The politics is the discussion that goes on here. Everyone complaining and little getting done.
Al Gore and the IPCC aren't deceiving the public when discussing the severity of the issues related to climate change. This isn't just about a couple of degrees rise in temperature. The domino effect of all of it means toxicity in your homes, your children, your grandchildren.
How does mercury, incinerated garbage, banned pesticides, vehicle emissions, etc, get in the body of a baby that has never take a breath? Go to and scroll down to the picture of the fetus where you can link on the study of polluted newborns. All of the science and participants are listed. The toxicity ratio was 100% and I have medical support saying it means a fetus will be in a 911 crisis from conception. They took it further by saying "children don't have cancer at 10, they have had it for 10 years and nine months".
The IPCC and Al Gore are missing science but credit has to be given for bringing this issue to the forefront. All the laws are in place and the IPCC nor Gore is above the laws.
The greenhouse gas theory was the best we had because every industry assumed the other was doing their job so what could be causing a heat rise? That is where the debate begins on whether this is natural or man made.
I recently presented some advanced thermal imaging of solar impact on buildings to a professor working on forest devastation from bugs and he replied " the greenhouse gas theory is seriously flawed ".
Solar radiation and the same UV that burns our skin is causing buildings to generate extreme heat 10 minutes after sunrise. The buildings aren't designed for the heat and we are using air conditioning to treat the indoor heat symptom.
Air conditioning is really refrigeration associated with ozone depletion and we are using it in almost 100% of buildings.
Did you know that from the tree being cut down to development is a very big industry nationwide. Universities, tech schools, research, lumber exports, construction, etc, etc design buildings with temperature in a calculator and sign it off as compliant because function couldn't be seen.
Go to and see UV impact as well as heat generation close to boiling temperature. Does that look natural?
Al Gore brought the issue forward and the world will thank him because in my opinion, he isn't alarming enough. We can't generate heat close to boiling temperature in every city, every state, province, country or otherwise. In the winter buildings are generating extreme heat.
Gore is an administrator, it is up to us, the consumer to address it and there is nothing natural about this.