How common are multiple accounts in the global warming forum?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How common are multiple accounts in the global warming forum?
Twenty answers:
Jeff Engr
2012-08-14 18:47:26 UTC
I have gottn 10 - 12 thumbs down in a matter of 5 - 10 minutes. At the same time all of those with opinions/beleifs/comments like mine have gotten a similar number of thumbs down in the same time frame.

I do not see a requisite number of thumbs up appearing in similar time frames for those who happen to share my opinions.

I have seen this on multiple occations. Outside of one or two VERY short bursts, thumbs up or down generally trickle in. This suggests to me that there are 1 or two people who disagree with my stance on AGW who have mutiple accounts and they go out aggressvely seeking to hide comments they disagree with through a mass hit of thumbs down to answers they do not like.

I have some opinions and ideas of who some of these might be, but I have no proof so it will be left unsaid.
Jeff M
2012-08-14 18:31:41 UTC
I don't think Maxx and Sagebrush are the same person though, from what I've seen, Maxx either has multiple accounts or he has a lot of friends. I remember before all these new 'skeptics' came along the 'skeptic' answers would regularly be hidden from via via thumbs down. Then suddenly all of the realist answers were being hidden from view with many thumbs down. Now it's switched back but I don't really see anything different from the posters here. At least the main ones. There was discussion awhile ago about someone speaking to one of these 'skeptics' and them stating that all their alternate accounts were 'friends' or something similar. the only people who I think would bother doing such things as creating multiple accounts are people like Dr Jello or Richie. Maxx may but in his mind he is doing it for the right reasons. It's more of a psychological/religious thing with him I'm sure.

I'm sure there is also the odd person on the realist side who has multiple accounts as well. I recall one person who created an account just so they could post in a topic they had been blocked in but he let it be known that he did. I don't think Hey Dook is the type to create multiple accounts either nor are any of the other realists to my knowledge that regularly post in here. There was discussion though that there is a group on yahoo that go and vote for various answers as a group and, I'm sure, float from place to place as a group.'

Many of the thumbs down on both sides, though, are just there because of the person speaking not because of what they post. It does get annoying sometimes how you see two people with almost exactly the same outlook and one has been thumbed down and one has been thumbed up when they both said exactly the same thing.

Edit: Jim - I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully he is dealing with the situation adequately. YA can be rather stressful at times if you are of a certain mindset. I've even gotten stressed out now and then and I'm one of the most easy going people I know.
2012-08-14 18:08:42 UTC
they want to pretend there's lots of denialists, because the more there are, generally, the more will join, if you get what i mean. ive also heard that maxx is wayne, too. they keep commenting on al gore.

i dont think its very common, but its mainly the denialists because they need more support.
2012-08-14 20:32:28 UTC
I never had more than a passing interest in whether people had multiple accounts or not-or how they were using them. One thing that I notice, however, is time zone seems to have a lot to do with rapid thumbs downs. I generally visit very early in the morning and answer a question or two over coffee; I often notice that I get thumbs up and thumbs down within a short time after I answer and when I look at the people whose answers follow mine-or sometimes questions that pop up in the category they can seem to align with the time zones I know they're in...and the habits of the answerer or asker. You know, tends to be on line mid-morning or evening their time pretty consistently from day to day.

One never knows for certain and I don't fixate on it. I could care less if someone has multiple accounts, I just look for interesting questions and answers that have some heft to them. Or are entertaining in lieu of useful information.

I only use one account for Y/A.
2012-08-14 20:20:58 UTC

When have peggy, Jeff M, dooke, my self or any other realist ever lied to you.

And the likes of you and Madd Maxx haven't?

You have called me a liar when it is you who have been proven to be dishonest. You even side with known liars like Hansen, Gore and Mann.>

Known liars? Only according to Faux news and denialist blogs. Yes, I do call people on it when they lie or slander honest scientists. Is that what you mean by being vicious? For me, being vicious is saying things about people like Hansen, Gore and Mann, that you wouldn't like having said about yourself. If you have some real evidence that they are wrong, publish it in a scientific journal. The fact that you resort to personal attacks against these people show that you have no contrary evidence, that you just don't like their message.
2012-08-14 18:34:07 UTC
I have around 20 myself but I reserve them for the "Do you think I'm good looking?" questions that I ask with links to a picture of myself on Flickr.

