Why does a disproportionate amount of conservative Christians think global warming is not real or a threat?
2007-05-10 17:16:20 UTC
Why does a disproportionate amount of conservative Christians think global warming is not real or a threat?
Twenty answers:
2007-05-10 19:53:23 UTC
Conservatives (and a number of the rest of us) smell a taint of communist state thinking in many of the environmentalists, and a great deal of kookiness. And there is a great deal of evidence for it. I say this sadly as a conservationist myself who used to answer to 'environmentalist'.

"The only real good technology is no technology at all." John Shuttleworth

"Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental." -- Dave Forman

"To feed a starving child is to exacerbate the world population problem" -- Lamont Cole

Too many of the environmental leaders are anti-wealth, anti-individuals and even anti-human. They have lost their direction and sense of proportion.
eric c
2007-05-10 21:22:48 UTC
Because conservative Christians do not trust the liberal media. So they do not rely on them for the information. They look beyond.

Take in point this study that shows there is a way better correlation between sun spots and temperatures than co2 and temperatures.

How many in the general public have heard of this study, regardless if it is right or wrong? Why is it not reported?

In 1988 newsweek publish a story that said global warming was real and that humans are responsible for it. So before the study of climate change even began they were proclaiming unanimity. Scientists say that climate change and its effects is one of the most complex issue ever tackled. Even now to make such a claim is preposterous. But in 1988, that would have to be an outright lie.

The reason they are claiming unanimity is that they do not want people to question the science. Take for instance the drop in temperatures from 1940-1975. According to the co2 theory that should not have happened. Co2 shot up during that period. But you are not going to question this anomaly. If all the experts agree, then it must be true. Who are you to question the experts. I can assure you scientists are questioning this anomaly, and so should you.

What about the U.N. They say it is true. It is a political body with political decisions. For more info read here.

Finally, the question is why are liberals so quick to dismiss the above study? They do not have to agree with it, but they are not even going to consider it.
2007-05-11 00:10:12 UTC
Eric C, and a couple others have made good points to consider, have you given just consideration to their points? Probably not, because it is easier to bash a certain group than it is to be truly knowledgeable about an issue. This is a FAD so why be a part of it.

For those who believe, falsely, and foolishly, that Christians believe that God wouldn't let bad things happen to us, think again. Yes He would, and is. If you think now is bad, you haven't seen anything, yet. It gets worse, a lot worse, before it ever gets any better. The problem is terminal, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. That is stated from a Biblical perspective.

Why do conservatives, and Christians in general not want to believe the scientists, and woe mongers, well, in part because we know what is coming and know that there is nothing that can be done about it. There is also the issue of Al Gore, and his gorish predictions that have been proven to be untrue. Why be foolish and listen to a liar, which he has been proven to be. So, in point of fact, we do know what is going on, more or less, and know that the outcome is going to be what it is going to be. Besides, if 1 prophet of doom, like Al Gore has been proven to be untrue, what are the odds that the rest are just as wrong. For centuries people believed that the world was flat, do we still believe that today? When Goddard was doing his experiments with rockets, there was a woman that wanted him stopped because she feared that one of his rockets would pierce the glass shell around the earth and let all of our air escape. Hasn't that been proven to be incorrect? So, why believe someone just because they have a horror story to spout about, especially when they have been proven wrong? That is the problem, in part. People like Al Gore have a tale to spin, and an agenda to keep, and we are simply tired of all of this prattle, as we are of those who parrot it. All things considered, those who wish to be on this lie train, do you not realize that you are also helping to poison the planet? The source is the electronic equipment that keeps being thrown away. This is in the millions of pounds every year. Every time you throw away an electronic device, you add to the problem of poisoning the planet. So when are all of you going to quit being a part of the problem and practice what you preach, which most of you are not doing. Bash, others, by all means, be a part of the solution, nope, you would rather run your mouths and be a part of the issue rather than a part of the cure. For all of the time wasted bashing others about what they are not doing, you yourselves become part of the very issue you complain about. "You" are just as bad as "you" claim the conservatives are.
2007-05-11 02:17:12 UTC
The majority of conservative Christians believe that the Bible is exactly literally true. They thus believe that the world was created by God in exactly six days, some time about six thousand years before the present. They do not accept the theory of evolution by means of natural selection. Some of them do not accept that the earth moves around the sun. They do not accept that the sun is a minor star at the edge of a large galaxy called the Milky Way, and that the Milky Way is a young galaxy nowhere near the center of the known universe. They do not accept that either the Bible is book of fables, or that God is a cruel practical joker who created a Grand Canyon of the Colorado to provide false evidence that the world is at least several hundred million years old. They believe that the End of Days prophesied by the Biblical Jewish and Christian prophets is almost at hand, and that the world as we know it will soon come to an end, making all such issues as global warming irrelevant. They believe that Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead by his own efforts, ascended directly to heaven shortly thereafter, and will return soon to become the King of the Jews and the King of the World.

