Why can't Republicans accept that global warming is real?
wizard of blizzard
2014-11-17 23:17:46 UTC
I mostly agree with their parties views, but the fact that they continue to deny global warming, calling it a hoax and citing obscure research papers to back it up really alienates me from the party. Mitch McConnel was just elected Senate Minority Leader and is a staunch advocator for coal, the filthiest fossil fuel. Do Republicans only care about creating jobs and lowering energy prices, even if it comes at the expense of Earth, our only home?
143 answers:
2014-11-18 13:58:22 UTC
Though the theory is older, the first real model showing global warming was presented in 1956. Since then, the only thing that has changed is that things are happening faster than expected.

If you look hard enough, you can find a person with a white lab coat and a degree who will agree with anything you like. Hell, wasn't there some dumb politician a couple of years ago claiming a woman cannot get pregnant by rape, and with a doctor to back him up? And some people still really believe that crap!

And didn't a lot of people actually believe the rubbish about Mayans predicting the end of the world - I even know of one "scientist" who believed it - bloody fool.

What we know for sure is that global warming is real. What we don't know for sure is that it is caused by man - it's just that every other possible explanation has been examined and discounted, including Act of God.

Denying global warming is just propaganda, in order to keep those responsible in power.

I think part of the problem is that quite a few people have no idea what global warming really means, or it's effects.

And, as is common today in many things, lots of people are more interested in insulting the messenger rather than listening to the message.
2014-11-18 12:34:45 UTC
as a former Republican who turned Libertarian I would like to answer this. Whenever money is involved, peoples attitude toward science is altered. To receive a research grant, you must suck up to the paradigm that is current among bureaucrats.So presenting a theory that cannot be disproven will keep the funds coming in. There was a time when to receive a PhD, you had to have significant teaching experience. But now anyone that convinces 3 morons, will qualify. So a lot of bad science appears in peer reviewed journals. Add that to the fact that nearly all nobel prizes are politically motivated. go back and look at the evidence, Linus Pauling advocating that vitamin C will cure everything. Barak Obama getting a prize for what. Leo Tolstoy not awarded because we couldn't offend the Czar. Meme theory shows that bad science floats around for generations. Global warming cannot be predicted, nor can it be corrected. There are wars, poverty, religions, technological blunders, and dictators who will cause more change than all the coal that is burned. But the main reason global warming is not real is because of the problem of diseases causing more havoc as a result of increased population and people consuming less energy per capita and technology negating the need to travel. If you really think global warming is real eliminate the automobile.
2014-11-18 10:14:17 UTC
To me this sounds like a question from a brainwashed idiot. The reason I say that is from scientific facts. Here is one scientific face often pointed out by the late Dr. Carl Sagan who was an astronomy professor.

As a star ages (the sun is a star) it grows hotter. If you can believe that then global warming would be inevitable. Yes it does exist but there is no evidence that it is man made nor that any of the proposed resolutions to it from Democrats/liberals/Obama will correct it.

They are pushing solar energy which could work for non urban residential applications but would not be cost effective. The one thing that proves it is politially motivated is Nicola Tesla's accomplishments and his statement that free electrical energy from cosmic radiation and other forms of radiation is everywhere present. It also works at night.

This comes from a man who has illuminated hundreds of light bulbs at a distance of 20-30 miles with no conductors between the two sights.
2014-11-17 23:43:42 UTC
Fossil fuels account for a huge chunk of the GOP's funding. In 2009 alone, they spent $175 million on lobbying. I'm not sure the exact breakdown, but that's got to be at least 10% to 20% of their total campaign contributions just coming from fossil fuels. They need that money to get re-elected. Even in solidly red states, they need fossil fuel money on their side to make it through primaries within their own party. They've pretty much decided it's in the best interest of their political careers too do what fossil fuels want, even if it annoys a few people such as yourself (Who will still vote for them anyways).
2014-11-19 00:21:43 UTC
Fossil fuels account for a huge chunk of the GOP's funding. In 2009 alone, they spent $175 million on lobbying. I'm not sure the exact breakdown, but that's got to be at least 10% to 20% of their total campaign contributions just coming from fossil fuels. They need that money to get re-elected. Even in solidly red states, they need fossil fuel money on their side to make it through primaries within their own party. They've pretty much decided it's in the best interest of their political careers too do what fossil fuels want, even if it annoys a few people such as yourself (Who will still vote for them anyways).
2014-11-18 09:48:04 UTC
Because they're too goddamn lazy to cross the border to visit conservative-ruled Canada where Canadians are living the very real impact of global warming on a daily goddamn basis.

