2013-01-17 14:56:00 UTC
- "Most of this could be done by volunteers without having a formal national organization. Discuss how this would work and who would have what responsibilities".
- "Consider joining forces with some already established organizations where there is substantial commonality and commitment (e.g. ATI, Heartland, IER, CEI, Marshall, Brookings, Cato, Manhattan, AfP, FW, CFACT, ALEC, NA-PAW, etc.)."
- "Social Media Outreach director/create coordination for message on web and in Twitter-type outreach, Youtube, etc."
- "Public opinion must begin to change in what should appear as a 'groundswell' among grass roots."
- "Setup a dummy business that will go into communities considering wind development, proposing to build 400 foot billboards."
- "The director will make use of scientific research which is designed to gauge the response to the message and allow for the adjustment of the message from time to time. The same research is also to determine the weaknesses in opposition messages for the purpose of exploiting them to the end goal of the campaign."
- "The science committee will be responsible for assembling a directorate of scientists with the proper credentials to be accepted by the main stream media. Those credentials are also important in making the scientific material harder to target and more difficult to tear down by the opposition. This committee will coordinate with the directorate to develop a highly respectable collection of scientific white papers and reports that are consistent in their approach to supporting the message chosen as most likely to succeed."
- "The networking committee will be responsible for coordinating the response of networked groups with like-mind on our message. These will include the tea party, anti-tax leagues and utility rate groups as well as government watch-dog, anti-waste groups. This committee will help spread our message to the network groups and then gather feed-back as to their interests and needs for further information from the organization."
Doesn't this all sound very familiar? Don't you ever have the sensation that, when dealing with deniers, there appears to be some organized effort behind them pushing their 'collection of scientific white papers and reports that are consistent in their approach to supporting the message'?
Aren't we coming across the same organizations and individuals? CFACT, Heartland, CATO, Americans for Prosperity, tea partiers, etc.?
Aren't we supposed to believe that there is some sort of genuine ground swell among grass roots in opposition to AGW?
Are we dealing with individuals or up against an organization with a Social Media Outreach Director which coordinates and cherry-picks the science which supports their message and ultimate PR campaign goals?
Just wondering...
Read the whole 9 page document here. http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/interactive/2012/may/09/wind-power-memo