfall and surface melting. Recent observations show that outlet glacier and ice stream speeds can change rapidly, for reasons that are still under investigation. Consequently, this assessment will not
adequately quantify such effects."
Thus, the estimates in the wiki page on sea level (including 770 mm per century) do not include these unquantified icesheet dynamics. I have read several papers recently pointing out that ice sheets are melting at the fringes far quicker than the upper IPCC estimates. And thus, I see no problem with mentioning that we might be facing an imporant problem and issue of large scale sea level rise. Well done to Al Gore for mentioning it, but as I said, he should have made it clear what the minimum possible timescale was, but does even that make it any less of a problem. I would urge you to read the IPCC reportand the recent scientific literature on current ice sheet dynamics which simply counters the misinformation being peddled by CEI on this issue.
You should also be aware that there is enough coal, tar sands and shale oil to raise CO2 concentrations up well above 1500 ppm. That would appear to be two and half doublings of CO2 which equates to a temperature of rise of about 7.5 oC based on a climate sensitivity of 3oC per CO2 doubling. Can you really carry on asserting that Greenland won't ever melt? In a world deplted of standard oil sources coal processing is going to look mighty attractive if we haven't created the market conditions to develop alternatives.
RE: hurricanes. You can not attribute a single weather event (including hurricanes) to global warming. That is not possible. You can attribute trends in climate and weather events to global warming if you understand the fundamental processes causing those events. You ought to be aware of two facts which have been highlighted in recent publications regarding hurricane behaviour:
* Hurricanes intensity has increased during the last 30 years.
* Hurricane frequency has increased during the 20 th C.
Hurricanes are known to be spawned by warm sea surface temps (SSTs). Hurricanes have been observed to increase in intensity rapidly when they pass over warmer water. Given that SSTs have risen in this same period there is plausible linkage between hurricanes and global warming. Thus, citing hurricanes as being an issue spawned by AGW is not dishonest, it merely reporting the facts at hand. I can't say for sure what Al Gore said regards to Katrina, but if he didn't directly attribute it, I see no issue.
With regard to your conclusions, I strongly disagree. AIT should contain a warning saying that there are other political opinions on AGW, but the science in it is sound. You can only arrive at a conclusion that it isn't sound by selectively reading CEI publications and ignoring reports published by scientists and the IPCC. I say again, a movie made by scientists reflecting current science and observations is not going to help your cause and paint a rosier picture.
News just in, the judge has ruled that there are 9 scientific errors in AIT.
They think that the 20 ft claim is over the top and I have to agree that if Al Gore said "in the near future" then that was wrong. However, the judge reckons it would take millenia (you rckon it won't ever happen), and the latest evidence is showing that it might happen within 1000 years ie. within a millenium - singular. Gore has used imprecise qualitative language, when he should have presented the plausible timescales. Again, my main point, would a film reflecting the latest science help you or Dimmock?
RE: drowned polar bears, so there were only four of them, that is still unprecedented and the evidence is showing that some polar bear populations are declining.
More info:
It turns out that there is some misrepresentationgoing around about the scientific errors. Apparently Burton is only talking about the nine alledged 'errors', have a look:
No need to spit the dummy. You can read the IPCC report for yourself to get more information about the rate of sea level rise, I have linked to it above. If you choose to ignore the upper limits in the report, and the specific mention that these upper limits simply don't include non linear ice sheet dynamics, then so be it, but that is what the report says. You should be aware that current ice sheet melt in Greenland and the Antarctic pennisula is occurring at a faster rate than the IPCC are considering. Again take it or leave, but unless you show me some evidence to the contrary I am not going to change my mind that a rise of 20 feet within 1000 years is possible. Reading the report and current science shows this. Saying that Greenland will melt if it gets warmer isn't that controversial either, it will melt if it gets warm enough. Disproof by incredulity doesn't cut it.
Polar bears. The BBC link describes a study carried out by Canadian polar bear experts, again this is just what the data is showing. I agree that not all polar bears are in trouble, but some populations are. Quickly scanning the literature I can see that there are several reports of the worsening condition and decline within 4 polar bear populations in and around Northern Canada. Couple this with the news reports of direct studies of their numbers and you get a different picture to the one that you advocate; I say again, some polar bear populations are increasing in populations, and some are declining. It would be cherry picking to only select one dataset. Have a look at the IPCC working group 2 report and look at page 668 onwards. Linky:
Hurricanes. Try this wrt to hurricane frequency (it's an extract of the study I hinted at):
Webster has also identified the upward trend in hurricane intensity. Given the causal link between SST and hurricanes, and given these trends it really isn't odd to link hurricanes to AGW. More study is required, yes, but the evidence shows we should be concerned. For the IPCC's take try this:
on page 304 onwards.
To clarify, and to end this discussion, I would like to say that Al Gore's movie should be sent out with the warning that some polar bear populations are doing fine, whereas some are not; that Greenland may well melt (according to the IPCC) but this could take any where between ~800 and several thousand years; and that hurricane trends show x and y but you can't link a single hurricane to AGW and that the link between the two isn't certain yet. These caveats aren't controversial and are in fact supported by the should try reading the report some time.
Given that your latest post has taken on a distinctly personal note, can I add that it must take some cheek to call me insane given the fact that you rarely take the time to provide evidence or links (save for CEI), you haven't taken the effort to read the IPCC report which contains information relating to this discussion and you have been caught on numerous occasions either cherry picking evidence or misrepresenting / misreading evidence....some cheek.
Finally, do you honestly think that the IPCC position doesn't paint a worrying picture? You seem to be advocating that AIT is biased and wrong and that the IPCC report is correct. Fair enough, but I can't understand why you seem to be against taking action if you agree with everything in the IPCC reports. Could you explain in the thread I started up.
Regarding cherry picking and misrepresentations the more frequent and observant posters here will not have missed it even you did. How about this example regarding recent warming which is unabated despite (yet again...sigh) your claims (without a shred of credible evidence save some cherry picking) to the contrary:
Why not bother to look at the whole dataset?
Please desist in making this false claim.