Why do you think those papers are obscure?
The left dominates our research out of our higher institutions of learning, and global warming is a huge cash-cow, probably their single richest cash-cow.
You might want to believe that our science is unbiased, but it's not, and it hasn't been for some time.
Besides, our global atmosphere has been cooling for the last decade, and they can't even admit that.
Look global warming has become too politicized for the science to be trusted anymore.
I mean, look at what they're doing. They're taking something that they really can't say anything for sure, and they are saying that it's absolute fact, that all these things are going to happen, and they've been saying that since about the 80's.
They've been wrong about every single prediction thus far. The only predictions that are arguably correct are the ones that said current trends would continue, and they were still wrong about it accelerating. And even then, the ice caps they said would be receding, they built back up in an unprecedented turn around that was expected to see them recede again by the end of this summer, but guess what, they've continued building instead of receding.
Really, if we were to all obey right now, Democrats would get an unprecedented level of control over the economy to manipulate how they wanted, get a major boost to their coffers, and support politically. It makes perfect sense why Democrats would use all their power to push for this too.
How do you get a people who know and grew up free to give up all of their economic freedoms?
You can't just slap down an autocratic government or Socialism because too many people won't want their freedoms taken away, even rich people who are influential politically.
So, you fabricate a big Satan in the sky that seems feasible, but is so vaguely understood, so intricately laced with interdependent variables and details that you could literally blame everything on it and nobody could ever prove it wrong.
Then you start influencing how the money is spent on the research of it, start subtly removing those who's research doesn't go in the direction you want it too. Start influencing the impressionable to be taught to believe you're side is correct.
Paint the other side as evil or stupid for not believing you.
Then you threaten everyone with grave catastrophe and keep doing the Hitler thing, tell them till they believe it, the bigger the lie, the more they'll believe it.
And you keep pounding it in till you are given enough power over the economy that you no longer need Socialism because now you have the regulatory power to implement basically whatever you want.
Then you can start using your control over the money to start manipulating things, people, and businesses. Take over the last remaining remnants of information that opposes your side, and secure an indoctrination in the schools that won't be overcome. (Common Core)
The one redeeming quality about the left's progressive take-over of our nation, and the patterns people seem utterly blinded too has one redeeming quality . . .
It proves that Christ is the key to human freedom because we are losing our freedoms today, this is all only happening today because we as a people are rejecting Christ more and more, and the wisdom that would have us defeat the corrupt, we reject, and therefore we embrace the corrupt who will destroy what we pretend to hold dear.