what is Global warming?
eyoel f
2007-05-10 10:33:35 UTC
i am doing a porjcet paper on Global warming. tell me any thing you about it!
thack you!
Six answers:
2007-05-10 10:59:12 UTC
Ok, here is how some industrialists organize the global warming denial propaganda.

Its partisan, ok but it will answer what is commonly accepted among some conservatives (who are going to conserve everything except our planet)
2007-05-10 11:15:21 UTC
A lie disigned to control you , read -

Global Warming - Well actually the truth of Global Warming

In this piece { and yes I like calling it that , it gives it a sense of importance } you will learn how global warming started , why global warming is a myth { however the symptoms of global warming are not , not in the wildest imagination } you will also learn what are actually causing these so called symptoms , so keep reading because it will surprise you .

To understand global warming we have to go back in time { so slip in the new Clay Aiken cd , because a thousand days and a thousand nights are not enough } and off we go . Welcome to February 1972 where an article sponsored by the World Association of World Federalists appeared in a magazine titled the Humanist { the magazine of the American Humanist Association } in this article the World Association of World Federalists said and I quote -

" World Federalists believe that the environmental crisis facing planet earth is a global problem and therefore call for a global solution - a worldwide United Nations environmental agency with the power to make decisions stick . W.A.W.F. has submitted a proposal for just such an agency to be considered at the 1972 U.N. environmental conference to be held in Stockholm . "

The momentum gathered from the U.N. environmental conference and because of the power the W.A.W.F. held led to { you guessed it } the United Nations Environmental program or U.N.E.P. { which officially started the global warming movement and debate } . The first executive director of U.N.E.P. was the Canadian millionaire who made his money in oil - Maurice Strong , the man who was the secretary general of the Stockholm conference . Anyway lets move on , in 1990 in a speech addressing the global forum conference , Mikhail Gorbachev said and I quote -

" The ecological crisis we are experiencing today - from ozone depletion to deforestation and disastrous air pollution is tragic , but convincing proof that the world we all live in is interrelated and interdependent . This means that we need an appropriate international policy in the field of ecology . Only if we formulate such a policy shall we be able to avert catastrophe . True , the elaboration of such a policy poses unconventional and difficult problems that will affect the sovereignty of states . "

Then in 1991 a good friend of Maurice Strong named Lester R. Brown a member of the Council on Foreign Relations { C.F.R. } , put out a report which stated and I quote -

" The battle to save the planet will replace the battle over ideology as the organizing theme of the new world order , with the end of the ideological conflict that dominated a generation of international affairs , a new world order , shaped by a new agenda , will emerge . "

Then in 1992 came the United Nations earth summit which was held in Rio De Janeiro and brought together the world governments and the best known environmentalists and who was the secretary general at this conference { yes you guessed it , gold star for you } Maurice Strong . at this very conference came a speech from the former secretary of state of the United States under Richard Nixon - Henry Kissinger - which stated and I quote -

" Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order , tomorrow they will great full . This is epically true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond , whether real of promulgated , that threatened our very existence . It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil . The one thing every man fears is the unknown . When presented with this scenario , individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government . "

I'm sure your thinking what is the point of all this , well the point is if you haven't noticed my little green bugs of displeasing , that global warming was started to control , period . That is its purpose . There is no truth what so ever to global warming , it was , is and will probably always be , used to control other countries , average peoples lives and everything in between , its that simple . It has nothing to do with particles of dust in the air . If it did then how come people can't see the Hollywood sign in California and can clearly see straight ahead in New York , the answer - because the earth is self sufficient . The politicians who constantly talk about global warming know this , that is the only reason they are pushing this , unless of course they are totally brainless and the media pushes it because they do what there told , and the celebrities who push global warming either don't know and are being manipulated or actually believe that they are doing a good thing . So now lets get down to the symptoms of global warming which you most likely won't see on the news and the U.N. , politician's , etc. has known about for years .

Hold onto your hats and strap in those seat belts because here we go - the symptoms of global warming is caused by { get ready } - the earths energy field { yes you read that right } . We are now according to a number of scientists experiencing a cycle called procession something that happens every 26,000 years where the earth will stop spinning and half the earth will be left in darkness for a number of days - just let me explain . The earth is a giant magnet with different levels rotating to create a magnetic field , however the earth is spinning faster and faster and the more powerful it spins the more dense the magnetic field . Two thousand years ago the earths rotations reached its peak according to a California scientist named Gregg Braden and has been falling ever since . The earths rotation called Base Resonant Frequency or Schumann Cavity Resonance was first identified in 1899 . Between 1899 and the mid 1990's the earth maintained a constant pulse of around 7.8 hertz or 7 cycles a second . By the end of 1995 it had increased to 8.6 last I checked it was 11 and still rising . Gregg Braden says that the earth is spinning out of control and will indeed stop , he say's this will happen he believes on December 12 , 2012 . He calls this zero point when the earths magnetic field will disappear because the planets rotation will have stopped . However before you go jump out that window my friend this does not mean we will fall off the earth as gravity is a different energy all together . The earth will spin again , however the other way around and east will become west and west will become east . This has happened in history at least 14 times in the last 4.5 million years , the last one is said to have happened in about 11 - 13,000 BC . This is essentially what is causing floods , famine , the melting of the polar icecaps , ozone depletion and terrible weather around the globe - the earths rotation or lack there of . This according to Gregg Braden and many scientists who have been told to shut up and keep quiet when they present this fact to government officials who don't want to hear it , why ? Well scroll up and read why and next time try and pay attention .
dale m
2007-05-10 11:09:19 UTC
global warning is where a group of so call scientist got together and decided that they needed more taxpayer money. they are anti American and anti capitalism. they came up with the idea of global warming because twenty years ago the same people was touting that there was global cooling. the thing of it was they was not getting anywhere when it came to distorting the infrastructure of the U.S. now they have the democrat party, the teachers unions. and the drive by media to back them up. they have no proof in fact.
2007-05-10 10:46:19 UTC
The "globe" has been getting progressively warmer ever since the last ice age. It's a fraud, a scam created by Al Gore to make him look important and supported by extremists who oppose progress and capitalism.
2007-05-10 11:31:57 UTC
It's a political agenda.

It's portrayed like it's based on science, but it isn't.

Here are a few links...
2007-05-10 11:12:46 UTC
I agree with Dale M. See above.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.