Like the saying goes: Seeing is Believing.

And like the Good Book says in Psalm 82: "They know not because they will not understand. None so blind as those that will not see. They have baffled their own consciences, and so they walk on in darkness.”

That sums up global warming deniers in general, and American deniers in particular, especially the GOP.

They can all sit around denying global warming till they're blue in the face.

All they're doing is fiddling like Nero while Rome burns.

Unless and until they grow a pair and put they put their beliefs to the test of personal experience, their opinions are completely and utterly worthless.

As worthless as some idiot living in a cave denying sunshine's real, or some moron drooling in a desert denying rivers, lakes and oceans exist.

Only their precious egos can't handle having this simple fact rubbed in their yellow bellied faces.


Gutless Wonders giving thumbs down can't & doesn't magically get their lazy @sses over the border to experience the reality of man-made global warming here in Canada.

Instead, they're just providing more proof of what I said about idiot deniers having worthless opinions because their opinions aren't founded in actual, real-world, personal experience that they're all too cowardly to get.

Until those dolts and cowards get their @sses up here to Canada and smarten up (and so we Canadians can laugh in their faces) I'll just have to keep mocking those momma's boys from a distance.
2014-11-18 02:31:07 UTC
I don't need a Democrat to tell me Global Warming is real. The temperature ALWAYS goes up in the Summer. It's been doing this for years. It's nothing to get excited about. Stupid Democrats. Next, they'll be causing a panic when the temperature falls during the Winter!
2014-11-18 00:03:41 UTC
I took a university course in Physical Geography back in the 60s. The prof was paranoid about what he called "greenhouse gasses," so this is alarmism is by no means new. Since Prof Hare's day the greenhouse gasses have undoubtedly increased, but volcanic eruptions have continued to contribute to that increase and always will regardless of what mankind does. Meanwhile, let's not panic, but continue to work for cleaner air in OUR neighborhoods. California did it with their emission controls years ago. Coal-fired generators are either being decommissioned or cleaned up. Jonas Salk did not do his bit to eradicate polio because people were protesting in the streets, but because he saw a need and took the time necessary to satisfy it. So it is with the environment.
2014-11-19 14:58:01 UTC
I find it seriously disturbing that this has been turned into a partisan issue, when the destruction of our planet will affect all of us, no matter what party we vote for. Because of all the lies being told by the anti-science crowd, we Americans cannot even agree on a common set of facts, and until we can do that, we won't be able to have the national discussion we need to have in order to come up with some possible solutions.
jack f
2014-11-18 16:48:25 UTC
A well known and respected climatologist just announced we are in a 30 year cooling period. I've heard other scientists say the same thing. These climatoloists and meteorologists are ignored by the LAME STREAM media and the left. You leftists say "case closed" no need to debate it. Well, just because you believe it that doesn't make it so. BTW, most people are aware of climate cycles. We know of the past ice ages, and warming periods. We know the climate is in constant change. It seems only the LIBERAL MORONS ignore natural climate cycles and blames it on man. And you call yourselves the intelligent ones? LOL
2014-11-19 09:14:18 UTC
Republicans are funded by the Koch Brothers and oil companies. Their contributors stand to lose money if we actually do anything to anything about global warming. The Keystone pipeline will create a total of 50 permanent jobs in the US. It will do huge damage to the environment. The dirty oil that the pipeline will take from Canada to the Gulf Coast for export will contribute to global warming. Building the pipeline will violate treaties with the Sioux Nation and spoil their Reservation. Thousands of Americans will have their land seized in condemnation proceedings for Canadian companies. The Koch's will profit billions of dollars.
2014-11-17 23:57:16 UTC
You need to do further research for yourself on the pros and cons of global warming and then decide for yourself. You will find that it isn't real and that it is being used as a platform to convince bleeding hearts like you that it is real. I have spent almost a year researching the subject. The evidence that I found clearly proves that global warming does not exist as is stated. I am more concerned about a nuclear winter killing off our planet which will happen long before anything happens to our atmosphere.
2014-11-19 14:10:15 UTC
The problem isn't that we believe or not. We just don't accept your cause or solution. We also don't see your Gurus leading by personal example. Both Gore & Obama have an obscene carbon footprint while asking the rest to live a 3rd world existence.