Stacy: Yes, my God you are gorgeous. (and then I give that comment about 19 thumbs up).

On this board though I have my suspicions that a few alarmists have multiple accounts as it's usually the deniers get thumbed down into oblivion all at once. I also think a few people vote themselves for "Top Answer" if the question goes to a vote.
2012-08-15 00:19:00 UTC
I'm not sure how many people have multiple accounts, though like others have said, I think sock-puppeting for thumbing purposes is more common than sock-puppeting for actual questions and/or answers.

I mostly answered to comment that I have only one account, and don't even know who this Lily person is...
2012-08-14 23:50:29 UTC
I'd be very surprised if anyone here, on either side of the issue, answered on multiple accounts. Under the Y!A rewards system, you'd be competing for best answer against yourself. There's nothing to gain and everything to lose by cheating in this way.

Asking a question you already know the answer to, and giving best answer to a sock puppet? Possible, but those cases are very obvious, just check the record, and I've only seen spam bots do it. I don't think any real answerers here are doing that.

Voting thumbs up/down on multiple accounts? That wouldn't surprise me.
Ottawa Mike
2012-08-14 19:12:21 UTC
I would say it's not common at all and probably only one or two persons with way too much time on their hands.

If was more common, I believe we would be seeing 50 or more thumbs up (or up) or down per answer.
2012-08-16 16:09:44 UTC
I have one account. I feel sorry for people that have multiple accounts. People with multiple accounts probably have nothing useful to do and if gaming YA points with multiple accounts brings them some joy, who am I to criticize.

Jim, I am sorry about your brother. I have worked on spectral identification of defects in grain, including ergot and my research will reduce the incidence of ergot in the future. To the unaided eye, ergot infected kernels are charcoal black, larger than average, and light (low density). Although ergot is commonly associated with rye, all cereal grains can become infected.
2012-08-15 22:42:33 UTC
I don't think many here have more than one account, however, it would only need to be a few; there are certainly some strange things going on.

There is a question in voting in which my answer has 13 votes, the others all have 1. A couple of months ago I received 26 votes in similar circumstances. Now my answers can't be that good; someone out there clearly has too much time on their hands!

Jim; l too am saddened to hear of your brother. I agree with pegminer's comments; please pass on my best wishes to him next time you are in contact.

Edit: For the record, I have three accounts; this one, my original one that I used when I used to hang around R&S, and one that I keep for questions such as "why don't these penis enlargement pills work?"; questions that I would be embarrassed to ask as Darwinist!

Really though, I only use this one these days, and would never use the others on this section.

I don't think anyone has accused me of having multiple accounts, but I have been accused of being one of Dana's accounts! That has to be the most flattering thing anyone has said about me; makes it all worthwhile!
2012-08-15 02:18:37 UTC
I'm sure that Jello is still alive and well in this section, lets just say that.

How many of us at least double dip?

I haven't a reasonable clue. It's not unusual, but it's probably not the norm.

I've been around here for years but I usually start up a new account every year or so just to see how many of the old timers respond to the ones they think are newbies.

I only have one account at a time.

Like the poster said, one is probably one too many for me.

Peace and love to all and please send me your SS# and your mothers maiden name.
2012-08-15 09:29:46 UTC
I believe a few people might have multiple accounts, but I don't think it is all that common. I would say someone who feels they must have multiple user names, really has no presence when asking or answering questions and no real valid standing. That level of ignorance is almost everywhere you look.

There is juvenile behavior in politics and corporate America, it is just represented in a different fashion.
Facts Matter
2012-08-14 22:54:38 UTC
I don't think multiple accounts are that common, but I am sure there are a few separate drip-fed denialist accounts that pass down Lie of the Week, both here and on other electronic sites.
2012-08-14 23:10:22 UTC
I am relatively new ("Member since: October 19, 2011") to Y!A and have no clue about how common it is in this, or any other, group in Y!A. It was only recently I realized that it was even possible to have multiple accounts. I use the only one I cared to create.

To jim z:

I use blocking exclusively for the worst case global warming deniers. I do it automatically and without thinking twice. I see five or six arguments from ignorance or parroting of screeds and that is all I need. I have limited time and it immediately helps me better focus elsewhere. It has nothing at all to do with multiple accounts, as you suggest. It saves me time, is all.

