Yes, we are sure it's responsible for the vast majority of the recent warming.
And no, this study does not support the conclusion that SOI accounts for any of the global warming since 1970. They managed to slip in a statement that ENSO "perhaps" accounts for some of the warming trend even though their research in no way supported this statement. In fact, the way they did their data analysis, they literally could not have made that conclusion, because they removed all effects of long-term trends in their data (they were examining temperature variability, not long-term trends). Unfortunately whoever peer-reviewed this study fell asleep at the helm and let them leave this completely unsupported "perhaps" statement in the conclusion. As they say, peer-review is necessary but not sufficient to ensure that a journals are only publishing quality science.
And so the denial blogosphere went nuts. Bob Carter - one of the co-authors - made some statements that their research showed ENSO causing the warming trend even though again, their research showed no such thing. The error was so obvious that a rebuttal paper was published in record time.
We discussed the SOI paper in several previous questions. A few linked below, and also here:
*edit* agreed with Dawei - there is nothing "vengeful" about reactions to this paper. They threw in a conclusion which was in no way supported by their research. Not only was it a conclusion which their research could not possibly have supported, but it's a physically impossible theory. Oscillations like ENSO cannot cause a long-term warming trend. For one thing they're oscillations, switching between cool and warm states. For another they neither create nor retain heat, they simply move it around between oceans and air.
This paper is unquestionably bad science. Bad science is bad science, regardless of your opinions on AGW. If you can't admit that, you can't call yourself a skeptic.