Now if you whiners are wish to take personal responsibility to design an economically viable solution more power to you. Remember the conservatives can easily be manipulated with profits.
2014-11-17 23:24:57 UTC
Maybe if they stopped fudging the data. The Earth goes through warm and cold cycles. In the Midwest USA, it's 15 degrees Farenheit! And it's only November! So much for global warming.
2014-11-17 23:37:14 UTC
Because global warming is a hoax that was created to make guys like Al Gore tons of money and it has worked Gore is now a billionaire. The only scientists that actually believe in global warming are scientists that were forced to say they believe in it in order to get government funding. Al Gore says if the temperature goes up, down, or stays the same this is all proof of global warming and a shocking number of you believe that crap.
2014-11-17 23:28:26 UTC
Climatologist: 30-Year Cold Spell Strikes Earth
2014-11-19 23:28:40 UTC
If you look hard enough, you can find a person with a white lab coat and a degree who will agree with anything you like. Hell, wasn't there some dumb politician a couple of years ago claiming a woman cannot get pregnant by rape, and with a doctor to back him up? And some people still really believe that crap!

And didn't a lot of people actually believe the rubbish about Mayans predicting the end of the world - I even know of one "scientist" who believed it - bloody fool.
Jas B
2014-11-19 01:44:20 UTC
Follow the money is the best way to judge why a politician promotes a particular policy or group and votes as he does..

McConnel's third largest contributor is the Oil and Gas Industry, plus he gets addition money from the mining industry, he is of course against the ACA and his forth biggest contributor is the Insurance Industry.
2014-11-18 00:34:17 UTC
People have a problem with it. Global warming, causes cooling. In 100 years our population will have fallen back to less than 2 billion. This due to disease, starvation and war! Consider the war on global warming, a super way to make as much money as you can before everything falls apart. Then if survivors exist, we will put it all back together again.
2014-11-18 12:17:38 UTC
The planet goes thru cycles of warming and cooling, its done so for thousands of years. Informed, intelligent people have accepted that.

What we don't accept is the liberal notion that an all powerful central government with complete control of the economy and the lives of the citizens can somehow control the weather.
2014-11-19 15:56:39 UTC
okay for all you people who believe the stupid government agencies that think all they are doing is informing you of facts and protecting you well all of that is complete crap okay the holes in the ozone layer are mainly over these place with no vegetation or plant really of any kind that the chemicals back in the air to produce what is known as the "ozone" like the pole there is nothing there to put that ozone back so basically there were already holes before this stupid agency found a way to take you money for a noble cause okay so that's my theory if you don't like it whatever (sorry for bad grammar and misspellings just tired of this stupid side of the argument of no we need to stop using gas as fuel such crap your putting in your children's mouths so they will feel better when they "CHANGE THE WORLD")
2016-03-11 06:13:20 UTC
As a star ages (the sun is a star) it grows hotter. If you can believe that then global warming would be inevitable. Yes it does exist but there is no evidence that it is man made nor that any of the proposed resolutions to it from Democrats/liberals/Obama will correct it.
2014-11-18 10:58:12 UTC
Right now it is about 30+ degrees below normal for where I live. Plus the Demarcates have scared you till you are making them all billionaires selling the government crap on government contracts.

Look at how much of your tax money was wasted on alternative energy and company's that took our tax money went belly up and laugh all the way to the bank.
2014-11-19 21:40:59 UTC
They need that money to get re-elected. Even in solidly red states, they need fossil fuel money on their side to make it through primaries within their own party. They've pretty much decided it's in the best interest of their political careers too do what fossil fuels want.
credo quia est absurdum
2014-11-18 13:36:57 UTC
No one is denying that global warming (and cooling) is taking place. The +problem+ is that there bad decisions being made with information from the hysteria which is being created by the alarmists.

International Socialists like Gore are creating a false hysteria in order to scare the masses into giving up freedom and to submit to more government control, more “international” government control. Wake up, America! He who controls energy controls the world.

As Margaret Thatcher put it: global warming is proving to be “a marvelous excuse for international socialism.”

Global warming is indeed real and has been documented with ice cores dating back tens of thousands of years.

What is NOT real is the quackery that humans caused (or can even affect) global warming.

The scare tactics being perpetrated upon us are only a money/power grab scheme by bottom-feeder politicians accompanied by their so-easily-led sheeple who take their prattle, even their movies, as hard science..

To find that my statement above is true, follow the money. See just who it is who will profit from the carbon offset, carbon tax, & etc.

Here is truth about global warming:

Global warming is one-half of the climatic cycle of warming and cooling.

The earth's mean temperature cycles around the freezing point of water.

This is a completely natural phenomenon which has been going on since there has been water on this planet. It is driven by the sun.

