Two of the biggest causes of our troubles are airplanes and chlorine gases used all over the planet, both of which are making holes in our ozone layer, along with a long list of other non human causes like termites and decaying wood..
the ozone layer is the protective thin membrane created by plant and algae lifeforms that serves the purpose of holding oxygen they release in rather than floating off into space. This gives us air to breath, plus the layer also gives some protection from solar radiation which can cause cancer on our skin.
Some scientists theorize there is an unconscious collective mind that orchestrates the happenings of the universe, our Earth, and more. Some say Earth is a living planet, and the many organisms that live here can be lickened to organs of a si;ngle body, (plants are like thelungs that breath, scavengers are like the white blood cells that clean up the stinkies, ocean is the womb of the earth, same salinity as ambiotic fluid, the ozone layer is the think membrance like the skin that keeps the organs in place... )
And as the inside of the earth cools, we unconsciously are warming it up from the outside to prolong an environment that will support current life forms. Just as when you are cold you shiver, you don't think about it, your body just does it on it's own because it has this inner wisdom.. or when you are hot you sweat not because you decide to consciously but because your body knows that some moisture on the skin will cool you down... and we can't stop shivering or sweating because we want to; we have to follow the instructions written into our genes.
so, perhaps the greenhouse effect that is being caused by termites and humans and plants in synchronization is actually an unconscious united effort by all the earth life to keep Mother Earth at a temperature that will support and allow for the survival for Earth ecosystems dependant upon a narrow temperature range to keep Earth's conditions right for incubating life as we know it.
Just like how we shiver or sweat to maintain an ideal temperature. We might be embarrased to sweat so we put on underarm deoderant but the body sweats to keep the temperature right. So we do things that will keep the temperature right when the inside of the earth is cooling down. And don't forget, the sun is also throwing out hot spots right now, which is warming Mars and temperatures too. During the mid 16t h century there was a mini ice age. the Vikings had to leave Greenland then because it was getting so cold. And the rats moved into people's houses for warmth, giving them the bubonic plague as they did so. And a whole slew of other things, too many to mention here.
Earth may be a living organism with us as one of her organs. And our job might be to warm things up when the crust of the earth is cooling causing fewer volcanic eruptions than during past earth history.