Is global warming man- made,because the sun is getting hotter?
Life goes on...
2007-05-11 03:35:42 UTC
Solar storms,cause changes in weather.
21 answers:
2007-05-11 07:19:56 UTC
yes (most likely)

If you took a POLL of climatologists:

Asking: Do they think that Pollution is "majority" contributor to Global warming. You would find that they would be SPLIT.


Because, the science of the green house effect is true. However, since there are so many NATURAL sources of green house gases that could effect the climate before pollution.

(ie/ methane production from animals,

volcanos emmitting sulfur & fine particulate and most important of all; the SUN!)

In the 1970's, climatologists impregnated a similar "fear" into society as they are doing now. Except, they were predicting the exact Opposite! In the 1970s a Mini ICE AGE was forcast. Right in the middle of a mini industrial revolution! When gas gozzling cars were emmitting peak amounts of toxic emmissions (green house gases) Industry was careless dumping millions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere. The green house effect was certainly available for debate then too, but the temperature was certainly not going up at that time. Records show that the global temp was going down. Why? Well for about 5-7 years, the sun was producing fewer SOLAR STORMs.

(analogy: if you turn the BBQ knob down, there will be less heat? (1970's). If you leave the BBQ on for an hour (today) the grill is extremely hot?)

So in comparison, those who theorize that the Global warming due to Carbon emmissions argue that THE SUN is the dictator of our EARTH's climate and not just pollution.

Since the Earth has been bombarded by a continous array of Solar Storms for the last 15 to 17 years,(longest in history?) it would be safe to say that the SUN has major influence on the increase in today's global average temperatures.

Sad, for todays' fundamental pro Global warming scientist but more likely than true. We have really no control of the climate.

So why not focus on something that is definitely a concern; CONTROLLING POLLUTION levels.

In the end it will probably will curb green house gases anyways???
2007-05-11 07:14:49 UTC
According to one report I heard the sun is actually putting out more heat. Solar storms do effect the atmosphere but not generally in the form of temperature change.

And yes Virginia, we are undergoing global warming. But then we have been undergoing global warming since the peak of the last Ice Age.

The real question is not is this global warming man-made but whether or not mother nature is at fault. Is man a factor? Sure. So are all the rest of the animals on this big blue ball. Who's to say this whole thing isn't natural? Who can say it's not a normal cycle?
2016-05-20 07:30:37 UTC
"but I also found facts that indicate that all of the other planets in the solar system are getting hotter. " You can not have possibly done so since not all of the other planets are warming. "There is data that indicate a steady and dramatic increase in solar activity. " No there isn't, at least not on time scales that matter to us puny humans (over billions of years the solar output increase is significant but we have been monitoring solar output for decades and it has stayed pretty much constant). "Could global warming be the effect of the sun getting hotter and not the accumulation of Co2 in the atmosphere?" There's a correlation between increased CO2 and global mean temperature, there hasn't been a correlation between solar activity and global mean temperature since the 1970's. Pretty clear it isn't the sun.
2007-05-11 07:38:02 UTC
Climate change occurs when the climate of a specific area or planet is altered between

two different periods of time. This usually occurs when something changes the total

amount of the sun's energy absorbed by the earth's atmosphere and surface. It also

happens when something changes the amount of heat energy from the earth's surface

and atmosphere that escapes to space over an extended period of time.Changes in the intensity of sunlight reaching the earth

cause cycles of warming and cooling that have been a regular feature of the Earth's

climatic history.

But… humans also cause climates to change by releasing greenhouse gases and

aerosols into the atmosphere, by changing land surfaces, and by depleting the

stratospheric ozone layer.example to this is if we burn fossil fuels to heat our homes, run our cars, produce electricity, and

manufacture all sorts of products, we’re adding more greenhouse gases to the

atmosphere. By increasing the amount of these gases, we’ve enhanced the warming

capability of the natural greenhouse effect.

It’s the human-induced enhanced greenhouse effect that causes environmental concern,

because it has the potential to warm the planet at a rate that has never been experienced

in human history.
2007-05-11 06:19:01 UTC
global warming is caused by a lot of factors - both man-made and natural. If the sun is getting hotter (based on crude records from NCDC - it is getting hotter), well we cant do anything about that. So we focus on the things that we can change.
2007-05-11 05:21:31 UTC
It is true that the sun is getting hotter.At first our earth was covered by ice and then the sun grew bigger and due to this heat the ice age ended.