Our planet is currently emerging from a 'mini ice age', so is becoming warmer and may return to the point at which Greenland is again usable as farmland (as it has been in recorded history).

As the polar ice caps decrease, the amount of fresh water mixing with oceanic water will slow and perhaps stop the thermohaline cycle (the oceanic heat 'conveyor' which, among other things, keeps the U.S. east coast warm).

When this cycle slows/stops, the planet will cool again and begin to enter another ice age.

It's been happening for millions of years.

The worrisome and brutal predictions of drastic climate effects are based on computer models, NOT CLIMATE HISTORY.

As you probably know, computer models are not the most reliable of sources, especially when used to 'predict' chaotic systems such as weather.

Global warming (AKA "climate change")

Humans did not cause it

Humans cannot stop it

Global warming is indeed real and has been documented with ice cores dating back tens of thousands of years. What is NOT real is the quackery that humans caused (or can even affect) global warming.

The scare tactics being perpetrated upon us are only a money/power grab scheme by bottom-feeder politicians accompanied by their so-easily-led sheeple who take their prattle, even their movies, as hard science.

Follow the money. See just who it is who will profit from the carbon offset, carbon tax, and other so-called green enterprises.
2014-11-17 23:25:43 UTC
The republican tactic is to completely ignore actual scientists, insist that they, themselves, are not scientists so 'they don't really know why or if global warming is happening,' and then continue to ignore actual scientists who DO know and understand basic facts.

Yes, republicans resort to idiotic, uniformed nonsense because they flat out refuse to do anything to disappoint corporate interests or corporate profits, no matter how much their actions screw over the American people and our planet.

Remember when BP dumped millions of gallons of toxic oil into the gulf coast, and republicans said that it wars 'unamerican' to require BP to clean up their own oil spill and reimburse their victims?
Linda R
2014-11-18 12:07:32 UTC
Because we know, for a fact, it is NOT! A few days ago, scientists admitted that planet Earth has begun it's 'iceberg' phase...........for the next 30+ years..........Earth will be colder than it has been in a long time.

I think it's time for liberals to read about the truth and stop sticking their heads in the sand and saying 'oh poor me'....
2014-11-18 05:41:14 UTC
"global warming" is about as real as the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and honest politicians. The climate on this planet has been changing since this planet was made and started its rotational trip to the sun. There is NOTHING man can do to cause, prevent or control it.

By the way, I just shoveled 2 inches of "global warming" off my driveway. I expect to shovel several more feet of it before spring comes.
2014-11-18 19:04:50 UTC
Global warming is real BUT it is not caused 100 percent by man !!! The Sun is growing and the earth is closer to the sun not by much but I am sure that is causing most of the global warming .
2014-11-17 23:28:49 UTC
Man worsened global warming is real and we're speeding up the rising of the sea level by hundreds of years they don't care.
2014-11-19 16:28:26 UTC
Because conservatives have an innate dislike of "expert" opinions, particularly when they perceive that an agenda is driving them. Whereas liberals would want to get the 3 smartest people on the issue together and mandate a solution, conservatives distrust this approach.
2014-11-18 11:07:22 UTC
There are no real answers to global warming. It is called mother nature.

And the only thing the White Man has never learned. Is not to quit

screwing with Mother Nature.
2014-11-17 23:24:41 UTC
Walk outside mid day, look up into the sky that big orange yellow's called the sun. You should read up on it. Hey, just for laughs go back outside at midnight when there's no sun. Is it the same temp both times?
2014-11-18 10:03:33 UTC
Because they are uneducated opinionated sheep who just repeat the party line and the party is bought and sold out to fossil fuel just like its bought and sold out to Insurance and Big Pharma. They lost all credibility decades ago back to Nixon even
2014-11-17 23:36:54 UTC
Because the facts say differently;

The sun is not a constant and we don't give-in to financial scams and authoritative government over-reach.
2014-11-17 23:32:19 UTC
There is no evidence to support AGW theory. Why should I accept something that isn't true? If you believe it is true then you either haven't examined the evidence or you're willing to accept propaganda as fact.
2014-11-18 09:41:46 UTC
Extremely rich people who profit from fossil fuels don't want us to switch from them. They fund the right-wing propaganda machine to lie about that (and lots of other issues), and fund the politicians' campaigns.

