Please don't take this personally. It is just something you learn as you grow older. I have been a scientist for a very long time. You probably don't have enough experience to judge the science of climate change. You certainly couldn't have enough years. It was so cold when I grew up in South Dakota. Most people just don't have anything like that in their experience. I used to go ice fishing when it was 30 below and powerful winds. There were months that would go by and the snow wouldn't melt at all. It did get much warmer in the 1980's and 90's. Guess what. It was cold again this year but fortunately I only heard about it. That is just anecdotal evidence and even though it is the most persuasive evidence to those that experience it, it is usually highly biased by normal human nature and experience.
There is no easy answer to your question because the truth is hard to accept. The science is completely bogus and contrived. It was contrived by manipulation of simple logic that is beyond the level of understanding of the vast majority of scientists let alone someone wanting to become a scientist. If you want to see how they manipulated the data, which is the foundation of other scientists, read the emails. It shows the corruption. It isn't a pleasant or easy short read. If you read that, you wouldn't ask for peer reviewed material any more. They completely bastardized the peer review process. That is the worst part of the scandal, that and the way the fudged the numbers to show what they expected or wanted to see.…
If you want to see how this all began, read the writing of someone who saw it first hand and was even described by alarmist scientists involved with fudging the data as a "very bright scientist" or something to that effect. He is a professor of atmospheric physics from MIT.…
When you are young, and we have all been there, you base what you know on what is told you. You don't, unless you are a rare genius, have the ability to tell if what you are being told is credible. In something as complex as climate, you don't even have the ability to ever know for certain that someone doesn't know something you don't no matter how smart you are. You learn by experience and it often has to do with assessing the motives of those that are telling you how something works. If it is too convenient and is just what the person wanted to find, you doubt it. That is an essential requirement of analytical thinking. You don't concentrate on understanding what they are telling you, you have to take it apart. How do you take something as complex as the explanation of the climate appart?
You attack the premises to see if they hold up.
1. Premise one. Mann's hockey stick. He completely revised history with his graph. It was precisely what he needed to show catastrophic human caused warming. If that isn't a huge red flag, then nothing would be. He basically used tree ring data that he figured would match warming. There are many things besides warming that make trees grow. Rainfall, insects, clouds, winds, humidity are just a few examples. He didn't even check if the tree rings matched current data when the temperatures were record. Someone pointed out to him that they didn't match. He had to hide the decline in the tree ring proxy data by just inserting the actual data as if it were part of the tree ring data. He also needed to remove the fluctuation. He used other "cherry picked" (my assumption) data to smooth the fluctuation. Then his poorly written code always showed the spike at the end. He tried to hide his known to be bogus program from normal scientific review. That eventually fell apart as most contrived science does. It doesn't stand up to the real world or simple logic unless you can hide the data. That was the basis for the catastrophic warming predictions.
2. Computer models. Those were designed and funded to prove global warming. They could change several fields and get any value they like. The real world doesn't match the models. The models all require that there be a hot spot in the mid troposphere where the warming is greater than at the surface. That has something to do with how the radiation is needed to be blocked before going into space. The actual warming is from the vastly more significant greenhouse gas water vapor. The models don't accurately predict clouds which are the obviouis main feedback mechanism of the climate. They don't accurately predict ocean currents which are the driver of the periodic oscilations of warming and cooling. There is one in the Pacific having to do with El Ninos and cycles that take longer in the Atlantic where the north south winds shift direction. Both have dramatic impacts on climate. The models don't predict solar activity. They don't predict volcanic activity. They assume that they understand everything when there is considerable doubt about all the possible effects from the solar cycle. I won't mention all of them but there are several besides variations in cosmic rays, luminocity, amount of UV, height of the stratosphere and other things that may have an effect on cloud albedo or feedback mechanism. They don't understand the effect of aerosols which are small particles. They don't even know if they are positive or negative. With all this uncertainty, they proclaim the science settle because of computer models. Red flag anyone.
3. Actual mechanism of CO2 absorbing heat. There is no reflection of heat or accumulated layer that gets thicker. The bands of CO2 are absorbed to extinction in few hundred meters. No extra radiation from the ground gets trapped. Most of the heat is absorbed in the first ten meters. You theoretically get warming directly from CO2 primarily by two mechanisms. One is compressing the distance that the heat is absorbed. The other is trapping more heat before it leaves the atmosphere. You don't get any significant radiation difference from the CO2 at lower levels no mater how much you raise it. It is already absorbed all the heat. You will get some after the heat has risen very high in the atmosphere and the bands aren't blocked anymore. The difference is going to be very small because CO2 is a poor greenhouse gas with a very narrow bandwidth of absorption. It absorbs 8 percent of the thermal. When it transfers the heat to the air around it, and thus causing the warming, the air is free to transfer that heat again and other CO2 will absorb it. There is only 8 percent of the original 8 percent there. The rest went to space or back to the surface. The difference is not significant except that you shortened the distance that the heat is absorbed. Since the distance is so short you have convection acting on it. That spreads the heat and cancels the effect from compressing the distance. CO2 also takes more and more to get the same effect so increasing the CO2 has much less effect than it would have had if it were far lower in concentration than it ever was. The first 100 ppm would have a much more dramatic effect. Even that only accounted for a degree or two of warming. There is 33 degrees of warming from greenhouse gases. 95 percent is from water. Water absorbs about 50 percent of the band rather than the 8 percent that CO2 does so it tranfers the heat better or actually acts as a better insulator since more is prevented from escaping to space. That is how the earth cools. It cools by radiation. There is a balance between the radiation coming in and leaving. If more heat escapes than visible light energy strikes the earth, then the climate cools. That isn't the same thing as the warming effect. That is considering how the air is radiating heat to space. if it decreases, the climate warms. It is a simple heat engine. The problem is that the engine has feedback mechanisms that control the temperature.
4. Water vapor acting as a positive feedback. Now this is the crucial part of the global warming debate. It is required to be true for there to be serious warming. It is very persuasive. More heat means that the air can hold more water. More water means more heat trapped. The reason it is flawed is that you have to consider the air warmed from the CO2 to be somehow different form the air warmed by water vapor. Otherwise you would have a positive feedback and the temperature would keep rising. That doesn't happen so the theory is essentially rendered illogical before you plug it in. That doesn't stop them though. Why would it, they just plug it in and get the warming they want and need to keep being funded.
Another great source of understanding the mechanisms involved in changing the temperature. It is something you need to get a grasp of the complexities of what they are trying to model.…
Here is a great source on the lack of the signature of global warming.…
If you call that lack of data, then you didn't read the links.