There are several indisputable facts that you may be able to use to your advantage, depending of course on their strategy.
1) Humans add over 30 trillion kilograms of CO2 to the atmosphere every year.
2) CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere have increased by about 40% since the industrial revolution.
3) CO2 is a greenhouse gas.
4) Solar output has not increased significantly in over 40 years.
5) The Earth's orbital cycles put us in what should be a slight cooling period.
You might also want to become familiar this list of skeptic arguments as it is likely that they will be using at least a few of them.
[re: Spider Boy]
>>Hmmm...How about, "OK, then, why is it getting COOLER?"<<
The '90s was the warmest decade in the instrumental record...and the '00s were warmer on average than the '90s. Seems like it's still warming to me.
>>How about, "What about all those predictions the warmists have made that have not borne out?"<<
Which predictions? Be specific, because there are some predictions like the 2006 hurricane season prediction that were actually made by skeptics and others that were not part of scientific research, but were instead personal opinions stated in interviews with journalists.
>>Oooh, oooh, here's one that I know will work. "Are you a climate scientist?" Wait for answer then say, "Well then, case closed!"<<
I think that you are confused. This question should be "Is your source a climate scientist or a published paper in a peer-reviewed journal?" Of course that won't work in a debate because there is no way to verify anything. That is why Monckton wants to debate everyone - he can say anything he wants and it's really not possible to verify anything until after the debate is over...
[re: mick t]
>>Skeptical science is a well known alarmist mis-information site. It uses bogus science to propagate a political doctrine<<
I'm sorry, but what science posted on that site is bogus?
BTW how exactly does this answer the asker's question?
[re: Ian]
>>"If there is no such thing as man made global warming then why is today hotter than yesterday?"
Deniers hate this question because there is no logical answer.<<
hahaha That's funny. That's actually a denier question swapped back to front - asking something similar to where is Al Gore to help you shovel all the global warming off your driveway. AGW deniers *hate* it when you use trends longer than a few years. See Spider Boy's answer is you need proof.
>>Maybe throw in "The science is settled, ******!!!!!" just to close out the debate.<<
The science is settled, but obviously there is still a debate between people who are not scientists.
[re: jim z]
>>Global warming is such a ridiculous and ill defined name.<<
No it's not. That some people don't use the various terms properly doesn't mean they are ambiguous.
>>It might mean any warming that humans have caused or it might mean any warming in the last 100 years.<<
No, it means global warming. Human caused global warming is generally referred to as Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW). Warming for the past 100 years is referred to in general as...wait for warming. If you want to be specific, we could just say something like "global warming over the past century" or "AGW over the past century".
>>If you think it means the later, then you could ask why did the River Thames regularly freeze 300 years ago.<<
I see you are also confused about which side of the debate he is supposed to be on...
No one denies that The Little Ice Age caused the Thames to freeze in the winters. I'm sure that we can all agree that it wasn't cold that was added to the Earth which has since receded causing the current warming trend.
[re: Sagebrush]
>>"If you are so smart. How come you are not rich like Al Gore?"<<
We all can now see why you aren't rich like Al Gore.
[re: Psychobenzaprine]
>>"How come 1998 is still the warmest year on record, despite CO2 emissions increasing ever since?" No, wait... That one won't work, either.<<
Obviously. 1998 is not still the warmest year on record and even if it was, the strength of the El Nino does a really good job of answering the question of why it was extraordinary.
Edit: [re: Ian's reply]
>>How about Hansen's temperature prediction from 1988... Oh right, the science is settled so the model must be right and not reality.<<
The key here is that you are talking about a prediction from 24 years ago and it's pure raving lunacy to claim that anyone is saying that old projection is still correct.
>>How about 50 million climate refugees by 2010...oh, ooops...make that 2020???<<
Now didn't I say, "Be specific"? Who said it and when and where?
>>Oh right, the science is settled so that model trumps reality too right?<<
You weren't specific, so for all I know a bunch of UN politicians said it.