Rank and file Republicans exclusively consume right-wing propaganda, and believe the lies.
2014-11-19 05:32:22 UTC
Because the facts say differently;

The sun is not a constant and we don't give-in to financial scams and authoritative government over-reach.
2014-11-18 21:03:56 UTC
What makes you think it's real? Are you as climatologist? I can find any number of them who are a lot smarter than you are or I am, who say it's a hoax!
2014-11-19 14:24:44 UTC
Global warming is real. Man made global warming is a hoax.
2014-11-23 23:22:06 UTC
2014-11-23 12:42:01 UTC
Just look at the record snows in the Northwest. Well, I'm 75 and I remember snows just like this in Michigan when I was just 25. And then about 30 years later, the same record snows forced my parents to move down South where I presently live. Both my parents have since passed, but to think that global warming is real is to believe that Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny are real.
2014-11-23 07:58:16 UTC
Fossil energizes are the cause of a huge amount with the GOP's capital. Just last year on your own, they will put in $175 trillion upon lobbying. I am unsure the exact malfunction, nevertheless that's got being at the least 10% in order to 20% in their complete plan advantages simply caused by fossil energizes. They desire which income to obtain re-elected. Perhaps throughout well red-colored declares, they desire fossil gasoline income on their part to create this by way of primaries of their unique celebration. They've already virtually decided it's within the finest interest in their politics employment opportunities as well perform what fossil energizes desire, regardless of whether this annoys some people like your self (Who will probably even now vote for them anyways).
2014-11-22 09:40:58 UTC
because its a lie
2014-11-21 16:47:55 UTC
Because to do so would mean having to take some ******* responsibility.

That's why I suggested starting with North America with the neutron bombing!
2014-11-21 15:37:23 UTC
It's funny because sure, there are still many jobs in the coal industry in eastern kentucky, but not as many as there used to be and the unemployment rate is still VERY high. Parts of Eastern Kentucky are some of the poorest in the nation and coal does little to change that. Also, Nuclear power is cheaper once it's established so I don't understand why so many people are still caught up with using coal. Water levels are rising because of ice melting and big, coastal cities like New York and Baltimore are going to pay the consequences in years to come because of it. And people don't even take in to account about natural disasters. Like if the ice in greenland were to break off, because things like that have happened in the past. If that happened sea levels would rising exponentially faster and problems would occur sooner rather than later. Climate change is a very real thing and people who doubt it need to wake up.
2014-11-20 23:36:10 UTC
2014-11-20 08:19:29 UTC
Its hard to accept with 8 feet of snow outside
2014-11-20 05:51:32 UTC
I think they are not aware of the facts which scientist are telling now a days related to global warming.
2014-11-19 19:14:34 UTC
David and Chalres Koch
2014-12-18 01:08:08 UTC
I find it seriously disturbing that this has been turned into a partisan issue, when the destruction of our planet will affect all of us, no matter what party we vote for. Because of all the lies being told by the anti-science crowd, we Americans cannot even agree on a common set of facts, and until we can do that, we won't be able to have the national discussion we need to have in order to come up with some possible solutions.
2014-12-11 21:18:09 UTC
2014-11-25 20:50:37 UTC
2014-11-22 10:22:10 UTC
Yes Republicans care about creating jobs and lowering energy prices. Democrats want to use the threat of global warming to raise energy prices.
2014-11-22 09:40:46 UTC
because they want to .they have no reason to ignore it that's why they are just don't agree
2014-11-22 02:25:18 UTC
Republicans and Democrats? haha. Gotta love Americans..
2014-11-21 14:10:09 UTC
the egos
2014-11-21 14:00:07 UTC
2014-11-20 16:33:13 UTC
2014-11-20 07:52:49 UTC
Republicans accept the fact that they can not do anything about it.

2014-11-20 04:39:54 UTC
its global wrecking,,, and its done because most people do not care about the results of there actions.
2014-11-20 02:52:59 UTC
Why do you think those papers are obscure?

The left dominates our research out of our higher institutions of learning, and global warming is a huge cash-cow, probably their single richest cash-cow.

You might want to believe that our science is unbiased, but it's not, and it hasn't been for some time.

Besides, our global atmosphere has been cooling for the last decade, and they can't even admit that.

Look global warming has become too politicized for the science to be trusted anymore.

I mean, look at what they're doing. They're taking something that they really can't say anything for sure, and they are saying that it's absolute fact, that all these things are going to happen, and they've been saying that since about the 80's.

They've been wrong about every single prediction thus far. The only predictions that are arguably correct are the ones that said current trends would continue, and they were still wrong about it accelerating. And even then, the ice caps they said would be receding, they built back up in an unprecedented turn around that was expected to see them recede again by the end of this summer, but guess what, they've continued building instead of receding.