I've only applied it in the global warming cases. No one in any other subject I post in is blocked. That said, I will block someone if they write me about a subject when I've asked them not to write me about that subject. So far, I have not had someone sufficiently chronically disobey that where I've needed to resort to it. But I will not waste time, if pressed.

If one of you chronic deniers want to write for any reason at all (I can't imagine why, but I'm open to it) that is sincere, please simply ask one of the others in these groups that I've not blocked and ask them to email me about it. I will remove the block right away, in that case. I'm not about blocking folks who don't abuse privileges and are sincere folks, just because they disagree. I enjoy sincere discussions. But it save me lots of time right now to not have to remember names or read through the same old screeds and the little red mark makes it trivial to skip on by and save my time. But that is only generally speaking. I would embrace sincere debate from anyone who is not quoting someone else but can instead carry an argument on their own.

I wish Y!A would allow me to simply create my own categories (and thumbnail images, I suppose) for marking people. That would let me sort things out, as well, without unintended consequences. But things are as they are. And I don't have a time-waste problem in any other subject area. This is the only group I write in where I feel that need. (Not that there couldn't be others just as bad were I to write in those places. But I don't.)
2012-08-15 03:50:51 UTC
Well the probability factor is astronomical and depends on how (you) observe events.

IMO its a undefined complex system.

What lair would be honest enough to say they are lying?

That's your real question.

Sure, I know...its a incomprehensible reply.
Hey Dook
2012-08-14 20:03:37 UTC
If Sagebrush knows when to use "me" and when to use "I" in a simple grade-school sentence, then he is probably not Maxx, after all, though they've had one heck of an amazing mutual echo chamber going for a long time, so it's hard to believe they are two complete strangers.

I've never ever had more than one account here, though I found it kind of amusing when one denier once upon a time (I think he got himself a life many moons ago and has departed here) was absolutely dedicated to accusing me repeatedly and heatedly of being Dana.

It seems multiple accounts are fairly rare, in this section, but those who use them are (intermittently) quite active. One jerk with a grudge getting his jollies doing nothing but stalking certain people and thumbs-downing everything they do can it make it look like the whole section is infested with cheating aliases. I was hounded like that (as badly as Maxx is now) for many weeks, and then rather suddenly it stopped, coincidentally with a certain flagrantly lying anti-science denier taking a leave of absence from the section.

I think the record will / would show that multiple accounting in the global warming category is more commonly practiced by deniers, but for sure there are non-deniers actively using multiple accounts too. I've also read, a number of times, that the problem is worse in other categories + I consider false reporting a more serious problem than thumbs-downing anyway. Finally, what happened to the YA pilot project where you could classify answers, but not hide them by thumbs-downing?

Edit: Even JimZ manages to say something truthful and accurate once in a while. It's true, and I've never denied it, that I block him and other hard-core anti-science deniers. I've said this before, but on the assumption that a few honest people with open minds might still be interested: UNLIKE multiple accounts, blocking is EXPRESSLY allowed and permitted by the rules of YA. It's a function of the site, not some evil virus that has infected it. This is hard for many people to understand, because many are under the unsurprising yet incorrect MISimpression that YA is some kind of "discussion" or "debating" forum. Even Pegminer who surely knows better calls it a "forum." Read the guidelines: "Yahoo! Answers is a community of questions and answers, not a chat room. If a post is neither a question nor an answer, it doesn’t belong here.";_ylt=Atna6GM4LUYT0ngqcKmDXfvj1KIX;_ylv=3 Those are the actual rules, even if almost every regular here DOES "chat" like I am doing right now here. Dedicated deniers of science (I categorically exclude thereby a huge number of ill-informed passers-by, desperate students procrastinating too long on homework, etc.) are, however, not just occasionally or periodically, but usually and by pure definition NOT here to "pose and answer questions"; they come here to blow smoke, disrupt, deceive, disinform, confuse and sabotage, and parade their often laughable stupidity and arrogant ignorance. There are gazillions of examples of this in the resolved questions. I look forward to the PhD thesis written using that incredible source. If you are serious about getting honest answers to genuine questions, you have little choice but to EITHER put up with bucket loads of endless BS (every idiotic pre-fab lie debunked years ago already on semi-literately endless copied and pasted OR block at least the most egregious sabateurs of information-seeking questions and answers.

