Global Warming/Cooling/Climate Change and Evolution are shaky claims at best. Here's why.
In the 60's we had Global Cooling. Everyone was worried because the temperatures were dropping. We then saw a rise in temperatures during the 80's and 90's. Then claims were made that the ice caps would be completed melted by 2005, 2010, 2015 (and so forth). The constant claims that never come to pass are teh equivalent of religious zealots saying the end is coming then pointing to prophecies that never pass.
The truth behind Climate Change is that the earth goes through cycles of warming and cooling. Long before people arrived on the earth, we saw these cycles. The unknown is that there are very few long term studies showing exactly how humans impact the climate. This uncertainty gives good reason for us to be skeptical toward policies meant to prevent a certain outcome. Who's to say that if a nuclear holocaust occurs and all of humanity is set back to the stone age, who's to say that the climate won't continue to change.
It's not a religious issue, but a skeptic issue. There's not sufficient evidence to merit the requirements made by Climate Change.
Another strong factor is that Climate Change is highly politicized. This causes push-back by people who just want to live their lives. When Leo DiCap is flying around in a personal jet and telling us that we need to reduce our carbon footprint, I have higher respect for Bernie Sanders who at least flies commercial airlines. The hypocrites at the top of the pro-Regulation to prevent "Climate Change" show that no one is really taking this seriously.
On to Evolution.
There exists a false notion that the "God did it" answer is good enough for religious communities. The counter to this is that the atheist and "science-based" communities are more consistent for accepting evolution. Here's where they're wrong.
Before I continue, there has to be definitions laid out. There are 3 definitions that are conflated and cause confusion that allows for stark misrepresentation of the actual views of communities. These are:
Evolution - Change over time
Micro-Evolution - Small changes to a species that do not change the family of an organism
Macro-Evolution: Large changes to a species that changes the family of an organism
The scientific method is based on what's testable and reproducible within a controlled environment. Pick up a pencil and drop it...boom... gravity. Right? This isn't the case with Maco-Evolution. In tests, scientists have taken fruit flies (which have a very short reproductive cycle) and put them through generations of selective breeding to create a new creature. After thousands of generations, the most that scientists have been able to produce is sterile fruit flies. Even so, the most radical mutations were still fruit flies.
So, even with intelligent, selective breeding, we still get fruit flies.
Now you look at the claim that Macro Evolution only takes place over billions of years. Billions of years. Before I go further, let's have a consistency check. If a theist said that given enough time, God will do X. In other words, trust us that it takes time to show that x will happen. If you're honest with yourself, a theist saying this will be laughed out of lecture halls.
So, why do scientists continue to pursue Macro Evolution in labs?
The reason is because at best we have forensic evidence. That is to say, we have evidences that we can use to attempt to reconstruct past events. Here's the kicker.... the evidence is subject to interpretation.
Think about when you were a child. Did you ever get in trouble for something you didn't do? One of my co-workers had this happen with his kids. He came home and found a vase shattered on his front step. Given that his children were not always careful, he assumed that they had broken it. He got upset and threatened to ground them if no one came forth about breaking the vase.
So, did my co-worker's presuppositions lead to a false conclusion?
The truth is that they did. He had a security camera on the door where the vase was. After checking it to see who told the truth, he found that a strong wind had knocked the vase over. He watched the clip a few times to make sure there weren't camera errors. He even showed me the clip.
What changed?
In the case of the vase, there was an ongoing observation that could validate the experience. If not for the camera, the case would've been difficult to prove/disprove.
Apply this to macro-evolution.
There's no one there to have observed a T-Rex evolving into a chicken. At best, we have the fossil record showing different structures preserved in stone.
So now what?
If you start from an anti-theist perspective, you must find evidences that show one creature became another. A good example of this is the nano-rex to T-Rex. It looks like the Nano-Rex was a precursor to the T-Rex. The structures are similar, while the size is noticeably different. This means that the T-Rex and Nano-Rex must be different stages of evolution, right?
Compare an adult human skeleton to that of a newborn. Are there differences? Notice proportional differences between our infants and adults? Paleontologist Jack Horner made this observation in the late 1990's. Very few other paleontologists have jumped on the band wagon because of pressure against the theory. If taken to its logical end, we would only have about one-third of the total dinosaurs that are found in the fossil record. This removes a lot of transitional stages that have been used as evidence for macro evolution.
So, the hardcore, macro-evolutionists push back against this theory.
Like climate change, macro-evolution is highly politicized. Failure to agree with certain fundamentals cuts funding to scientists. As a result, the macro-evolution model isn't as much fact as people claim it is. It's just a theory that's loosely based in the observable science of taxonomy.
I don't believe it's actually fear that drives the deniers of Climate Change and Macro Evolution. I believe it's the inconsistency and dogmatic approach to evidence. Until scientists are able to recreate the macro-evolution of a complex species within a lab, we're still looking at speculation. Until human influence is shown to be the absolute cause of the current Climate Change, we're still looking at speculation.