Really, if we were to all obey right now, Democrats would get an unprecedented level of control over the economy to manipulate how they wanted, get a major boost to their coffers, and support politically. It makes perfect sense why Democrats would use all their power to push for this too.

How do you get a people who know and grew up free to give up all of their economic freedoms?

You can't just slap down an autocratic government or Socialism because too many people won't want their freedoms taken away, even rich people who are influential politically.

So, you fabricate a big Satan in the sky that seems feasible, but is so vaguely understood, so intricately laced with interdependent variables and details that you could literally blame everything on it and nobody could ever prove it wrong.

Then you start influencing how the money is spent on the research of it, start subtly removing those who's research doesn't go in the direction you want it too. Start influencing the impressionable to be taught to believe you're side is correct.

Paint the other side as evil or stupid for not believing you.

Then you threaten everyone with grave catastrophe and keep doing the Hitler thing, tell them till they believe it, the bigger the lie, the more they'll believe it.

And you keep pounding it in till you are given enough power over the economy that you no longer need Socialism because now you have the regulatory power to implement basically whatever you want.

Then you can start using your control over the money to start manipulating things, people, and businesses. Take over the last remaining remnants of information that opposes your side, and secure an indoctrination in the schools that won't be overcome. (Common Core)

The one redeeming quality about the left's progressive take-over of our nation, and the patterns people seem utterly blinded too has one redeeming quality . . .

It proves that Christ is the key to human freedom because we are losing our freedoms today, this is all only happening today because we as a people are rejecting Christ more and more, and the wisdom that would have us defeat the corrupt, we reject, and therefore we embrace the corrupt who will destroy what we pretend to hold dear.
2014-11-19 19:52:45 UTC
Global warming - Fake

Climate change - Real, naturally occurring since the beginning of time
2014-11-19 19:28:45 UTC
cuz there aint no proof
2014-11-19 15:31:23 UTC
2014-11-19 15:31:05 UTC
2014-11-19 12:08:21 UTC
You will die before you are affected by G"W oh wait taxes goes up, food cost goes up, no water to drink, You will drown in sea water next month, Palm trees at the north pole. You can not get rich ( to dumb and lazy. Your are right G> W. is real
2014-11-19 12:04:14 UTC
Cause their overlords (Big Business) says it doesn't.
2014-11-19 03:12:33 UTC
They're paid to deny reality.
Patriot !
2014-11-19 01:14:03 UTC
...because there is 18 inches of SNOW on the streets of Buffalo New York ! (and) in North Dakota it's -15 tonight !
2014-11-23 22:03:34 UTC
2014-11-23 13:49:49 UTC
2014-11-22 21:55:12 UTC
2014-11-21 20:38:46 UTC
Because accepting the truth comes with accepting many of our mistakes, which is finally not acceptable for us.

Just have look if you feel the same
This One'S A Keeper
2014-11-21 17:20:31 UTC
To all of you who are saying that global warming is a load of crap, and if global warming is real, why is it so cold?

Effects of Global Warming:

Winters become colder

Summers bcome hotter

Droughts last longer

Weather is more extreme

Sure, your area of the world might not be experiencing these changes, but plenty of other places are. If you can look at world news from the past and say none of this is happening, you need to take a second look.
2014-11-21 02:18:40 UTC
because they don't respect peurto Ricans
gwyn g
2014-11-20 11:25:27 UTC
millions of years ago this planet was enveloped by an ice age and has been getting warmer ever since. At the begining of the warming there was virtually no co2 to blame for that warming so it is difficult to understand why this has suddenly become the problem. There have been some spurious research papers written and that makes them all suspicious, no one can deny warming just the causes of it.
2014-11-20 03:21:38 UTC
2014-11-19 21:28:26 UTC
The ice caps are melting. Move inland and buy land cheap.

The morons that say wow it's so cold what about global warming.

Wrong term in the winter but it's weather extremes that we are concerned with.

Just a change of two or three degrees can be enough to start a runaway effect.

Less ice, ice is white, it reflects heat. Dirt is brown, it absorbs heat.

The planet is a finely tuned machine, it doesn't take much to create a spiraling out of control.