That said, I'm not fond of the blocking function here. It's too blunt. If I want to ask a question and let JimZ, for example, answer it, I can't do so without giving him access to ALL my questions. Roughly 1/4 to 1/3 of my first 100 or so Qs and As were "reported" and vaporized, and in almost all cases I had said or done nothing that others hadn't done thousands of times. If I recall correctly, there was even an instance or two where one of my resolved questions was zapped into oblivion by being "reported." Even deniers (ones I hadn't blocked) chimed in to say they saw nothing whatever "violating" about such questions (when I asked). Unfortunately, there is only ONE sure-fire way of stopping your questions from being vaporized at will, and that is to block the vaporizers from access to them.

The much more important reason why I block, however, is to reduce the endless dumping of the same old prefab anti-science lies whenever I ask a question. Ottawa Mike, for example, despite his long-standing, though lately dodging, denial of science, does not do this, and I don't block him.
2012-08-14 18:10:18 UTC
I never believed you had a multiple account. That wouldn't seem to fit your personality.

I believe what I said about Dook, "Who thinks that dook isn't using multiple accounts?"

You can call that accusation if you want. Dook is the only person I block. I started blocking him after he blocked me just so I could identify him better and know who to ignore. Dook always seems to appear with the multiple thumbs downs that come in 5 or 6. In any event, it is an irritating way of cheating YA and an immature way of silencing opinions you don't like.

You might be surprised to learn that twins are separate people so your confused second paragraph makes no sense at all. It turns out that my twin brother has a great deal of knowledge on biology and chemistry, far more than me, and far more than the average biologist or chemist. I know more than he does about geology for obvious reasons. He has every right to his own account.

I wouldn't pretend to know them, but I had two different impressions of Sagebrush and Maxx, and I agree with both most of the time.

I have one account as well.

Note: Lily seems like Chem flunky to me. I remember I used to be convinced that Dana had multiple alias. I still think that is likely but generally people who think humans are a negative influence, and vote for Obama, tend to also easily be convinced that we are causing the planet to warm. It is probably just a shared delusion rather than multiple accounts. Lately however, it is clearly an alarmist using multiple accounts.

You would think YA could deal with it. I wish they would suspend all of the accounts and identify them. The problem is, they would just invent new ones.

Note, My brother Bob accidently injested ergot poisoned rye and it apparently damaged something and he is having difficulty with his short term memory as well as balance. He still knows his stuff but I think YA is no longer easy for him.

Note: I suppose I have to spell it out. I don't know who Dook blocks but it appears to me that he blocks me because he is afraid of the truth. He wants to hide opinions he doesn't agree with. That is precisely what someone with multiple accounts does. That makes him a primary suspect to me and his appearance near to the multiple thumb attacks just makes it even more likely.

Dook. I am not interested in your mindless nonsense.
2012-08-14 18:44:33 UTC
Just for the record

1) Me and Sagebrush are not the same person. Any reasonable person would know that.

2) I have ONE account only.


Of late, skeptics are thumbed down very quickly, it wasn't always like that. I doubt it's multiple account of an individual. More likely its organized. Someone has gone to the trouble of getting account holders to regularly downthumb skeptics and upthumb Warmists. As far as I know, that is NOT against the rules.

If they want to go to that much trouble, that's OK with me.


I'm not a liar pegminer, I'm sorry you feel that way.


Oh, that was quick. I see the army of downthummers have arrived and done their job. This is organized, or maybe it's an individual with multiple accounts.

But one thing is for sure --- it's NOT natural.


Another thought. Could it be someone 'at the controls' at YahooAnswers itself that is doing it. They might have the ability to do it without needing multiple accounts.

2012-08-14 19:38:10 UTC
If you notice my thumbs down. Mine automatically get six. Most of the time it is seven almost immediately but at least six.

I don't play those games. I will use this site as honest as I can. We know who are not playing legitimately. About the closest thing to impropriety that I have done is email Maxx. (We really are two different people contrary to popular opinion.)

But you greenies have to cheat and lie to subdue the truth. You have been vicious, relentless and without honesty in the defense of your position. You have called me a liar when it is you who have been proven to be dishonest. You even side with known liars like Hansen, Gore and Mann.

But I will say one thing in your defense. You are a lot of fun because you take everything so seriously and are easily irritated.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.