Similarly the sun is now getting hotter and due to which there is global warming.It is true that it is a natural phenomenon.But we are making it worse.All this pollution and enviornamental exploitation will lead us to no where.Today's man is thinking of short term gains by doing long term and irreversable damages to our earth.
2007-05-11 03:39:59 UTC
Solar storms do cause changes in the weather, but Nasa does have ways of monitoring the suns "output". Global warming is man made and that is why we need to make some significant changes.... Do it for the polar bears if nothing else :)
2007-05-11 05:35:40 UTC
Actually, the sun isn't getting hotter. According to the Max Planck Institute, there has been no increase in solar irradiance since about 1940:

According to the PMOD World Radiation Center, there's been a slight decrease in solar irradiance over the last few years:
2007-05-11 04:30:25 UTC
The sun is not getting hotter in a manner that corresponds with the increase in global average earth surface temperatures. There are no natural cycles that are correlated with the measured increases. The increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations since 1750 is correlated with the temperature increases, is the only phenomenon so correlated, and is not due to natural causes, but to combustion of fossil fuels.
2007-05-11 05:38:35 UTC
global warming is not because the sun is getting warmer, it is because of the emissions from the exhausts of vehicles, factories etc. these emissions have large quantities of carbon dioxide in them. they reach up to a certain level in the atmosphere and form a layer in the atmosphere just like a thick blanket. when in the night the land radiates back the heat absorbed during the daytime this layer of carbon-di- oxide, carbon-mono-oxide,etc don't let the heat to go into space or the exosphere causing global warming
Bullet Magnet
2007-05-11 09:19:04 UTC
Fluctuations in solar output are insignificant in comparison to the insulating effect of increass levels of radiatively conductive gasses. Models of natural forcing, including variations in solar output, account for very little of the observed effects.
2007-05-11 03:49:27 UTC
global warming has nothing 2 do with the sun getting hotter. it is due to green house effect, where certain gases trap those solar radiations which are being reflected by the earth. it is naturally caused by green house gases like co2, methane, but due to pollution, their concentration and that of manmade greenhouse gases is increasing. thus global warming is kind of manmade
2007-05-11 03:38:54 UTC
The polar ice caps on Mars are melting, and that is an indication of excess solar heating.
Morgan K
2007-05-11 14:09:20 UTC
the sun is not getting hotter the shield around the earth is getting weaker get you facts straight pleas
2007-05-11 06:14:03 UTC
Yes, because some activities makes us destroy our ozone layer. Some activities like burning plastics, driving our own vehicles, using household and beauty sprays. Why? Because these activities release CFC s or Chlorofluorocarbons. Also, since scientists are inventing and exploring new inventions they tend to destroy our atmosphere.
2007-05-11 04:06:46 UTC
the earth goes in and out of ice ages - we are near the end of an ice age (an ice age is when the poles are covered in ice)

so it is a natural process - we may however be responcible for an increased speed.
2007-05-11 03:49:58 UTC
The global warming is due to us polluting the planet and not to the sun!!!

Taking down rain forests as well is due to the weather changes....

I wish we would stop poluting the world!!!

The pollution makes holes in the ozone layer and makes the sun stronger (Not protected by the ozone):-(
$@JIL !!! I-I()RRIBLY C()()L!!!
2007-05-11 06:21:14 UTC
surely global warming is man made but not due to the sun

the sun was , is , n will be hotter .It is due to man's carelessness n his greed that has lead to global warming
2007-05-11 06:18:16 UTC
Data please. Because from the data I and apparently most climate scientists have seen, there hasn't been an increase in solar output since the mid twentieth century.
2007-05-11 03:40:17 UTC
Well.. it goes in cycles... every thousands of years..

so the fact that the earth is warming up.... it's natural..... but it's the SPEED of it warming up... that is the problem. And we ARE contributing to that... and speeding up this natural process....hence why we NEED to combat this...
2007-05-11 19:20:31 UTC

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