I know cons will fight this tooth and nail. Poor kids.
2014-11-19 21:18:57 UTC
probably for reasons similar to many insisting that the end of the world will occur around the time they kick the bucket ... it makes them feel special
2014-11-19 19:11:47 UTC
I love cats
2014-11-19 18:55:23 UTC
I don't believe in global warming because the earth goes through different weather cycles.
2014-11-19 17:46:53 UTC
Shawn Robin - I surmise you are angry about something. How exactly did Canada heat up so extremely; perhaps it is related to the degree of your anger? If you want to experience warming, bring your happy smart _ _ _ down here to TEXAS.
2014-11-19 17:46:11 UTC
A lot of the short and medium-term global warming predictions have failed to materialize (for example, the Arctic being ice-free during the summer, a major increase in hurricanes, etc.) If the models fail to predict future events accurately, then most reasonable people would be skeptical of (not necessarily denying) the conclusions. For some reason, in the case of global warming the alarmists say the conclusions are still correct and the models must have been wrong.

As far as saying there are financial motives for denying AGW, there's a lot of money to be made by perpetuating the hoax (if false) or by overstating the consequences (if true). For example, insurance companies would love to base their risk models on bogus, overstated disaster projections. That means higher premiums and lower payouts--or even the opportunity to cut back natural disaster coverage even further and leave the taxpayers holding the bag. Green energy scams like Solyndra will also benefit from concerns about AGW.
2014-11-19 15:06:30 UTC
because global warming isn't real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Allen Wang
2014-11-19 14:58:02 UTC
2014-11-19 09:42:04 UTC
Simply put the reason is that ' global warming ' is a bogus concept, it's just another political hoax and nothing more!
2014-11-19 06:51:02 UTC
2014-11-18 18:40:52 UTC
Even if Global Warming is happening, Al Gore nor anyone else

can do one darn thing about the weather or climate. Thank God

they aren't in charge.
2014-11-18 15:40:23 UTC
It's called CLIMATE CHANGE. It's NATURAL. NOBODY can do ANYTHING about it!!!
2014-12-04 14:16:24 UTC
2014-11-28 22:16:34 UTC
great knight
2014-11-22 18:19:54 UTC
that because it is a obvious lie. take a look at two things here for starters. first, the people pushingbit have massive carbon footprint we could prob never equal. they want us to give up children to push one-child policy like china and give up cars to push us willingly into third world while justifying taxes by mile and carbon-tax. Now remember ur science class, even if u believe in carbon causing these "effects" remember carbon cycle? plants eat carbon, why would u pay tax and give up children instead of getting a plant? infowars is an ok second news site. Also some say solar activity due to ice melting on other worlds too.
2014-11-21 01:52:21 UTC
2014-11-20 20:26:47 UTC
Dr Jello
2014-11-20 11:52:33 UTC
Just your statement shows that global warming is a political goal, and has nothing to do with science. But, hey, if you say you want to reduce co2, I'm right with you. Let's build 400 more nuclear reactors in this country and we'll cut out co2 output in half
2014-11-19 22:10:13 UTC
Because, they're the party of no. They don't listen to, nor like anything, that they don't think of, on themselves. The delayers, and Tom Delay was/is a delayer/procrastinator.
2014-11-19 19:42:58 UTC
2014-11-19 17:45:38 UTC
First it was acid rain, then it was global cooling, then it was global warming, now its global climate change. The left will call it what ever they have to every time they are proven wrong just to keep up the bs. I still haven't see proof that it is happening. The arrogance of man to think our actions can change the course of the planet. Mother nature will eat us up and spit us out before we even know what hit us. This planet earth will be here long after the last man walks this earth, and it will be just as lush and beautiful as it has always been.
2014-11-19 16:16:08 UTC
They are owned by the oil and coal industry. These billionaires don't want people to believe in climate change so they hire a few fringe "scientists" to say what they want to hear and fund a propaganda program. If we start using wind and solar then different people will make the profits. They are willing to destroy civilization so long as they get to stay rich and get richer. Turn off Fox News.
Alexandra B
2014-11-19 15:25:44 UTC
No idea.
2014-11-19 14:39:01 UTC
The Right-wing brain is unable to recognize when it is being deceived.

Republican policies benefit the super-rich, the super-rich own the media so the media demands we support the Republicans and the media tell us that global warming is a lie. See how many come to the defence of 'The Right' while it is obviously Right-wing politics that are destroying our planet: Ripping our world apart as quickly as possible to make the most profit as quickly as possible can only ever produce one outcome; the death of our world!
2014-11-19 13:28:21 UTC
As a Republican global warming is real but what is rejected is it is man-made. Global warming and cooling is a natural process that happens every so often, so your premise is false.

