Thank you, for that amusing look back on the subject from the beginning of 2011. Now let's see what the data looks like now. I graphed the 4 main data sets:
1) GISS = Surface thermometers averaging as best they can over the entire globe.
2) HadCRU = Surface thermometers averaging as best they can,
but ignoring the areas that are so far from thermometers that it is deemed unreasonable to extrapolate that far.
3) RSS = Satellite data from MSU
4) UAH = Same satellite data as MSU, but with a different result due to it being analyzed by a different team who use what they consider to be better algorithms.
Since each data set is zeroed as a temperature different to some random global temperature, I re-zeroed each data set so that they were zero at 2010.
The graph:
The results:
GISS (red line): Warmest = 2010. Followed by 2007, 2006, 2002, 1998 = 2004, 2005 ...
- 2005 was a median year for the last 14 years, not the warmest.
HadCRU (blue line): Warmest = 1998 Followed by 2010, 2004 = 2002, 2005, ...
- Neither 2005, nor 2010 were as warm as 1998, and 2005 was cooler than 2010.
RSS (cyan line) Warmest = 1998 = 2010 Followed by 2002, 2004, 2006 = 2011, 2005
- 2005 is a median year. 1998 and 2010 were the warmest.
UAH (brown line) Warmest = 2010 Followed by 1998, 2007, 2002, 2004, 2003, 2011, 2005
- 2005 is a median year.
None of them show 2005 as an especially warm year. Perhaps, you were previously looking at GISS data from 2 years ago. Unlike the other data sets, GISS updates her data monthly. All dates are subject to being recalculated and changed. I do not know what 2005 looked liked back then on the GISS data set. However, when I check his data set as of 2007, 2005 was the warmest year. It is shown to be warmer than 2007, 2006, 2002, 1998, and 2004.
This is just one of the changes in the GISS data set since 2007. In your last question many answers mentioned the changes that GISS makes, but got thumbed down. Apparently, they were at least partly correct.
As for this year, checking satellite data for how we are doing so far ...
We are either right on course for a record warm year or a long way off and going in the wrong direction depending on whose analysis you choose to believe. [1]
- Checking the status of El Nino; [2] it looks like this year may well become the warmest so far.
- If you believe CO2 is a major driver, you can check the status of atmospheric CO2; [3] again, it would indicate a hot year.
- If you believe Sun Spots drive the temperature, you can check the sun spot index; [4] and it does not look like this will be an especially warm year.
I think that the best indication is El Nino, and we are going to have a very warm year.
Edit @Dave, Kano & Angel:
Once again, Earth proves that she does not care about models, and now appears to be giving us an average year. That update was faster than expected. Thanks to both of you for the correction. El Nino now seems to be abandoning us. This makes me wonder why JPL would take so long to update their El Nino site. [2] Is another year of absence of global warming really so hard to take?
Edit @Kano:
Thanks for pointing out that my Sun Spot Index link went to the wrong graph. I fixed the error.