Of course, most of them do not read or understand the Hebrew language in which the Old Testament is written, so they really have a very poor idea of what the text actually says in its own language and what its authors probably meant it to mean. Most of them also do not read or understand First Century Greek, the language in which the New

Testament was written, so they really have a very poor idea of what that text actually says and what its authors probably meant it to mean. They do have the English translations promulgated by their respective denominations, but probably do not know that each Christian denomination in America has its own English translation of the Bible and that none of them agrees with any other. They also do not know that the Hebrew and Christian scriptures in our possession today are the products of religious committees formed to "fix" the texts of their day, and that each such committee discarded some material, edited some material, and used unchanged some material from the pile they had in their own time.

It is in fact not possible that any Judeo-Christian scriptures we have today are exactly and precisely the literal word of God and the absolute truth, no more, no less. Furthermore, nowhere in the Old Testament does the author/narrator claim that the text is inerrant. There is even a place in the writings where it appears that the Book of Deuteronomy may have been a revisionist text produced by the High Priests of the Judaic Sacrificial Cult as a means of establishing their religious primacy over local congregations and local priests making sacrifices elsewhere in the Holy Land.

This is America - everyone has the right to their own religious faith, and to practice their rituals without government interference. However, it is also prohibited to have any religious test for Federal office and to establish any one religion as primary or official more so than any other. Pagan idol worshipers have the same rights in America as Christians, and the government is barred from basing policy on religious doctrine. It is unconstitutional to bar a Mormon from the Presidency. It is unconstitutional to base policy on inspiration from Jesus Christ instead of on sound science, sound history, and sound technology.

Go figure!
2016-05-20 04:54:03 UTC
It's a hoax that 10 thousand scientists are involved in, they want nothing less that world domination. Best kept secret in the world. The only question that should still be around is how much of it is man made, and how much is part of the natural cycle of the planet earth. Personally I think were in a cooling cycle from what the numbers show but we are heating up, in a way we are preventing the next ice age. If we can pump out enough co2 maybe we can just skip the next ice age altogether.
2007-05-10 18:19:53 UTC
Maybe if the "facts" were delivered by people who set an example instead of being blatant hypocrites. I would point out that a little more credence would be given to the accuracy of forecasts that project 80 years from now if they could just get the weekend right. I do believe global warming is a problem, however, the monkeys delivering the message need to be a bit more convincing that they believe it as well.
2007-05-14 13:42:33 UTC
I do what I am able to do, and I am learning new ways to do my part about Global warming Being a Christian I also believe that God is in charge of the Universe and our Solar system . My trust is in God, while I go about serenely doing my small part.
2007-05-10 18:49:56 UTC
My name and coservative have never been in a sentence together, I don't think lol~

But I can only guess they to figure it has been going on for a LONG time. It is a fad right now and cool to worry about such things that has been around so long. Why worry about it now...

Its like 10 or more years ago we were loosing a inch of soil a year, this issue came and gone.....have we stopped loosing that inch of soil, no just not the cool thing to worry about right now.

Fads come and go.....
2007-05-11 05:40:30 UTC
If we would stop condoning all the immoral actions that some people do, we might not have any global warming problems. As long as people continue to reject God's word it will get worse. Everything that is happening was meant to happen.The Bible says so.
2007-05-10 17:25:57 UTC
Because they have been mislead by people like Pat Robertson who finally even acknowledged global warming is real after years of bashing people who were the ones pointing out the problem.

Well anyway, the Bible makes clear statements about the people misleading others... so good luck.
Danny K
2007-05-14 13:34:11 UTC
Because we in God. If you really want to understand investigate Christianity. Try reading the Case for Christ. God Bless you.
2007-05-14 15:10:41 UTC
Where did you come up with that? Maybe they are more educated. Maybe they are more reasonable. Or maybe they believe their God is in control and they do not have to worry.
A Randome Person
2007-05-10 17:19:39 UTC
Its not about the belief its just the way they think. its probably just a coincedence that most are conservative christians don't believe in global warming. I think most ppl r just in denial they'll except it when they hear more storys of ppl dying and animals dying.
2007-05-10 17:25:46 UTC
Possibly because they think that God is in charge of everything, and man's puny activities cannot change His creation. Also, Conservatives in general can be quite pig-headed when it comes to change of any kind. That, of course, is an insult to pigs.
2007-05-10 17:20:05 UTC
Don't tell me, 87 % of them think it's not real. When you make things up, it's always 87 %. Try some different bait, you baiter.
2007-05-10 19:40:20 UTC
Because they have been brainwashed into thinking God will do everything for them if they pray and are "good" aka- believe in and worship him. They "don't think God would let anything like that happen to us."
2007-05-10 17:35:31 UTC
We're smarter than most people.
2007-05-10 17:34:07 UTC
Same reason they don't believe evolution - they don't believe in science.
2007-05-10 18:11:52 UTC
They want to believe in fairy tales instead of facing reality...
2007-05-10 20:58:08 UTC
Because we're "right"...get it? "right"? I crack myself up.....

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