Do some further studying and come back when you've got a sensible question.
2014-11-19 13:17:28 UTC
why cant dems accept this COLDER THAN USUAL weather
2014-11-19 10:25:51 UTC
Mr. President, you've publicly spoken out in cases of hatred and violence against African Americans, but where were you when a little 12 month old white baby was shot in the face by two black teenagers trying to rob his mother? Where were Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, for that matter? But most importantly, where were you to condemn his indisputable hate crime? Why is it you only sensationalize and focus on tragedies that can further your career and agenda, and not other tragedies despite the fact that they are equally tragic and significant?
2014-11-19 07:27:53 UTC
So because you and others, Dem politicians believe Global Warming aka Climate Change, etc. ) why it must be true ... not so and IF you really care to know the real TRUTH , follow the money ... politicians ( Dem and Rep ) are making BILLIONS off this crap ... nothing like taking something that cannot be proven or is NATURE ( which no one can control ) and make it profiteering , especially for corrupt politics and politicians - Dem and Rep , even around the World !
2014-11-19 06:48:37 UTC
Democrats obviously don't have the power to change anyone's minds.
2014-11-18 18:17:27 UTC
The Bible says as long as Earth exists there will be seasons. The climate is just cycling,may even be getting cooler.
2014-11-19 06:36:45 UTC
Because its 28 degrees in Texas and its only November!
2014-11-17 23:24:07 UTC
It's party's. They only care about allowing corporate greed because they are the recipient of lobbyist's money.
2014-11-19 15:41:09 UTC
Because there is no evidence of Man made global warming.

global climate change happens naturally.
2014-11-18 14:32:13 UTC
"No Global Warming" is a typical nut theory, like Creationism or Velikovskyism, based on wishful thinking and reinforced with factoids, cheap rhetoric and logical fallacies. The average American won't walk 15 minutes; Cons are afraid they might have to get out of their cars and walk 16 minutes, if global warming is real.
Lord Aizen
2014-11-17 23:22:54 UTC
Heh. Yet many of them believe something with absolutely no basis in reality with an absence of empirical, objective data is completely real.

Belief is destroyed by fact.

2014-11-18 15:47:54 UTC
Because its 28 degrees in Texas and its only November!
2014-11-19 05:25:40 UTC
Because its 28 degrees in Texas and its only November!
Larry Phischman
2014-11-17 23:27:41 UTC
They're paid to deny reality.
2014-11-19 03:05:08 UTC
Produce some facts.
Miles from Michigan!!
2014-11-19 16:56:30 UTC
cause I'm freezing my hinny off right now!! if global warming is hot enough to melt polar glaciers, it's hot enough to warm the water up coming south!! thing don't add up to us normal people!!
Billy Butthead
2014-11-19 02:08:38 UTC
Produce some facts.
2014-11-17 23:26:29 UTC
were too busy giving Obama and the irs our life's savings for obamacare to really give a dam.
2014-11-19 20:11:35 UTC
Because they don't want to change the way they live. If they accepted it, they would have to really change their act.
2014-11-18 20:38:23 UTC
Global warming can not be corrected so if true we are all in it together.Turn off your heaters ,cars,etc that generate heat.
2014-11-20 18:13:17 UTC
Because they are too busy flipping out about the 2nd amendment and being rednecks
2014-11-17 23:24:31 UTC
Cause Republicans are stupid. What do you expect from sheep who listen to Rush Limbaugh
2014-11-22 12:29:57 UTC
Because global warning isn't real
2014-11-18 00:19:57 UTC
maybe its the arctic blast that is freezing everything as far south as florida that is ruining your religious ideas of global warming
2014-11-17 23:41:46 UTC
They believe they are to oppose liberals on all issues without thinking.
2014-11-18 18:41:41 UTC
Go outside tonight with a short sleeve shirt on.....
2014-11-18 15:31:28 UTC
HERE'S why!
2014-11-18 14:40:35 UTC
They are beholden to the coal and oil industries.
2014-11-17 23:29:51 UTC
Wow this is really important to everyday life
2014-11-18 19:44:54 UTC
It's called CLIMATE CHANGE. It's NATURAL. NOBODY can do ANYTHING about it!!!
2014-11-20 17:30:56 UTC
Simple! Because they love money !
2014-11-19 12:33:57 UTC
I don't know
2014-11-20 02:46:05 UTC
2014-11-19 15:21:12 UTC
they only value low cost
2014-11-19 22:20:47 UTC
ignorance of science
2014-11-18 22:03:12 UTC
why can[t democrats accept that it is a hoax?
2014-11-18 22:12:38 UTC
Cause Obama is black
Warren T
2014-11-18 14:21:05 UTC
2014-11-21 01:58:17 UTC
not sure about that.
2014-11-20 18:53:15 UTC
2014-11-20 14:28:43 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.